Tongkat Ali

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated December 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

There are a few herbs that exist which powerfully boost testosterone levels and are considered overall androgenic.

Tongkat Ali, known in the Linnaean classification as Eurycoma longifolia, is one of those special herbs.

Tongkat ali interacts with the hormone system to raise testosterone levels, unbind testosterone from sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which increases the circulating levels of free testosterone, and also limits the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen by the aromatase enzyme. In other words, tongkat ali exerts effects along the entire chain of testosterone release and utilization, keeping the body in an androgenic state while keeping estrogen levels in normal ranges. This makes tongkat ali beneficial for anyone in a testosterone deficit who as a result are experiencing hormonal imbalances.


Young tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) plant. Photo by Mokkie - CC3.0


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Tongkat Ali and its Cultivation

The roots and bark of the Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) plant contain the highest levels of its main active compound, eurycomanone, and its typically the roots that are harvested and prepared for use. Tongkat ali is native to the tropical environments of Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, and it is commonly found growing in the rainforest as a shrub up to a medium sized tree. Malaysian ginseng as it is also known has a long use in the traditional medicine culture of that region.

Eurocoma longifolia names: Malaysian ginseng, Tongkat ali, long jack, pasak bumi

The primary folk medicine use for long jack can be inferred from that very name, as it’s commonly used to treat sexual dysfunction, as an aphrodisiac, to improve fertility, and boost overall male sexual function. Secondary uses are to increase strength, improve recovery, boost immunity, reduce osteoporosis, for fevers and malaria, and for general aging and anti-cancer benefits. More nuanced uses of tongkat ali as it may be recommended by an experienced traditional medicine doctor would be for gut health problems, appetite stimulation, weight loss, glandular swelling, stress and anxiety, diabetes, and syphilis (1).

Some of those benefits and uses may seem contradictory, and that goes to show you the nuanced effects herbs can have on an individual depending on the person’s age, gender, and state of biology. With a better understanding of exactly how tongkat ali interacts with the body it’s possible to fully appreciate its wide range of health and wellness uses.

Tongkat ali has been increasing in popularity for its well reported testosterone boosting properties which has created global demand for the herb.

Tongkat ali is wild harvested, grown using traditional farming practices, and also cultivated with modern hydroponic techniques. Once Eurycoma longifolia plants are established they are grown for several years until they reach maturity and then harvested, with the roots and bark of the plant being of the most value. The quality and safety of tongkat ali products and supplements depends on the health of the environment in which it’s grown, climate and stressors, the cultivator, harvesting techniques, and processing.


Phytochemicals of Eurycoma longifolia

As with every herb, tongkat ali contains a rich assortment of plant phytochemicals which have various biologic effects. A special group of terpenes known as quassinoids make up the majority of the phytonutrients that make up the roots of Eurycoma longifolia. Quassinoids are quite bitter in taste and the main one found in tongkat ali is eurycomanone. Research into the pharmacological properties of eurycomanone with animals and humans indicates its the main compound responsible for the testosterone boosting effect of tongkat ali. Other eurypeptides exist with similar biologic properties.

Other bioactive compounds found in tongkat ali include alkaloids, lactones, saponins, and flavonoids. The phytochemical composition of each Eurycoma longifolia plant depends on its unique life experience, and thus variations exist between individual plants, grow operations on a whole, and geographic regions. Product processing also has an influence over the final phytochemical composition. Whatever the final status of a tongkat ali supplement, it’s phytocomposition interacts synergistically with the body in what’s known as the entourage effect.

Individual phytochemicals of tongkat ali have their measurable biologic effects, and the larger health effects like androgen modulation, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, increased insulin sensitivity, and improved mood are from all the compounds working together holistically. While a lot has been learned about how tongkat ali interacts with humans biologically from its traditional folk-use and recent scientific analysis, research is ongoing to better understand tongkat ali.

Eurycomanone (quassinoid)

Eurycomanone is found in the highest concentrations in the roots of Eurycoma longifolia. Research indicates that its primarily the activity of quassinoids, specifically eurycomanone, that are responsible for tongkat ali’s androgenic effect.

Eurycomanone boosts testosterone production, improves spermogensis, increases libido and fertility, and increases semen volume all to significant values over placebo. Eurycomanone in this way is a potent phytochemical to be utilized for remediating sexual dysfunction or to improve sexual function beyond normal in the absence of dysfunction. Eurycomanone also exhibits anti-estrogen activity.

Quassinoids in general are effective in inhibiting cell growth even at extremely low concentrations, showing strong anti-cancer activity across various tumor lines.


Flavonoids are plant pigments responsible for the vivid colors of many flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Beverages made from fruits and herbs like juice, wine, and tea contain flavonoids. Tongkat ali is a rich source of flavonoids, especially if the plants harvested were grown in nutrient-rich conditions.

Flavonoids have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, which makes them great for improving metabolism, reducing inflammation throughout the body, improving cognition, assisting digestion, and increasing immunity, these factors being governed in large part by the beneficial microbiome interactions flavonoids have.

*Note - one of nature’s most powerful flavonoids is apigenin.


Tongkat Ali Testosterone Optimization

Testosterone optimization is usually the main reason people first hear of tongkat ali and have an interest in using the herb. What is testosterone though and how do you optimize it safely?

Testosterone is an anabolic (growth) hormone that is produced by both men and women; for men in the testes by Leydig cells and for women in the ovaries by theca cells. The adrenal glands which are well known for their cortisol (stress hormone) releasing function in the endocrine system also produce small amounts of testosterone. Testosterone is a vital hormone to have in the right amounts for overall health, wellness, and reproduction. Testosterone plays a key role in the development of male sex organs and other characteristics such as facial and pubic hair. Testosterone also triggers muscle protein synthesis and maintains bone density by regulating calcium deposition. For both men and women testosterone is important for overall sexual function, fertility, and libido.

Testosterone has a high binding affinity for a variety of receptors and is therefore not the most stable compound, and this is why oxidative stress plays a key role in male infertility (2). If the body is in an inflammatory state with abundant free-radicals, unbound free testosterone is more likely to be reacted with and altered into a derivative compound. A downward trend in testosterone, sperm count, and semen volume has been reported worldwide since the 1970’s, and while this is a multi-factorial problem, increasing amounts of stress and chronic inflammation are key culprits.

One of the most effective ways to treat male infertility, sexual dysfunction, libido problems, to build muscle and strength, and to increase athletic performance is to increase free testosterone levels in the body while keeping estrogen levels from rising too high, and this is exactly what tongkat ali appears to do.

Tongkat Ali binds to SHBG Increasing Free Testosterone

Scientific research on rats and humans suggest that tongkat ali has an effect on sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is produced by the liver and binds to sex hormones like testosterone to protect them and decrease their oxidative potential. In this way SHBG regulates the availability of testosterone throughout the body. It’s possible to have high total testosterone but low free testosterone because SHBG levels are elevated.

Conditions and activities that are associated with both lower total and free testosterone are severe weight-loss dieting, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression, and athletic overtraining.

While evidence does show that tongkat ali has an ability to raise total testosterone levels for men by enhancing testosterone steroidogenesis in testicular Leydig’s cells, the greater androgenic effect from tongkat ali comes from its ability to unbind greater amounts of testosterone from SHBG. It’s free testosterone that is able to bind to androgen receptors, and by having this free testosterone stimulating effect, tongkat ali is an androgenic adaptogen particularly useful for people with below-normal testosterone levels.

One mechanism for how tongkat ali raises total testosterone levels is because eurypeptides stimulate dihydroepiandosterone (DHEA), which in turn initiates the conversion of androstenedione and androstenediol to testosterone and estrogen, respectively. These quassinoids also indirectly increase testosterone levels and insulin sensitivity by suppressing the expression of particular glycoproteins. In other words tongkat ali works in many ways at the cellular level to support optimal testosterone levels

Tongkat Ali reduces Testosterone Aromatization

The base building block of hormones is cholesterol. Cholesterol is then transformed into different hormones via a complex sequence of enzymatic reactions as shown in the simplified graphic below:

If you look closely you’ll see that estradiol, the most bioactive form of estrogen, is made from testosterone due to the actions of aromatase (an enzyme). Aromatase can be found in fat, muscle, and brain tissue. With this known you can see why higher body fat levels are associated with lower testosterone levels and greater estrogen levels; because more aromatase is present. This makes loosing excess body fat (>12%) helpful in improving testosterone levels.

Aromatization is a vitally important biological process as it plays a key role in balancing testosterone and estrogen levels in the body. Both testosterone and estrogen are important for men and women, but when the ratios between the two hormones become out of balance then health complications like heart disease and cancer can result.

Tongkat ali influences the aromatization process by limiting the actions of aromatase, thereby keeping testosterone levels elevated in the body. This effect certainly plays out for those with sub-optimal testosterone levels, and anecdotal evidence from users around the world supports the claim that tongkat ali will also limit testosterone from aromatizing even when testosterone concentrations are elevated above normal.

Tongkat Ali for Athletes

These androgenic actions make tongkat ali an herbal supplement of interest for athletes looking to improve their performance, increase in strength and power, and build more lean body mass (3). By working with the adrenal glands, tongkat ali appears to raise testosterone levels while reducing cortisol production, which aids in recovery, and then the androgenic effect is boosted even further by the interactions tongkat ali has with the testes.

Tongkat ali appears to generally favor cortisol reduction and testosterone increase amongst athletes, creating more optimal anabolic states. Tongkat ali also increases insulin sensitivity which is of benefit to athletes because it improves energy uptake and nutrient partitioning.

Tongkat Ali Supplement Recommendation

The tongkat ali supplement that I would use is sold by Nootropics Depot. I used tongkat ali in the past, and since then I have come to greatly value the quality of the herbal extracts sold by Nootropics Depot.

The Eurycoma longifolia extract sold by Nootropics Depot contains a minimum of 2% eurycomanone, the most active phytochemical found in tongkat ali. By standardizing the herbal extract to contain 2% eurycomanone, with each serving you receive a standard, and eventually understood intuitively, effect.

Switching suppliers exposes you to fake supplements or changing quality of herb, which generally reduces the felt effect, so I recommend you find one brand you trust and stick with it, and after having tried many different supplements from various companies, Nootropics Depot is my first choice.

Nootropics Depot also sells 10% Eurycomanone Tongkat Ali Capsules if you wish to experiment with more concentrated dosages. While tongkat ali is generally regarded as a very safe herb as we’ll discuss more thoroughly in the Tongkat Ali Side Effects and Safety section, perform your due diligence and be cautious in using more concentrated/higher doses of tongkat ali as it is a very stimulating herb.


Other Tongkat Ali Benefits

The health benefits of tongkat ali don’t stop with its ability to regulate the endocrine system to increase testosterone and reduce cortisol, tongkat ali also interacts with the brain, heart, and has anti-malarial and anti-cancer properties.

  • Tongkat ali interacts with the brain and nervous system in a few ways, some of which explains its aphrodisiac effects. Supplementation of tongkat ali (in rats) increased concentrations of dopamine in the cerebral cortex and hippocampal regions (4). The hippocampi are two parts of the brain, one on each side located at the temples, that are associated with memory, learning, time and spatial awareness, and neurogenesis (i.e. the growth of new brain cells). The cerebral cortex is the large part of the brain where higher cognitive processes occur, and higher dopamine concentrations in these parts of the brain ehances muscular control, motivation and reward circuits, and improve intra-cellular communication.

    Like testosterone dopamine has an ability to bind to many different receptors and therefore it is a relatively unstable molecule. The lower the inflammatory state of the body, the greater dopamine concentrations can reach as they’ll be less likely to react with free radicals. Antioxidants greatly contribute to this effect, and that’s why its a common attribute of herbal aphrodisiacs to increase dopamine concentrations, because they contain phytochemicals which are able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and protect neurotransmitters and hormones from oxidative reactions. Tongkat ali contains many plant antioxidants, and in this way it has a neuroprotective effect.

  • Some studies with rodents showed that tongkat ali exerts a protective function on the heart. Tongkat ali also appears to have a cholesterol lowering effect. This may be due to the plant phenols that tongkat ali possesses, as phenolic compounds are associated reduced risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases (5). More research needs to be done to better understand the heart protective effects of tongkat ali.

  • Tongkat ali’s significant antioxidant and therefore anti-inflammatory activity makes it useful for preventing and treating inflammation-based diseases like cancer. Eurycoma longifolia has demonstrated cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects on a number of human cancer cell lines and solid tumors, including lung, breast, gastric, and cervical cancers.

    One of tongkat ali’s traditional medicine uses is for the treatment of malaria, a parasite carried by mosquitos. Phytotochemicals eurycomanone and 7-methoxy-β-carboline-1- propionic acid found in tongkat ali in research settings have shown significant antimalarial activity against P. falciparum strains, and a good anti-malaria effect may exist at standard doses of 200-400 mg/day. Tongkat ali’s anti-malarial effects is a result of its ability to inhibit the growth of malaria parasites.

  • Tongkat ali is a herb of value for men who have osteoporosis as it helps to maintain bone calcium levels because of its testosterone stimulating properties.

    Tongkat ali increases insulin sensitivity by enhancing glucose uptake and suppressing lipid accumulation, making it a herb of potential value for the treatment of diabetes.

    Tongkat ali possess bitterants, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals which possess antimicrobial activities. Overtime, these antimicrobial effects may be of benefit in reshaping the gut microbiome away from pathogenesis to symbiosis.


Using Tongkat Ali to Increase Libido

An aphrodisiac is something which increases sexual desire and performance. Stimulating libido is a complex process in the brain and body and is governed in large part by the autonomic (unconscious) nervous system (which regulates heart rate, breathing, digestion, etc). The best aphrodisiacs are those that not only stimulate sexual desire, but also those that improve sexual performance. Tongkat ali does both of those in addition to improving parameters of male fertility.

Sexual desire starts with a stimulus, sensory or imaginative, and from there various regions of the brain work together to unleash a cascade of signals, hormones, and various chemicals to activate the sex organs. The hypothalamus in particular is relevant here because not only does it regulate base biologic functions such as appetite, body temperature, and sleep, it also has the ability to secrete testosterone. Low testosterone levels are well associated with reduced libido and sexual dysfunction.

The amygdala is also linked to libido as it is the part of the brain the processes emotions and pleasure. As discussed earlier, it’s been shown that supplementing with tongkat ali improves subjective measures of well-being, improving overall mood while reducing anxiety and depression (6).

Tongkat ali exerts a powerful influence over the endocrine system, boosting androgenic potential, and it also appears to have broad neurocognitive effects, which together make Eurycoma longifolia a potent stimulator of sexual arousal and an aphrodisiac worth trying if currently dealing with low libido.

Tongkat Ali for Erectile Dysfunction

There are many different phytochemicals in tongkat ali and it has proven difficult to identify the main compounds in tongkat ali that help treat erectile dysfunction. For this reason taking a tongkat ali supplement that isn’t fully standardized and is still mostly “raw” is useful.

Not much research has been performed on tongkat ali and erectile dysfunction, but anecdotally people report a variety of benefits such as having an easier time getting and maintaining an erection, a reduced latency period (time in-between ejaculations), and bigger and harder erections. If you encounter erectile dysfunction frequently and are looking for a natural solution to improve your erection quality and duration, then tongkat ali is a promising herb to try.

A popular aphrodisiac used in ancient Egypt was blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea), a type of water lily found in Africa with blue to purple flowers. The phytochemicals found in blue lotus flower modulate dopamine and serotonin in the brain and activate certain regions in the brain, increasingly libido and promoting stronger erections. Another powerful herbal aphrodisiac and testosterone booster to turn your attention to is cistanche, a plant which grows in the harsh deserts of Asia.

I have used tongkat ali, blue lotus flower, and cistanche, and in my experience tongkat ali is the weakest aphrodisiac of the three, so if you are interested in increasing your libido I recommend you experiment with blue lotus flower and cistanche too. I haven’t tried combining tongkat ali with cistanche or blue lotus flower yet, but cistanche and blue lotus flower together have a synergy to them and the libido enhancing effect from that combo can be quite strong.

You can purchase cistanche powder from Nootropics Depot and blue lotus flower to use with a dry-vaporizer like the Fury Edge from Schmerbals Herbals.

Using Tongkat Ali to Treat Male Infertility

In addition to tongkat ali’s aphrodisiac qualities, it also is useful for treating male infertility. When tongkat ali is taken for an extended period of time (30+ days), it has been observed that semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and sperm morphology all increase/improve (7).

Fertility problems amongst couples wishing to conceive are often placed upon the woman, but in many cases it is male infertility which is a contributing or causative factor for a failure to start a pregnancy. A large number of men are infertile owing to abnormalities in sperm production, especially severe defects in sperm morphology, which render the sperm dysfunctional and thereby greatly reduce the partner’s chances of pregnancy. From one study with 75 final participants who completed 9 months of daily supplementation with 200 mg of a tongkat ali extract, 15% of the participants experienced a “spontaneous pregnancy”, a significant finding (7). This makes tongkat ali an inexpensive herbal remedy worth trying first in hopes of success before moving onto more complex and pricy fertility-enhancing techniques like intra-uterine insemination or in vitro fertilization.


Methods of Using Tongkat Ali and Dosing

The typical dosage of tongkat ali used in human studies is 50-200 mg/day. Based on its safety profile, the daily upper limit for tongkat ali supplementation can be raised considerably, but that is an individual decision to be made only if proper safety measures are put into place and after consulting with a natural medicine specialist.

The serving size for the Tongkat Ali Powder sold by Nootropics Depot is 200 mg, standardized to 2% eurycomanone but overall containing >2% eurypeptides (though what this percentage is we don’t know). If using this brand of tongkat ali I recommend starting supplementation with 100 mg for 1 week and then increasing to 200 mg. If no noticeable effects are felt at the standard serving size then the dosage can be increased to 200 mg twice daily.

Tongkat ali contains many chemicals known as bitterants and therefore it’s quite bitter. Depending on your taste buds its flavor can range from mildly unpleasant to very bitter and astringent. The way I take tongkat ali is to mix it in with a shot of water and shoot that followed by a shot of apple cider vinegar, clearing the taste buds with water afterwards. It’s also quite popular to add tongkat ali to coffee (which is something I do with the herb cistanche) so experiment with this if you drink coffee to see if that helps to mask the bitterness. It’s best to take tongkat ali on a mostly empty stomach so it is absorbed into the bloodstream effectively and without delay.

A general rule of thumb to follow when using any herb that alters the endocrine system is to cycle off the herb for as long as you used it. For example, if you use tongkat ali for 60 days, don’t use tongkat ali or any other androgenic herbs for the next 60 days. This allows the endocrine system to operate normally without the presence of a modifying herb/drug while maintaining many of the hopefully beneficial adaptations that took place, allowing for a “locking in” of any improvements made. In this way, the endocrine system over time - and from the effects of various androgenic herbs like tongkat ali and cistanche - can be optimized to more naturally keep testosterone levels high while estrogen stays in the normal range.

How long does it take Tongkat Ali to Work?

In my experience tongkat ali is noticeably felt after the first dose and also more generally after a week or two.

If you’re sensitive, in the hours immediately after the first dose of tongkat ali you may experience a boost to your overall energy, focus, and concentration. As tongkat unbinds testosterone from SHBG, you may find yourself feeling more confident, stronger during your workouts, and more willing to engage in “risky” activities. If you have a regular workout schedule I recommend you take tongkat ali 1-2 hours before exercise in order to capitalize on the energy and testosterone boosting effect.

Over the course of a couple weeks stretching into months, supplementing with tongkat ali will be observable through larger anabolic changes. You may experience increases in strength, power, and lean body mass. You may also notice overall androgenic changes like a deepening voice, more and thicker body/facial hair, and improved mood, confidence, and decisiveness.

To best track how tongkat ali is benefitting you I recommend you keep a supplement observation journal and track your observations while using the herb.


Tongkat Ali Side Effects and Safety

There are no reported adverse side effects for humans with the dosages used in research studies (~200 mg/daily). The LD50 for rodents is very high (>1500 mg/kg bodyweight) and translated to humans this equates to a lethal dose 50% of minimum 120 mg/kg. For a 75 kg individual this is 9 grams of extract powder. This may not be the real human LD50 dose.

One 2-month human supplementation trial enlisting 20 healthy males found 600 mg/day of Eurycoma longifolia extract to have no influence on blood profiles or any deleterious effects on measures of liver or renal function (8). That said, some people have reported experiencing nausea, stomach upset, and diarrhea after taking tongkat ali, likely due to its astringency and extreme bitterness. In rare cases, tongkat ali may cause allergic reactions, such as skin rash or difficulty breathing. Tongkat ali also sometimes causes joint point and can be excessively stimulatory.

Is there a Better Alternative to Tongkat Ali?

For pure testosterone optimization tongkat ali is one of the best, but given its potential side effects like joint pain better options may exist for you and what desired effect(s) you wish:

Cistanche: When your ultimate goal is to improve athletic performance through a testosterone boosting effect, then I recommend cistanche as it doesn’t cause joint pain. Take cistanche with dandelion root powder for best effect. Cistanche is also a better libido enhancer in my experience.

Ashwagandha: If your overall goal is to improve your hormonal levels and their equilibrium to each other, then ashwagandha is a better hormone modulating herb to use than tongkat ali. Ashwagandha can still raise testosterone modestly, measured in one study by an average of 15% (9) but it does this by working primarily with the adrenal system, the autonomic nervous system, and DHEA and less with Leydig testosterone synthesis and SHBG directly. Ashwagandha and tongkat ali would be a synergistic combination to consider.

Blue Lotus Flower: If you’re desiring a potent aphrodisiac effect, blue lotus flower is superior to tongkat ali. Blue lotus flower gets you in the mood easier and quicker via dry vaporization, has an overall better neurocognitive effect, and won’t dry your skin out like tongkat ali might.


Other Hormone Modulating Herbs


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  1. Rehman S, Choe K, Yoo H. Review on a traditional herbal medicine, eurycoma longifolia jack (Tongkat ali): its traditional uses, chemistry, evidence-based pharmacology and toxicology. Molecules. 2016;21(3):331.

  2. Sikka SC. Relative impact of oxidative stress on male reproductive function. Curr Med Chem. 2001;8(7):851-862.

  3. Talbott SM. Human performance and sports applications of tongkat ali(Eurycoma longifolia). In: Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance. Elsevier; 2013:501-505.

  4. Ezzat SM, Ezzat MI, Okba MM, et al. Brain cortical and hippocampal dopamine: a new mechanistic approach for eurycoma longifolia well-known aphrodisiac activity and its chemical characterization. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2019;2019:1-13.

  5. Khanam Z, Wen CS, Bhat IUH. Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of root and stem extracts of wild Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat ali). Journal of King Saud University - Science. 2015;27(1):23-30.

  6. Talbott SM, Talbott JA, George A, Pugh M. Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2013;10(1):28.

  7. Bin Mohd Tambi MI, Imran MK. Eurycoma longifolia Jack in managing idiopathic male infertility. Asian J Androl. 2010;12(3):376-380.

  8. Tambi, M. I., and A. A. Kadir. Human toxicology and clinical observations of Eurycoma longifiola on men’s health. Int J Andrology 28.Suppl 1 (2005): 37-38.

  9. Lopresti AL, Drummond PD, Smith SJ. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study examining the hormonal and vitality effects of ashwagandha (withania somnifera) in aging, overweight males. Am J Mens Health. 2019;13(2):155798831983598.