Bioelectric Field of the Heart and Resonant Electromagnetism

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

Preface - To fully understand this science and logic of this article read the text and watch the videos embedded in order they are displayed. To best understand cardiovascular health the concepts explained below are fundamentally important. Bioelectricity is at the heart of how the heart works.

The heart through its iron-rich blood pumping action creates electrical currents in the body. Magnetic fields are generated from electrical currents, and resultingly the heart has a magnetic field, observable as shown with the magnetocardiogram below.


The heart sustains life, and if the heart is damaged then the body dies very rapidly, sometimes even instantly. What this tells us is that the electrical currents created by the heart are fundamentally important for life. Without an active bioelectrical field, energy stops flowing and death occurs.

We also know the physics of resonance. You can witness it when a singer shatters a crystal glass with their voice. Another easy example to understand resonance is when there are two tuning forks separated by an octave. One is struck and begins to create sound while the other an octave separate picks up the vibrational energy emitted from the first fork and begins to hum its own note in resonance. Billion dollar skyscrapers are built with with the utmost respect for the resonance frequency of the ground they rest on, and poor engineering can end in catastrophe.


So what about the heart, or larger the bioelectrical currents of the human body. Do they have resonance?


Frequency Resonance of the Heart

The answer is yes. The physics of waveforms and frequency is the same, whether it’s electromagnetic or sound. The magnetic field of the human body is always interacting with the magnetic fields of other objects. Closest to us and largest object is the Earth, which has a massive magnetic field. The Sun and other planets have magnetic fields of their own. So does the modern electrical grid.

Note - frequency of 1 Hz means one wavelength per second. 60 Hz would be sixty cycles per minute. 0.5 Hz is one cycle every half second.


The plot above shows magnetic field noise amplitude on the Y-axis and frequency on the X-axis. This plot was created by taking the data from a magnetometer and applying a Fourier transform to it, which split the signal into it’s constituent frequencies and relative amplitudes. The graph starts at 0.5 Hz and goes all the way to 500 Hz.

The highest amplitude signal with this plot is exactly at 60 Hz. Why? The electrical grid of the United States runs at 60 Hz. 60 Hz electromagnetic noise blankets nearly the entire county, it is ubiquitous. Only in remote unelectrified wilderness is high-amplitude 60 Hz noise not observed in the background electromagnetic radiation.

The heart generates energy with a heart beat. It contracts and relaxes, pumping blood and current throughout the body, driving all activities. When energy demands increase, heart rate increases correspondingly. The average resting heart rate is 60 beats per minute. Aha! The heart being a organ which can vary its frequency to match its energy demands, can also vary its frequency when at rest to match a strong resonant electromagnetic field. When in resonance, energy flows from one system to another, and in this way the heart can conserve energy.


Bioelectrical Resonance Frequency for Wellness and Longevity

Considering the above, we can begin to understand that resonant electromagnetism is incredibly important when considering cardiovascular health. Animals with faster heartrates die sooner.

The adult mouse has an average heartrate of 600 beats per minute (also in resonance with 60 Hz electromagnetic noise). The average mouse also only lives for 1-2 years, a short amount of time compared to a human who on average in the healthiest countries lives to 80+. On the lower frequency end of the spectrum, whales have a heartrate of 8-10 beats per minute and can live for centuries.

Fasting heartrates are linked to poor cardiovascular outcomes, and it is generally desirable to have a slower yet stronger heartrate. The issue here is resonance.

When 60 Hz noise from the electrical grid, or even higher frequency noise from other sources like cellular radiation is dominant in the background, the human bioelectrical field will resonant at those frequencies. Heartrates go up, as do health conditions.

In the preindustrial age, the dominant background electromagnetic frequency was the Schumann Resonance, which has a fundamental frequency of 7.83 Hz. Electromagnetic radiation still existed, but it came from natural phenomenon and generally would be low amplitude compared to the electromagnetic field of the Earth.

psd 60hz circled.jpg

Back to our magnetic field noise plot, we see that 60 Hz noise circled in red is in fact the highest amplitude energy captured on that day at that particular location (just a normal day in the city). Even the Earth’s strong magnetic field noise we see from 0.5 to 10 Hz (the rising slope to the left) is drastically lower by orders of magnitude. If you live in an industrialized urban area, then you are exposing yourself at all times to 60 Hz electromagnetic noise and it’s harmonics (see as the many other spikes in the data).


Wellness and Longevity Takeaways

Without fully understanding the health implications of electromagnetic energy manipulation, humans have built civilizations on top of electrical technology. From backbone 60 Hz electricity to 5G cellular now in the GHz range (millimeter wavelengths), the background electromagnetic field is being manipulated without full conscious understanding by a few and without the agreement of the collective.

In the absence of fully understanding the effects EMFs have on health and wellness, it is best to be cautious. We need to consider the time spent each day near strong magnetic fields, and more broadly the total time spent in certain electromagnetic conditions. My recommendations are as follows:

  • Spend time grounded: Take your shoes and socks off at the beach or at the park and connect your bioelectrical field to the Earth. Purchase a grounded bedsheet and sleep grounded in resonance with the Earth for 8 hours every night. Doing this immediately places 1/3rd of your time everyday in resonance with the Earth, whose electromagnetic field we have coevolved with for millions of years. Grounding reduces inflammation in the body and

  • Limit your screen time: Using a laptop, TV, phone, or tablet increases your EMF exposure. New 5G devices rely on directional networking, which beam 600 MHz to 300 GHz high-energy EMFs directly to you.

  • Wear shungite: The mineral shungite minerals has radio shielding and radio absorbing properties to reduce the levels of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency 10–30 gHz and electric fields with a frequency of 50 Hz (1).

  • Limit microwave use: When in use microwaves emit strong EMFs.


  1. Mosin, O. V., and Ignat Ignatov. "The structure and composition of natural carbonaceous fullerene containing mineral shungite." International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research 6.11-12 (2013): 9-21.