Extremely-Low-Frequency Light and its connection to nearly EVERYTHING
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated February 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
Schumann Resonances. An enigmatic label for a very curious phenomenon. But what are they?
Well Alice, keep reading this guide and you’ll find out, and much more…
The Schumann resonances are named after the man who first theorized of their existence, Winifred Otto Schumann.
W. O. Schumann was an electrophysicist, and back in the early 1950’s as he thought on the Earth’s ionosphere and its properties, he realized that certain frequencies of light would be “caught” in-between the Earth and ionosphere and sustain themselves with little decrease in energy because of:
How radio waves reflect off of the ionosphere
The Earth’s ~40,000 km circumference would harmonize well with light that has an equivalent wavelength of 40,000 km
In 1952 Winifred O. Schumann predicted their frequencies (1), attenuation characteristics (2), how extremely-long wavelengths of light propagate (3), and other general observations (4).
What W. O. Schumann didn’t realize at the time was that he was just scratching at the surface of something much greater. What he first predicted, and then was finally able to observe a few years later (which are now known as the Schumann resonances), are a defining characteristic of Earth which we’re increasingly learning has deep connections to many different and at-first-glance unrelated phenomenon such as geophysics, climate, astrophysics, evolution, bioelectricity, and consciousness.
Learning about the Schumann resonances requires cross-disciplinary knowledge and understanding, which can make the whole process feel daunting for newcomers. To provide you the best experience, educational and otherwise, this Schumann resonances complete guide will lay out the information in the best order, detail, and simplicity as possible.
To begin I recommend you watch my 5:55 minute introductory video below for the basics and to imprint upon your mind’s eye some useful visuals that will help you to conceptualize and understand what the Schumann resonances are as you continue onwards with this guide and your own further research.
Since the Schumann resonances are light waves, to best understand them and how they connect to Earth’s geophysical processes, weather and climate, the Sun, evolution and DNA, human bioelectricity, consciousness, and much more, we first must have a general idea of what light is.
And if all this seems intimidating you’re not alone, it was Albert Einstein himself, the theoretical physicist who revolutionized our understanding of what light is in 1905 (5), and much more of physics afterwards (theory of general relativity), who said the following in a letter to a friend near the end of his life:
““All these fifty years of pondering have not brought me any closer to answering the question, what are light quanta?””
What Einstein is saying here is that even after devoting his life to understanding the phenomenon of light, there was still so much he realized he did not understand. The Schumann resonances are light themselves, and I also suspect we too are just scratching the surface of understanding of what they are and their interactions with us, the Earth, and the universe at large.
Table of Contents
Making Sense of Light
To begin, the Schumann resonances are light. Yes, just like the light we can see, except that they have much MUCH longer wavelengths. Once scientists began to make observations in the extremely & super-low-frequency parts of the light spectrum, 3-30 and 30-300 Hz bands respectively, they noticed that certain harmonic frequencies of light existed at higher power levels than others, just as theorized by W. O. Schumann.
Light is one of the core realities of our universe. There aren’t just one, two, or a few types of light, all light photons are the same other than the fact that their wavelengths exists along an infinite spectrum going from zero to infinity*.
*Physicist Richard Feynman discusses light for five minutes straight (YouTube video link).
The Light Spectrum
The red dot is the foundational mode of the Schumann resonances at 7.8 Hz, the orange dot is mode two at 14Hz, the yellow dot is mode three at 20 Hz, the green dot is mode four at 25 Hz, and the blue dot is mode five at 33 Hz. Schumann frequencies higher than mode five exist but are generally weaker and more rarely observed in a significant way.
The graphic above is of the light spectrum. At the top are the frequencies, in the center are the different categories of light, and below that an example light wave showing how the wavelength becomes shorter with increasing frequency. As you can see, visible light which is what most of us can see with our eyes, is of a much higher frequency than the Schumann resonances. Infrared light, aka the thermal heat we are able to feel (or lack thereof) is of a longer wavelength. The longer wavelength/lower frequency of infrared light is why heat can pass through walls to heat up your home but visible light cannot.
At this point you may be wondering what waves are and what frequency and wavelength mean, and as knowing the physics is of key importance in understanding the Schumann resonances, here is a quick primer:
CC3.0 SoylentGreen
Wave: A wave is a dynamic propagation. We all know waves intuitively, think of the ripples upon a flat surface of water. The general physics for waves are the same, whether they are sound waves or light waves. In the case of water, a wave changes the quiet surface of the water away from equilibrium into a series of peaks and troughs. In a vacuum, light photons create ripples in electric and magnetic fields of potential as they travel along at their natural speed of ~300,000 km/s. Or perhaps light photons are discrete momentary manifestations of potential that enfold in an out of a greater quantum implicate order as David Bohm theorized…there is still much more for us to learn about light.
Frequency (Hz): Frequency is the number of repetitions of a repeating event per unit of time. Frequency is measured in hertz, with 1 Hz equal to one event per second.
To the left or above we see three dots each pulsing at a different frequency. The lower frequency at the top pulses slower than the faster frequencies below it.
The frequency of the foundational Schumann wave has an average frequency of 7.8 Hz which means this frequency of light completes 7.8 wave pulsations per second.
Wavelength: As a wave propagates it continuously repeats its shape, and wavelength is the distance in-between one point on the wave and its exact corresponding point on the next. For example this is the distance between two peaks or two troughs. Below is a simple graphic depicting an electromagnetic (light) wave.
In a vacuum a light wave can travel indefinitely without loss of energy, whereas light photons traveling through a medium, be it air or water or rock, will absorb into the medium at the atomic scale (typically by electrons) at a rate dependent on the atomic characteristics of the medium.
For example, air has a low density of elements and molecules, so photon-electron interactions are rare and the speed of light is virtually unchanged from its max speed in a vacuum. Water has a higher density of atomics and solids the highest, and typically the denser the matter, the slower the speed of light through that medium.
Electric and Magnetic Fields of Potential
Before Einstein’s 1905 paper on light quanta, physicists and other scientists who had observed the wave characteristics of light were searching to explain what medium light waves were traveling through. The search for this mysterious aether as it was known resulted in no conclusive evidence of its existence, but physicist were bent on the quest because waves need a medium to disturb in order to manifest. What Einstein realized and shared with the world was that light is made up of individual particles called photons which has wave-like characteristics, and that no aether was necessary. These photons vibrate at frequencies ranging from zero to infinity, and each vibration of a photon changes the potential of electric and magnetic fields in a wave-like manner.
What is a potential energy? If you imagine a rock placed atop a wall, everyone knows that if the rock is pushed off the wall it will fall due to gravity. The higher the wall, and the heavier the rock, the more force it will impact the ground with. Gravity is a field of potential, and with this example placing the rock on the wall increased its potential energy, and then when the rock was no longer supported the potential energy of the rock was converted into kinetic and thermal energy.
Potential energies are the energies held by objects/things/particles because of their space-time position relative to other objects that hold potential. Whereas gravity is a singular field of potential, light has two fields of potential: electric and magnetic. If we return to the pond with ripples upon its surface, the potential energy of the water is highest along the crest of the waves in the water, and the potential energy is the lowest in the trough.
High potential flows to low potential, and thus waves are created once potential is initially created, which can be visualized as a rising or a sinking in the field as shown below.
Stylized field of potential showing positive charge flowing to negative charge. CC4.0 MikeRun
Photons, the elementary particles of light, change the potential of electric and magnetic fields, and if you measure the potential energy of either field, like you can with a voltimeter for the electric field or with a magnetometer for the magnetic field, what you are measuring is the aggregate photonic signature upon that field at a particular point in space-time (4-dimensional space). Put another way, the total electric or magnetic field value that is measured at a particular point in space-time is the value that all the individual photons sum to. The overall light environment, aka where photons are at any given point in space-time and the frequency they are vibrating at, determines the overall potential field.
Now we can return to the Schumann resonances and understand them from a more greater and holistic vantage point.
The Schumann resonances are frequency bands of light that on Earth consistently have a higher electromagnetic potential that the frequencies surrounding them.
Why do these frequencies on Earth almost always have a higher potential than their close frequency neighbors, or looking at it another way, why aren’t the Schumann resonances absorbed as much as other nearby frequencies of light? What creates light at the Schumann frequencies? To see this visually let’s now look at an extremely-low-frequency (ELF) light spectrogram.
Deciphering a Schumann Resonances Spectrogram
An electromagnetic spectrogram is a visual dataset that shows how the power of light changes across frequency and time. Below is a light spectrogram for the 0-40 Hz range as collected by the Space Observing System in Tomsk, Russia.
0-40 Hz light spectrogram for Tomsk, Russia from July 20th to July 22nd 2022, GMT+7. Three large energy bursts are visible in this spectrogram, along with some other smaller energy signatures.
Reading the spectrogram: The Y-axis shows frequency, the X-axis time in hours. The colors represent the power of the vertical electric field, with blue being low power, green representing medium power, and yellow-orange-red-white representing high power. The Schumann resonances stretch across the graphic horizontally as they are ever-present standing waves, and energy bursts typically show up vertically because they are transient energetic events.
This data spectrogram specifically is showing the vertical electric field potential. Two things immediately stand out:
There are three large power spikes in the ELF light spectrum
There are four horizontal lines of higher power that exist stably across time
The first observation, the three notable increases in power that happened across a wide frequency range for multi-hour durations in time (i.e. the white blobs), are likely due to changes in solar wind altering the Earth’s protective geomagnetic field, which then excites the ionosphere, releasing photons at ELF and other frequencies into the lower atmosphere.
The second observation are the Schumann resonances themselves. On the left side of the spectrogram I placed a color dot each for modes 1-5. As you can see, the horizontal bands of higher power light that make up the Schumann resonances have a general ebb and flow in their power across the time series, which is a diurnal (24-hr) rhythm due to the rising, shining, and setting of the Sun. The diurnal rhythm of the Schumann resonances is also greatly influenced by global lightning activity, with the resonances increasing in power every day during peak lightning activity for each “lightning chimney”, which are located in South America (at 08:00 UTC ), Africa (at 15:00 UTC) and Asia (at 20:00 UTC). To learn more about the diurnal, seasonal, and yearly rhythms of the Schumann Resonances watch my video Schumann Resonances Diurnal Variations (YouTube link).
You can see that mode 1 at 7.8Hz is the strongest whereas modes 2-4 are weaker and mode 5 at ~33 Hz is very faint (usually). If you have an interest in watching the activity of the Schumann Resonances, there are a variety of real-time feeds accessible from around the world, and to learn how to read these data and understand Schumann resonances spectrograms, watch the video below:
If you’re interested in the connection between space weather, Schumann resonances, and human bioelectricity (heart rhythms and brainwaves), as many of you undoubtedly are, learning how to read these light spectrograms is a valuable piece of the puzzle of linking solar system and Earth energetics with how you feel and your state of health at a particular point in time. Do this often and you’ll develop a more conscious, intuitive, and deeper understanding of your how your body, mind, and emotions are affected by the background light environment and how we are a part of the ever-changing energetic reality we live in.
Publically Accessible Schumann Resonances Monitoring Stations
There are a variety of Schumann resonances data feeds that are available to the public. The list below contains the sources that I have found, if there are others that I have missed please share the link in the comments below and I will update this section.
Space Observing System | Tomsk, Russia
VLF Openlab Observatories | Cumiana, Italy. Etna Volcano, Italy. Romagna, Italy. Medicina, Italy. Casina, Italy. Sardegna, Italy. Houeillès Lot et Garonne, France. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
HeartMath Institute | California, USA. Hofuf, Saudi Arabia. Lithuania. Alberta, Canada. Northland, New Zealand. Hluhluwe, South Africa.
The Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Lithosphere
The Earth is not a dead planet. It’s theorized the solar system formed from an accretion disk, and from these early beginnings the Earth has been an energetically active point of space-time. Eventually the Earth cooled enough to support water at its surface and a thick atmosphere, and with the Sun only ~150 million km away constantly emitting energy and particles outwards in all directions, the Earth has from its birth been under constant energetic stimulation from the Sun.
If we think back to what fields of potential are, we can visualize how all the objects of the solar system, most notably the Sun and planets, are areas of space-time with much greater potentials than most of space. Light and other things are constantly crisscrossing through space-time, so in empty space potentials may rise temporarily and then fall as an energetic burst for example travels through, but with planets and the Sun, there is a great accumulation of matter (energy made very slow) and energy that stays relatively constant. This fact in-an-of-itself makes the Earth a focal point of activity, and then the energetic rhythms and relationships deepen because the Earth has many different energetic layers.
Extending out into space the Earth’s magnetic field interacts with charged particles and phenomenon like solar wind, and then the outer-layer of Earth’s atmosphere made up of energetic ions known as the ionosphere interacts with light itself by absorbing and emitting certain frequencies of light. Then in the Earth’s lower atmosphere many energetic processes take place like lightning storms, the Schumann resonances, and aurora. Lastly below the atmosphere in the interior of the Earth (crust, mantle, core) massive electric currents exist and propagate which are known as tellurics.
The Earth's Magnetosphere
The magnetic field of the Earth is dynamic and ever-evolving, sensitive to the Earth’s internal energetic changes as well as to outside stimuli. Below is a representation of the Earth’s magnetic field as viewed from nearby space. Notice the elongation of the field into a magnetotail due to energetic pressure from the Sun’s solar wind.
The main concept to take hold of here is that it is changes to a system that trigger changes to connected systems.
When solar wind conditions are stable, the Earth’s magnetosphere stays relatively unperturbed. When the overall activity of the Sun is low and stable due to it being a solar minimum, the Earth’s magnetosphere is quieter on average than it is during solar maximum when the Sun is volatile and highly energetic. When the magnetic field lines of the magnetosphere expand or contract through space-time and subtly change in their frequencies, these changes alter the behavior of photons within the field which can then manifest as ionospheric changes, changes to the Schumann resonances, and changes to telluric currents, among many other variables (like weather, aurora, earthquakes, etc).
The magnetosphere typically routes energetic particles to the Earth’s poles, where visual energetic phenomenon like aurora are more often observed. Below is a video from the European Space Agency (ESA) showing the Earth’s magnetic field from 1999 to 2016. Notice that the poles are strong and the center is weaker, especially around South America.
It’s common to think of the Earth’s magnetic field existing just in the space around Earth, or just at the surface where it’s measurable via a compass, but in reality this field exists in all areas of space-time, from the core of the planet through the interior outwards into the atmosphere and then into the empty space of the solar system and universe. When discussing the Earth’s magnetic field its strength is relevant, and the closer you get to the core the stronger it becomes.
Because the magnetosphere goes through and has connections with the ionosphere, it stimulates energetic changes in the ionosphere when it changes (6). The same is true for the Earth’s lithosphere (crust and upper mantle). The ESA also made observations of the Earth’s lithosphere magnetic field which are interesting.
The magnetosphere and lithosphere each have their own energetic properties, and in-between them lies the ionosphere.
The Earth's Ionosphere
Being the outermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, the ionosphere is exposed to a large amount of solar radiation coming from photons, charged particles, and more. The Sun isn’t the only energetic influence either, cosmic rays from the entire universe hit the Earth at every moment.
The upper atmosphere (ionosphere) is less dense than the lower atmosphere due to gravity (and much less dense than liquid or solid matter) and the molecules and particles it does contain are highly charged due to all the radiation received. These unique conditions give rise to the fourth state of matter known as plasma, and the ionosphere is made up of these highly-energetic plasma ions. Under certain conditions these ions will release light in the visible part of the light spectrum and thus glow different beautiful colors.
The ionosphere expands and contracts in size and field-strength everyday due to the spin of the Earth in relation to the Sun. As the Sun rises and more solar radiation hits that part of the ionosphere, it expands downwards towards the Earth’s surface creating what’s known as the D-region. As we’ll discuss more in the following section, the expansion and contraction of the ionosphere alters the strength of the Schumann resonances.
Another variable which influences the ionosphere greatly is whether the Earth is experiencing solar storm conditions or not. Below is graphic displaying how the electron density of the ionosphere increases during a solar storm. Take note that the movement of the colorful-blob (highest electron density) across the Earth is from the relative movement of the Sun across the Earth’s surface.
Though the ion density of the ionosphere is relatively low, it has a very large electric potential of 250,000 - 500,000 volts and is host to massive electric currents millions of amperes in strength because it is highly conductive (7). The frequencies of the Schumann resonances have been measured bleeding out into space (8), and this means that not only are the Schumann resonances present below the ionosphere but also in the ionosphere and beyond. There is a connection between the energetics of the ionosphere and the emission of photons vibrating at Schumann frequencies.
Above or to the left we see how the vertical electric component of the 7.8 Hz foundational Schumann resonance, 14 Hz mode 2, and 20 Hz mode 3 all increase in power with the start of sunrise (9).
The first mode typically resonates with the most energy and as a result, the impact of sunrise on its power level is less in percentage than it is for the higher modes. As you can see the 7.8 Hz Schumann resonance here increased in power (amplitude) by about 25% from sunrise.
Mode 2 increased in power from sunrise by about 30%, and mode 3 increased by about 35%.
This increase in the power of the Schumann resonances during ionospheric sunrise is one of the geophysical rhythms the human body uses to establish its circadian rhythm, in addition to changes in visible light and temperature. If you’ve ever noticed yourself waking up right before the sunrise, it may have been because you were particularly sensitive to the low-frequency wake-up signal of the Schumann resonances that morning!
The Earthly energetic changes the ionosphere is able to stimulate go beyond just the Schumann resonances. The massive electric currents of the ionosphere induce electric currents in the Earth’s lithosphere, and now we’ll explore these tellurics in relation to the Schumann resonances.
Schumann Resonances and Tellurics
Though the Earth’s lithosphere is made up of high-density low-energy matter whereas the Earth’s ionosphere is made up of low-density highly-energetic plasma, the lithosphere is still very active energetically. Earthquakes rumble, tectonic plates and landmasses move and shift, and electric currents pulse through the surface of the Earth. Measured most easily at the surface of the Earth, these electric currents are created in many different ways, exist throughout the entire interior of the Earth, and have a large range in potential strength due to a variety of factors but are usually quite weak (10).
When lightning strikes the Earth’s surface, these highly-energized electrons radiate outwards from the point of impact as strong tellurics which are then absorbed into the rocks and minerals of the surrounding lithosphere. When the Sun tracks over the surface of the Earth, through direct stimulation and ionospheric induction, tellurics are generated which propagate across space-time. Again tellurics are electric currents, and electric currents are created when a difference in electric potentials exist. The greater the opposing potentials, and the greater the conductivity of the medium between the potentials, the stronger and faster the current flow is.
Just as Schumann resonances are observable in the ionosphere and atmosphere, so to do they show up distinctly when electromagnetic readings are taken of the lithosphere.
Power spectrum of subaudio-frequency natural magnetic field (10). Superimposed upon this image I have placed six colored dots representing modes 1-5 of the Schumann resonances, and purple for mode 6 at 39 Hz.
Schumann Resonances and Earthquakes
Energetic connections exist between the universe, the Sun, and the Earth. As energy moves and changes in one system, let’s say the Sun, all the other systems linked to it change correspondingly depending on their relationship. In the case of the Earth, the magnetosphere and ionosphere are the two main parts of the Earth that are energetically connected to forces existing outside of the Earth such as the Sun, the other planets, energetic events from distant starts like supernova, and more.
The Earth is one system, we’ve just scientifically split it into different parts (magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere, oceans, lithosphere, core) and analyzed them. Because of this many people have lost sight of the larger unity and fail to realize that all of Earth’s systems are interconnected and dynamically respond to each other. A good example of the interconnected nature of the Earth energetically is observed before, during, and after earthquakes.
When the necessary scientific equipment is operational at the right time and place, extremely-low-frequency energy emissions from the Earth’s lithosphere are often observed before an earthquake occurs. This energy is typically in the 15-35 Hz range, being strongest at mode four of the Schumann resonances at 25 Hz. The larger the impending earthquake, the bigger the telluric currents pulsing through the Earth and the stronger the Schumann waves being created from those electric currents (remember an electric current produces a magnetic field). Additionally shallower earthquakes have less of their ELF energy absorbed by the surrounding rocks and more of the photons make it into the atmosphere. Under certain conditions (strong tellurics at shallow depths), the powerful ELF waves created are then absorbed into and alter the ionosphere significantly, changing the frequency of the F2 layer and increasing its electron density.
In effect, extreme electromagnetic emissions in the ELF spectrum and significant ionospheric anomalies not caused from the Sun frequently turn out to be pre-earthquake signals. What’s also been found is that these pre-earthquake electromagnetic signals interact with the human bioelectric system and can cause health issues that range from mild to severe.
I go much more in-depth into the connection between the Schumann resonances, earthquakes, and biophysics in my 1-hour long research review below, so if you’d like to learn more about the Schumann resonances in this regard please watch this video.
When you place yourself into conductive contact with the Earth via earthing, you connect to the lithospheric Schumann resonances which influences you bioelectrical system (11). DNA itself has semi-conductor properties (12) and there is increasing evidence that the electromagnetic forces acting on the electrodynamics of DNA exert a significant role, possibly even the main causal role, in determining DNA expression (13). You can learn more about tellurics, earthing, and how the importance of this for your nervous system and health by watching my video below or by reading my comprehensive article on earthing.
Creation of the Schumann Resonances
Early after W.O. Schumann theorized the existence of electromagnetic standing waves that resonate in-between the Earth’s surface and the highly-charged ionosphere, now a phenomenon we know as the Schumann resonances, he and others attributed these energies to lightning strikes, and they were correct. Lightning is a massive surge of electrons, which in the process of moving from point A to B through space-time release photons across the full light spectrum. Lightning strikes visibly light-up dark sky conditions because they release an enormous amount of visible light, and lightning strikes also release light at ELF frequencies, like the Schumann resonances, up to extremely-high-frequency gamma rays (14). What it seems many fail to realize is that lightning is just one source of many that feeds the Schumann resonances and that lightning is not the only producer of Schumann waves.
Take for example the electric currents that travel through the subsurface of the Earth known as tellurics. When conducting magnetotelluric surveying, a geophysical method that measures the intensity and frequencies of tellurics, the Schumann resonances are typically observable as distinct peaks in the power spectral density plots. Light photons vibrating at Schumann frequencies created from lightning strikes pierce into the Earth from above, and photons vibrating at Schumann frequencies are almost certainly fed from below too.
The Earth has a planetary magnetic field at an average strength of 45,000 nT. What this means is that processes within the Earth contribute to create an electromagnetic field with a relatively stable density of photons. The majority of the Earth’s magnetic field is created from within the planet’s interior, with geophysical and mineralogical evidence suggesting there is a solid inner ferromagnetic core and outer “liquid” metal core which is undergoing convection (15). In-between the Earth’s core and the Earth’s surface lies thousands of kilometers of mantle.
The super-heated and pressurized minerals of the Earth’s mantle are ductile and host convective forces that operate on geologic timescales. Unlike the atmosphere, which is type of low-density matter, the mantle is solid and very dense. What this means is that photons emitted from the core of the Earth have a high likelihood of being absorbed into the mantle. The higher the frequency of these photons, the more likely they are to be absorbed. Photons absorbed into the mantle energize the atomic structures of those minerals, creating constant changes to the electromagnetic field potentials of the Earth’s interior, driving telluric currents of massive amperage. Conductivity of the mantle increases with depth and thus tellurics increase in strength with increasing depth going all the way to the Earth’s core.
I mention photon-mantle interactions because it’s very common for geophysicists, other scientists, and those “in-the-know” to state that the Earth’s magnetic field is incredibly weak, weaker actually than a common fridge magnet! At any particular location in space-time on Earth’s surface and above, this many be true, but it’s a gross misrepresentation of the true reality of Earth’s magnetic field. In reality most the Earth’s electromagnetic strength is absorbed into the mantle at the atomic scale and this electromagnetism is then re-emitted and expressed differently at different space-times. Remember that a photon traveling at the speed of light passes from the core through the mantle (if avoiding absorption) to the surface in about 10 milliseconds because the mantle is ~2900 km thick and the speed of light is ~300,000 km/s.
What this means is that the electromagnetic field the Earth produces is incredibly strong, just that much of the photonic strength is absorbed back into different parts of the Earth before reaching the surface, with these energies then driving different geophysical phenomenon like telluric currents. Light vibrating at lower frequencies are less likely to be absorbed into the medium they’re, and that’s why the majority of the Earth’s magnetic field strength (i.e. the field lines) is <1 Hz in frequency. Schumann resonances, still being extremely low frequency in nature, starting at >7 Hz, are absorbed more readily into the mantle and crust than <1 Hz waves, but a not insignificant amount of photons vibrating at Schumann resonances frequencies make it to the Earth’s surface and then release into the atmosphere.
Schumann resonances, i.e. specific frequencies of light, are not only attributable to lightning but also to the energetics of the Earth’s interior itself. In addition to this, the ionosphere also feeds into the Schumann resonances.
When the low-energy nighttime side of the Earth rotates into view of the Sun, the influx of solar radiation energizes the ionosphere and observable increases in the intensity of the Schumann resonances is observed at this time, known as ionospheric sunrise. The ionosphere being made of highly-energetic plasma ions has the ability to emit light photons across a wide frequency range, and the Schumann frequencies of 7.8, 14, 20, 25, and 33 Hz (and higher modes still) lie within that range.
As you can see we have three clear sources for the Schumann resonances: Lightning strikes, the Earth’s core, and the ionosphere. And that’s not all…the human body, most notably the heart and brain, emits photons of light in the frequency range that the Schumann resonances occupy. While the number of Schumann photons that a single person contributes to the Schumann resonances is extremely small, these contribution nevertheless exist.
Holographic Theory of Consciousness
Take these bioelectric contributions across all of humanity, or going even larger, from all life on Earth that emits light photons that vibrate at Schumann frequencies, and the contribution is likely of significance, just in a way not yet understood well. I explore this topic more and its relationship to consciousness in the video below.
In the next section we’ll go in-depth on the overlap between the Schumann resonances and biology.
In this section I hope I impressed upon you the larger picture at play and that the Schumann resonances are much more than just an effect from lightning strikes.
The Schumann resonances exist because light photons vibrating at those frequencies attenuate slower than their neighboring frequencies due to the physical characteristics of the Earth-ionosphere waveguide they resonate in. There are many physical processes that emit (and absorb) light photons at Schumann frequencies, and all of them contribute to create and sustain the overall higher electromagnetic field potentials of the Schumann resonances that exist on Earth.
Schumann Resonances and Human Bioelectricity
The human body is not electromagnetically inert but rather is pulsating with light energy at many different strengths and scales. The electrical activity of the nervous system demonstrates this truth easily, and the bioelectric system as it is known has many other layers of complexity. In this section we’ll discuss the overlap between the Schumann resonances, human brainwaves, and heart-rhythms.
Schumann Resonances Overlap with Human Brainwaves
As covered many times now, the Schumann resonances occupy tight frequency ranges bounded around their average frequency of 7.8 Hz, 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 25 Hz, and 33 Hz. These are collections of light photons at higher-concentrations than nearby frequencies that are vibrating that many times per second. Simple enough!
With the invention of electronics, it was soon discovered that across the human body various electromagnetic rhythms pulsate (16). When scientists first connected electrodes to the head to measure the electric potentials of the brain, they discovered that the brain generates strong electric activity in the 0-50+ Hz range. Electric currents are one component of an electromagnetic wave, and an electromagnetic wave is a representation of the average activity of light photons at a point of space-time.
In effect what was discovered is that the human brain emits photons vibrating in rhythmic patterns, which happen to exactly overlap with the Schumann resonances in the same part of the infinite light spectrum. The significance of this goes even further when you consider the evidence that the size and shape of the human skull in relation to the size and strength of a neural spike (electrical discharge of a neuron) is nearly perfectly fractal in scale to the relation of the size of the Earth to lightning strikes (17).
Brainwaves have been separated into distinct frequency ranges which tend to be associated with distinct regions of the brain and certain states of consciousness. The different types of brainwaves are as follows:
Delta Waves | 0-4 Hz | associated with: very deep sleep, the subconscious, emotions, the endocrine system
Theta Waves | 4-8 Hz | associated with: REM sleep, deep relaxation, creative states of mind, learning
Alpha Waves | 8-12 Hz | associated with: eyes closed relaxation, calm states of mind, focused flow states, reflection, visualization
Beta Waves | 12-30 Hz | associated with: waking consciousness, alertness, concentration and focused states of mind
Gamma Waves | 30+ Hz | associated with: Higher consciousness, problem solving, highly creative and meditative states, widespread brainwave synchronicity, ideation, epiphanies
If we overlap the Schumann resonances with human brainwaves we get the following:
7.8 Hz Schumann frequency | Upper-theta to lower-alpha brainwave
14 Hz Schumann frequency | Low beta brainwave
20 Hz Schumann frequency | Middle beta brainwave
25 Hz Schumann frequency | Upper beta brainwave
33 Hz and greater Schumann frequencies | Gamma brainwaves
To put this into context, both the Earth and human brain vibrate energetically at these frequencies, and they also have the same relative picotesla (pT) strength, and one theory is that the brain emits brainwaves at these frequencies because the Earth naturally has these resonate frequencies. Photons carry energy and information, and as everyone knows, life uses light across a variety of wavelengths to sense its environment and control its biologic operations, from autonomic to conscious. It is evolutionary advantageous therefore to utilize the natural standing waves of light that exist at greater strengths (the Schumann resonances) in order to increase biologic efficiency, and there are many evolutionary realizations that result from this understanding.
If the 14 Hz Schumann wave is vibrating stronger than typical, then low beta brainwave activity would be increased over normal baseline. Likewise if there is a strong energetic burst across the entire ELF spectrum, then all the Schumann resonances will be amplified in strength, and the bioelectric rhythms of the brain and body at these frequencies would change in response, dependent on the phase and strength of the activity of the Schumann resonances.
The connection deepens when you consider the activities of certain parts of the brain, such as the hippocampi. Located on each side of the brain within the temporal lobe is a structure known as the hippocampus. The hippocampus is notable in particular because no matter your age it is undergoing abundant neurogenesis, i.e. the creation of new neurons. As part of the temporal lobe, the hippocampi take part in memory, learning, language, and spatial orientation tasks. In essence, the hippocampi and the temporal lobes at large help us in our orientation of space-time.
The predominant brain rhythm of the hippocampi is an 8 Hz wave, meaning that neurons in the hippocampi electrically spike approximately eight times per second. This as we know is the same frequency as the foundational mode of the Schumann resonances, which has a peak strength on average of 7.83 Hz, but ranges from 7.2 to 8.3 Hz or so. The tasks of the hippocampi are particularly important for evolutionary fitness and higher consciousness, and it makes perfect sense that the brain would evolve to “piggyback” on the energy of the strongest and most stable background electromagnetic standing wave in order to improve the functioning of this critical brain region.
As mentioned earlier, photons are not only energy, but also encode information into their waveforms. Stepping back to examine the bigger picture, photons vibrating across the entire spectrum of light create what’s known as a holographic interference pattern. All the different frequencies of light at their relative photon densities are constantly changing, and from this holograph the activity of the whole can be deduced from just a section. In effect, all the information of the entire interference pattern is contained within every point, and to receive the information present requires instrumentation sensitive enough to pick up and decode the signal contained within the pattern, which can range from quite strong to incredibly faint.
Returning to the brain, consider how remarkable it is that the human brain can store so much information and memory in such a small volume. Every piece of information is cross-correlated with every other piece of information, and we possess an incredible ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from this network of memory and information. The functioning of the brain becomes much easier to understand if we consider the fact that it operates according to holographic principles (18). Every section of a hologram is interconnect with every other section and it is perhaps the best known example of a cross-correlated system in nature.
The connection between the Schumann resonances and the holographic properties of the brain has very broad implications in regards to human consciousness, and I explore this topic more in the video below:
The brain is always pulsing at a collection of various brainwave frequencies. Sometimes these brainwaves are more coherent in their wave-forms (aka clean wave shapes rather than a jumbled disorganized mess), and the level of brainwave synchronicity across the various regions of the brain also changes over space-time. Since brainwaves operate at the same energetic strength as the Schumann resonances, signal strengths which are biologically sufficient to perform various tasks such as cognitive functions, fine motor control, autonomic nervous system functions, and more, then any information stored in the Schumann resonances is also biologically relevant so long as synchronicity between the two systems is able to be established, and this depends on the relative phasing of the Schumann resonances and the human brain.
The relationship also goes the other direction. Every thought you have happens during a specific brainwave pattern which has unique waveforms. Though thoughts are still a nebulous and poorly understood phenomenon, they are clearly information in nature and tied to the photonic activity of the brain/body. In this way, the information of your thoughts is encoded into brainwave frequencies occurring at that moment in time, and this information, carried by photons, then radiates out into the space-time environment outside of your body at the speed of light. If your brain is in a synchronous relationship with the Schumann resonances, which is appears is often the case (19), then your thoughts are encoded into the Schumann resonances at some strength. The more often similar thoughts occur across people and populations, the stronger and more stable this information is encoded and stored in the standing light waves of the Schumann resonances.
Under the right conditions, this human-relevant information could generate a biologic signal strong enough for the brain/body to recognize, and in this way information could theoretically be received from the Schumann resonances (or really, any light frequency of sufficient strength).
Could this phenomenon explain why certain populations from around the world across time often had remarkably similar cultural practices, the generation of new ideas and technology at the same time, and the common human archetypes? It seems likely, especially since light travels around the world eight times per second, meaning that information transfer is nearly instant no matter where on the planet you are.
With this understanding and perspective the importance of practicing mindfulness is made especially clear. In the past you may have thought that your thoughts were solely your own, but in reality they radiate out into your surroundings at the speed of light via photons that have the potential to interact with others in a significant way. Likewise, your thoughts may not always be your own but instead “chatter” from your local environment. Most people have had the experience of having thought of something at the same time as someone else close to them (and sometimes even far apart!), and this could explain that “psychic” phenomenon.
Human Quantum Interactions and Light Exchanges
A personal example I can share that illustrates this phenomenon nicely derives from my close friends and identical twins Sofiia and Anastasiia. Up till this moment (written Feb 2023) they have spent nearly every moment in close proximity together as they live together, go to the same school classes and events together, eat their meals together, etc. As I have witnessed many times, they very commonly have moments where one has the same thought as the other at the exact same moment in time, and this is likely because their individual energetic systems are so entwined that they are especially receptive to each other’s “light exchanges”.
What they may give up in individual expression they make up for by having created a richly creative and unique larger bioenergetic system containing two hearts, two brains, etc. They represent an interesting outlier as it relates to human bioelectric interactions, and to learn more about light exchanges and human quantum connections in general you may watch my video below:
Schumann Resonances and the Heart
Just as the brain pulsates with electromagnetic energy, taking in and analyzing photons for useful information through the optic and auditory nerves as well as from the overall light interference pattern…and then releasing its own photonic energy and information into the local environment and overall electromagnetic interference pattern, so to does the rest of the body perform these actions.
The electromagnetic field of the heart is in fact much stronger than that of the brain, having a natural strength of ~100 pT. Brainwave strengths are typically on the low end of 1-10 pT. At 1 pT, brainwaves are about 100x weaker than the electromagnetic waves generated by the heart.
It has been observed that the heart encodes emotional information into its electromagnetic field and that there is a marked difference in the time-average signal spectral density plot between the emotional states of appreciation and anger (20).
Notice the strong peak at 1 Hz observed while in the state of appreciation, which is the same frequency as 60 bpm heartbeat. Also observed from this sample was a strong peak at ~4 Hz and the foundational Schumann resonance at 7.8 Hz. 10-12 Hz alpha waves stay elevated, the 14 Hz Schumann frequency is visible, and then the rest of the frequencies reduce in signal.
Examining some large bioelectic-environmental effects, it’s observed that when the body establishes conductive contact with the neutral voltage of the Earth, the body’s voltage also turns neutral. This change in electric potential, coined by physicist Richard Feynman as the Umbrella Effect, modulates the heart’s biofield and the information it encodes.
In effect, being grounded to the Earth reduces chaotic energy, improving bioelectric signal to noise ratio, which is relevant for how the human genome expresses itself all the way up to our personal interactions with others and then beyond to our electromagnetic connection with the universe.
Many levels of order exist in the universe, some beyond our understanding and thus commonly to us as chaos, and we ourselves as independent conscious beings also embody a certain order of reality (21). Your unique individual signal is being broadcast at all times, the question is, under which energetic background conditions?
The rhythms of the Schumann resonances, which all of humanity is constantly encoding with information, govern long time-frame bioelectric activity of the heart, which is measurable in changes to Heart-Rate-Variability (HRV) rhythms (22).
Knowing all this information is useful, putting it into practice is most important. Choosing consciousness over behavioral patterns frees you to always choose your best frame of mind, and appreciation is merely one emotional state that exist. The evidence suggests that the light spectrum of your heart will change depending on your mental and emotional status.
Choose what you feel is truthfully your best alignment and watch the world change around you to match your tune.
Chaotic energy has a hidden order to it, which may serve you in unexpected ways while carrying your energetic signal through space-time. Go with the flow, choose precise structures to operate within, or a combination of both, and your heart’s biofield will radiate this information outwards.
Many people discover the Schumann resonances and see the potential of using them as a tool for spiritual mastery. Knowledge of the ever-present Schumann resonances, our deep and multi-faceted connection to them, and how they effect you and all of humanity, creates a strong disciplinary force to remain in your highest vibrational consciousness. The stronger the higher-frequency rhythms you can hold onto, created from richly creative and blissful mental states, the faster information exchange can occur between you, others, and the environment. Negative emotions are correlated with lower frequencies and thus attenuate less but information transfer is slower.
If you believe in the laws of attraction or manifestation, then you can see the benefit of maintaining a high-frequency signal. The faster you convey your request outwards into the environment, the quicker the universe will be able to respond back to you.
Meditation and the Earth's Information Field
When meditating in brainwave and Schumann resonances synchronicity, a meditator can receive and transmit energy/information. To receive information, the egoic mind should be quiet and in a state of pure observance. This takes practice to be accomplished successfully, and when achieved, any thoughts, realizations, or epiphanies that are received out of the blue may be attributable to information stored in the Schumann resonances layer of the collective consciousness. If higher frequency brainwaves can be maintained during meditation, the richer the possible information download.
Alternatively, a meditator can transmit information when in brainwave and Schumann resonances synchronicity. Repeating a manifestation mantra or meditating on a subject/feeling (like with compassion meditation) will impart that information into the Schumann resonances at some signal strength. Individually the effect may be very minor (I believe it can range from insignificant to significant depending on the situation), but together across humanity the effect becomes more significant.
“The Schumann resonance are universal brainwaves shared by life on Earth”
Working together harmoniously humanity can shift the collective consciousness to a greater state of happiness, peace, and love. The more who awaken to this truth and spend time in these loving and compassionate states of mind, the more loving and peaceful all Homo sapiens and life around us will be. It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of their mental state and to mindfully shift it towards a state that is more harmonious for themselves and those around them.
More on the Schumann Resonances
With that I hope you are now not only more educated on the Schumann resonances themselves but you also better understand the physics of light, the geophysics of the Earth, biophysics, consciousness, and how they all relate to each other.
There is a lot of room left for scientific exploration into the Schumann resonances in many different directions and fields of science and spirituality, and if you wish to go much more in-depth then I suggest you order my book Schumann Resonances and Human Bioelectricity, currently available for discounted pre-order through Gumroad.
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