How to make Shungite Water

Detoxify, purify, and structure water using shungite mineral

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

What is Elite Shungite?

Elite Shungite is a pure superconductive Carbon mineral found only in Russia. It’s special because it contains naturally occurring Carbon fullerenes like the notable C60 buckyball. Since buckyballs enclose a large volume, are carbon is reactive, they are able to attached and sequester unusual chemicals and what can be considered toxins.

Because of its unique chemical properties, elite shungite is able to absorb contaminants and purify water. Elite Shungite is 99% pure carbon, so it’s quality is exceptionally high, requiring few changes due to use. With proper care elite shungite can last for years passively filtering water.


This 6 minute guide will teach you how to test for authentic elite shungite mineral using a voltimeter, chemical properties of elite shungite, how elite shungite filters water and modifies pH, and the science behind water structuring.


Elite Shungite filters water of impurities and can be used to remove fluoride and chloride from water. Excess Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland in the brain, this effects can happen early in life, even before the age of 20, and when this happens the circadian sleep wake cycle is disrupted because melatonin hormone is disrupted. Having a disrupted circadian rhythm at any age, let alone early in life can cause long term health problems (hormonal, immune system, weight management).

The chlorine waste they dump into tap water disrupts gut health, and the fluoride added disrupts endocrine (hormonal) health. In addition to these unfavorable chemicals, prior contamination and unsafe practices with chemical has lead to most tap water supplies to be contaminated with many other toxic compounds like PFAS, Hexavalent Chromium, and Benzene.

Why Filter Water with Shungite?

Elite Shungite is useful as a water filter for a few reasons:

  • Being made of highly pure carbon extends it’s lifespan past other activated carbon filters with lesser percentages.

  • The presence of voluminous carbon buckyball structures allows elite shungite to absorb and remove from water dangerous chemicals that other filters are unable to.

  • Elite shungite is sold in chunks that can be placed into the bottom of a water dispenser for the final purification step.

  • Elite shungite is easily cleaned of contamination and corrosion with a small brush. It’s highly glossy surface indicates its chemical purity.