Five Steps to Manifestation

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated January 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

Manifesting is the metaphysical practice of changing reality using the quantum power of being human. With a certain level of consciousness and conviction, frequency of attraction can be changed to your benefit and attract whatever you desire. Once basic meditation practices have been established and ritualized, then introducing affirmations and manifestation practices into your larger spiritual practice can benefit your life, from small to life-changing ways.

The material universe that dominates our reality is a dimension of reality of a certain frequency. The holographic universe theory states that all the dimensions of the universe spring from a non-local source, call it God, Source, or the Force. With the right rituals, Homo sapiens with brains, body, and voice are able to change how reality manifests from the non-local field.


Though it is possible, manifesting rarely happens on the instantaneous timescale and more often takes continuous input and time to come to fruition. The strength of the manifestation signal (warping of reality fabric) is one input in determining how quickly manifestation happens. Continuous or pulses of manifestation waves of increasing intensity (willpower) will successfully manifest many goals if done long enough to sufficiently remake reality into the same frequency being generated endogenously through manifesting meditation and rituals.

Prerequisites to manifesting are the ability to clear the mind with strong internal awareness and create focus. Your words, thoughts, and body posture all affect the final manifestation pulse wave you create, so you must be as balanced as possible. Be careful what you wish for! Being highly specific with what you want is best and if the manifestation is successful, the accuracy of the manifestation leads to greater confidence in the method actually working. Like a positive feedback loop, after initial success with manifesting, belief in the power of manifesting grows and as a result the success of manifesting increases. Make manifestation rituals a regular part of your lifestyle and as success builds it will become second nature.

Below is a five step manifesting method that I have used to manifest into my life beautiful people, a six-figure job, financial independence, and abundant love.


Establish your Vision

No manifestation will be successful if the desired outcome isn’t clearly defined. Whatever is chosen to be manifested will be manifested, so if someone wants financial independence and chooses to achieve this by focusing on manifesting a new higher paying job, then if successful they will manifest a new higher paying job, though a better job doesn’t necessarily mean financial independence. It’s important to manifest the final desired outcome, and to make that vision extremely clear in focus.

If manifesting financial independence and leaving it open in outcome, the final result of the manifestation practice might be a complete curveball like winning a lottery/sweepstakes or receiving a surprise inheritance, neither of which are job dependent. If manifesting simply abundance, a successful final outcome might be financial abundance, an abundance of friends, an abundance of resources, an abundance of effectively whatever your subconscious desired at the time since the type of abundance wasn’t consciously defined.

Be very specific in manifesting certain desires and also manifest larger waves to accompany them. With the financial independence example, this could mean defining the vision of, focusing on, and manifesting the following:

  1. A successful independent business

  2. Growing financial investments

  3. A reduction in expenditures

Manifesting all of the above creates a complex waveform that propagates through the universe, and with enough input and belief, this wave will attract the very things and conditions that were desired.

One of the key factors in successfully manifesting anything is having absolute faith that it will happen. Having faith is often the hardest aspect of manifesting, so if just starting off being consistent in practicing manifestation rituals is very important in order to make sure the grand goal is a success. Once manifestations begin to happen, faith in the process develops and with this, future manifestations are believed to be all the more possible. The more “far-flung” the manifestation (as you see it), the more input and faith will be required to overcome internal doubts, and therefore having the confidence and self-worth in yourself that you are capable of attracting these things and are worthy of them is paramount in being successful in manifesting anything.

Create Space for Manifestation

Once a vision of what is to be manifested has been outlined, either in your head or ideally written out very clearly, it’s time to create a space for the manifestation ritual. Since it is the willpower and focus that you put into the ritual that determines how strong your manifestation is, it is vital that there are ZERO distractions in your environment.

Establish a Space

Find a space large enough to feel comfortable in that doesn’t restrict your movement. For the duration of the ritual, this should exclusively be your space unless performing a group manifestation. During a manifestation ritual you may feel called upon to stretch, dance, do some yoga, self massage, sing, or basically anything that feels good and right in the moment, so ensure that whatever space you choose can accommodate whatever may arise. Choose an area and location where you can fully express yourself in love and bliss without any outside forces present which can shame or cast judgement on you or the ritual.

Choose a Time

Find a time when your space will be quiet. Dawn is a powerful time for manifesting as most people are still asleep and the world isn’t loud and busy yet. You can envision the power of your manifestation growing like the sun rising over the horizon. Night time rituals also work well due to the world being quiet and free of noise. When I say noise I mean sound as well as thought noise and manifestation noise from others. Everyone is manifesting at all times whether they realize it or now, much of it is collective manifestation. The clearer the individual manifestation signal you can broadcast out into the universe free of outside static, the better. If far removed enough from the hustle and bustle of society, ideally in nature, then performing a manifestation ritual during the day also works. It’s always better to perform a manifestation ritual at any time rather than not perform one at all because the conditions weren’t perfect.

Remove any Distractions

During a manifestation ritual all electronics should be off and far removed from the ritual space. Poorly trained and excitable pets should be sheltered away from the ritual space for as long as is safe and needed. Appliances and anything that makes excess noise and vibrations should be off as well.

Consider your lighting

If indoors, natural lighting is best in order to stay aligned with the circadian rhythm. If early in the morning or late at night, strong daylight temperature bulbs (4500 - 6500k), which promote intense beta 12-30 Hz beta brainwaves, should be turned off. Lower frequency 8-12 Hz alpha brainwaves and 4-8 Hz theta brainwaves are more creative in nature and will propagate better through space based on electromagnetism physics, so choosing dim low-kelvin lighting sources like candles which shift brainwave patterns to alpha and theta rhythms are best. If skilled in visualizing with your third-eye gaze mental picture, then manifesting in complete darkness can be very powerful.

Utilize Energy Focus Points

Objects like crystals, runes, and water can help the manifestation processing by assisting in the process of weaving patterns of what you desire. Using material objects like crystals can help you organize your thoughts and place certain attributes into certain objects. A complex manifestation can have many parts and conditions, and it’s important to remember them all and invoke them as necessary and in the appropriate order. In effect you’re creating a visual reminder with an object and increasing the energy of the ritual space.

From right to left. TOP - Rose quartz and citrine. BOTTOM - Gebo, Fehu, Wunjo

From right to left. TOP - Rose quartz and citrine. BOTTOM - Gebo, Fehu, Wunjo


For example, if manifesting a love relationship into your life, you could utilize rose quartz, citrine, and the elder futhark runes of Gebo, Fehu, and Wunjo. Rose quartz to symbolize love, citrine to symbolize your open heart, Gebo represents balanced harmonious relationships, Fehu represents Venus, the moon, and love, and Wunjo represented happiness and joy. Knowing the attributes of these things, or imbuing symbolism into objects makes a manifestation ritual all the more powerful. If you have objects from your life with deep meaning and powerful memories attached to them, then if appropriate using these objects in a manifestation ritual will be very powerful as you’ll pull from deeper levels of faith and belief when working with these sentimental objects. Using actual money during a financial abundance manifestation for example will help you anchor into the manifestation ritual to really visualize the wealth you wish to have.

Water is a material which holds onto and carries energy and information exceptionally well, so utilizing water during a manifestation ritual is a good thing to do. This can be a bathtub of water that you infuse with your manifestations which you then soak in. It can be a cup of tea that you infuse with your manifestations which you then drink, or it can even be your own body which is ~75% water. From personal experience I can say that hot bathtub manifestation rituals are very powerful in effect. Draw a hot bath, infuse it with the juice of a lemon, herbs, essential oils, bentonite clay or a similar clay, Epsom salt, and coconut/olive/chia/castor oil. You can add cannabis tincture to the water if you want to further increase the full body experience; add whatever you want to the water which will aid you with the manifestation. For example I add the lemon juice to cleanse the water of chlorine and to invigorate my immune system, the epsom salt recharges my magnesium levels, strengthening my bones and balancing my hormones, clay aids in detoxification of my body, and oils nourish skin and hair. You can chant your manifestations into the water as you apply these additions, and then when you soak into the tub allow yourself to feel these forces you have invoked to seep into and invigorate your body.


With an established vision and space chosen, it’s now time to begin the ritual. Every ritual begins with calming and clearing the mind, and the best way to do this is with breath work. Close your eyes and start with long deep breaths, four seconds in and four seconds out works well here, with a slight pause at the top of the inhale and bottom of the exhale. During the initial breathwork there should be zero thinking of the manifestation and any other thoughts surrounding that, only focus on breathing. Feel your diaphragm, ribs, and chest expand and contract. Pay attention to how you feel, observe your state of mind passively and begin calming all your systems. Let out some big sighs, allowing the body to relax and enter into a parasympathetic state. Imagine a glowing white light in the center of your being and then expanding to fill your space brings clarity of thought to mind and dispels any negative thoughts and influences. If negative thoughts are popping up, it is during the breathwork portion of the ritual that you can dispel them safely. If you are unable to transcend beyond negativity then STOP the ritual, plan it for a later date, and practice yoga and meditation until those thoughtforms are worked though and passed. Proceeding with a manifestation ritual with any impurities will manifest those impurities at whatever strength given, either consciously or unconsciously.

Depending on skill and experience level, the initial breathwork can take a few minutes to thirty plus minutes. If proper space was created for the ritual, time should be of no concern, so follow your intuition for how long you need to perform the breathwork until you feel ready. Breathwork can be done standing, seated in lotus, laying down in shavasana, or in any position that is comfortable for an extended period of time. Change postures as needed, and the more open and symmetrical the body posture the better.


Follow your Intuition

With mind clear and vision set, it is time to state the desired manifestation(s). Thinking what you want to manifest is important, visualizing what you want to manifest is very effective, and chanting or speaking what you want to manifest with confidence is the most powerful. Writing down and journaling is also an effective method which has the benefit of being archivable and can be returned to, making repeat rituals especially easy. Combine all these methods of communication for best effect. With thinking, visualizing, speaking, and journaling, you must believe what you are saying for it to come true.

let’s say you are far away from the goal of owning a house debt-free, the first time you think “I manifest into my life a house debt-free”, you might not fully believe what you are saying. This is okay, with each repetition of the statement “I manifest into my life a house debt-free”, your faith and belief that you can manifest this desire will increase. Practice makes perfect. The more confidence in your beliefs you are, and the more you can state your manifestation desires with conviction, the more effective the ritual will be.

Following a premade manifestation script will be limiting because it doesn’t account for your individual experience at that moment. Following your intuition is important, and with all the other factors in place by this point, now let your intuition guide you. If you are struggling in believing a manifestation will come true, then reflect on why that is and do whatever is necessary to work that self-limiting energy out of you. Perhaps your work that energy out by moving your body through dance or yoga, or maybe that’s taking a pillow and hitting the ground with it a few times to burn off steam. It can also be sitting in quiet reflectance with a cup of hot tea or journaling what exactly it is you are feeling. Once all self-limiting beliefs are cast out of the space, then the ritual can proceed. Going through the motions without full conviction will not result in a successful manifestation, you have to be able to feel the magnetic energy being created for what you’re manifesting. In effect you’re telling the universe that you can bear the responsibility of what you desire, be it a new home or relationship, and if you don’t actually want that responsibility somewhere in you consciously or otherwise, then you won’t receive it. The universe will only provide to you what you can responsibly take care of.

Following your intuition during the manifestation ritual may see you increase or decrease the scope of your manifestation as your discover precisely what it is you need/desire. Rome wasn’t built in a day, accept whatever teachings come your way and listen to the guidance of your higher spirit in order to manifest appropriately and responsibly. You don’t want to manifest something that will ruin your life, so be very careful and intentional in what you choose.

Reaffirm your Manifestation

With the ritual now coming to a close, reaffirm any manifestations made and spend time with each one, letting the truth and belief of it sink into your soul. Rise from the ritual having shed any bad habits and self-limiting beliefs and accept with grace the new consciousness that is you. A manifestation ritual is very much a spiritual death and rebirthing process, and to successfully manifest you must be willing to let go of your prior identity in order to step into the new consciousness that you, your higher spirit, and God created together.

Making it here (yes this article!) is a sign that you’re being guided towards these spiritual practices for a reason as planned by your higher spirit and God. Take the time to learn these practices and utilize them as often as possible. For example you can have a big manifestation ritual in the spring to help your garden grow, and anytime you enter into the garden henceforth repeat the manifestations created with the first ritual. If manifesting health and well-being, after the first manifestation ritual, you can repeat the affirmations chosen every time you eat or drink. With a meal you can say “Thank you God for this food you have provided me, may it heal and regenerate my body and grow my vital life force energy”. Pairing visualizations with mini manifestation rituals like this is very effective and it is small practices like these done consistently that are responsible for many of the miracles that occur.

Together the human mind, body, and soul have a powerful influence on the creation of reality as we know it, and with the right knowledge and practice, anyone can manifest whatever they desire into their individual reality.


Useful Resources for Manifesting

In my manifesting practice I have found the following tools and resources especially useful.

  1. The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. As a geophysicist I am fascinated by the junction of physics and metaphysics, and the holographic universe theory provides a neat path for scientifically understanding how phenomenon like manifesting are not only possible but a latent skill everyone possesses. Michael Talbot did a great job explaining the holographic universe theory and supporting it with endless research and historical accounts. Reading this book will increase your faith in the manifestation process tenfold.

  2. Green tea and Chamomile Tea. Green tea and chamomile tea both promote 8-12 Hz alpha brainwave activity and help stabilize the rhythms of the heart, making it easier to enter into a calm meditative state of mind and body. Both green tea and chamomile are very good for your health for these reasons and more are one of my favorite wellness tools that I use consistently.

  3. Elder Futhark Runes. Learning the ancient runic system used by the Celts, Germanic tribes, and Norse peoples has allowed me to very easily summon certain primordial forces of nature simply by chanting the runes desired. I began my study of the runes with the books A Practical Guide to the Runes by Lisa Peschel and Runes for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain. I bought my first set of runes painted in stone, which were good to start with in learning the symbols, and after some time studying with the beginner set I performed the full ritual of creating my own set of runes using the traditional methods. Tarot cards and other archetypical symbols have the same effect here is the runes.

  4. Crystals. All the shapes and colors that crystals come in already provide a useful substrate for manifesting, and learning of their metaphysical properties only increases their usefulness in manifestation rituals. At the very least they are visually pretty and help promote a joyful happy state of mind.

  5. Psychedelics. Psychedelics like THC-rich cannabis and psilocybin containing magic mushrooms change brainwave harmonic frequencies and help the user to experience reality in a different way. Seeing reality manipulate is one way to cultivate the belief that the fabric of reality is manipulatable. Psychedelics open up the energy channels of the body, so they must be used very responsibly and only in nurturing supportive environments. Do not use before the age of 25 and USE RESPONSIBLY.

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