Body + Mind + Energy + Emotion
When the elements of life are in balance, wellness happens naturally. It is normal to have an affinity towards some but not all of the elements of wellness. Wild Free Organic is here to guide you on your journey towards a balanced healthy lifestyle and provide new paths of exploration.
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Reprograming your DNA
An important aspect of being human and overall health is electromagnetic. What that means is that humans interact with electric and magnetic fields bioelectrically. The resonant vibration of DNA to the strongest electromagnetic field frequencies is a key determiner of DNA signaling. By changing the electromagnetic environment of the body DNA expression can be optimized towards health.
DNA reprograming is not only possible, it’s a key evolutionary feature
An important aspect of being human and overall health is electromagnetic. What that means is that humans interact with electric and magnetic fields bioelectrically. The resonant vibration of DNA to the strongest electromagnetic field frequencies is a key determiner of DNA signaling. AKA which section of DNA is vibrating the most, attracting to it RNA and other transcribing molecules.
By changing the electromagnetic environment of the body DNA expression can be optimized towards health. This is still a very new understanding in science, and the best evidence that exists corroborating this effect comes from earthing and the cellular actions of herbs.
Learn more by watching my video below:
*Note - this page is under development
Earthing and the Earth’s Magnetic Field
What is Bioelectricity?
Herbs that Improve Bioelectricity
What’s the Evidence?
Earthing - Connect to the Earth and Heal
Are you electron deficient? Getting into contact with the Earth by "earthing" allows the human body to equalize in charge to the Earth's surface electric potential and is radically transformative for overall health and wellness. With the right know-how and tools, earthing is easy to reincorporate into one's lifestyle, improving cardiovascular, digestive, and cognitive health.
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated August 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
There is a natural, free, and non-invasive health and wellness practice that exists that provides you the most benefits for the least amount of work of any holistic wellness practice that I know of.
This wellness practice, known as earthing or grounding, is as old as time, and recently thanks to the determination of a few resourceful people it’s been rediscovered from a modern scientific perspective.
Earthing is as simple as placing your bare feet on some grass or going for a swim in the ocean.
With earthing you will experience significant changes in a very subtle way. Seems like a paradox but that’s the best way to describe the effects that happen when you begin grounding often. Consistently reconnecting with the Earth’s natural energy restores to the body a vital element largely absent in your life (unless you’re already grounding often 👏).
Your bodies bioelectric system which controls every cellular function operates best when connected to the Earth’s electric field regularly, and if you ground yourself often you will experience a complete physiological and psychological renewal from your DNA up.
Earthing is one of the easiest things you can do for your health that will create more more vitality in your life, and without any negative side effects. Earthing regulates the master bioelectric switch board that controls inflammation, pain, DNA expression, nervous system activity, and so much more.
Put simply, connect to the Earth and heal. In this article we’ll discuss what earthing is, how earthing benefits human bioelectricity, earthing’s numerous health benefits, the geophysics of earthing, and methods of incorporating earthing into your everyday lifestyle.
How Earthing Affects Human Bioelectricity
While it helps to understand how earthing works in a complete sense by examining the geophysics of the Earth’s global electric circuit (covered in the geophysics section), we’ll start with how connecting to the earth affects human bioelectricity. It’s how earthing changes the functioning of the human bioelectrical system that provides it its many and sometimes miraculous health benefits.
We are Electrical Beings
The Earth and the human body are both electrically conductive. What this means is that negatively charged electrons can move easily through both. The Earth is conductive because of it’s mineral content, hydrosphere, and ionosphere, and the human body is conductive because we are made up of mostly water, have numerous electrolytes in our body, and have dedicated cellular structures like neurons and connective tissues which easily conduct electricity. Because of this we are strongly influenced by our external electrical environment. Want to measure the activity of the nervous system? Perform a simple skin conductance test. Some of the bodies most complex systems can be accurately measured in their functioning by testing simple properties like skin conductance or heart rate variability. The relationship between biology and electromagnetism goes very deep,
The human bioelectrical system starts with DNA, the blueprint and building blocks of life, and then works its way up to larger structures like endocannabinoid receptors, cell membranes, neurons, and interstitial connective tissues. The largest expression of the human bioelectrical system is the heart, brain, and human biofield (in spiritual terms, the aura).
All life evolved in the varying electromagnetic fields of the Earth and cosmos at large, from the Earth’s global electric circuit to natural energy fields like the Schumann resonances.
The Schumann Resonances - What are they?
As life evolved for millions of years saturated in these energy fields, its interactions with them became increasingly complex, at which point we reach Homo sapiens (us!), one of the most bioelectrically advanced species on the planet.
For example it appears our brain evolved to transmit to and receive information from a worldwide energy field which Carl Jung dubbed the Collective Unconscious. Our bioelectrical systems evolved for more than just ensuring the proper functioning of our body but also to connect all of humanity over space-time at the speed of light, pretty cool huh?
How to Connect your Brain to the Schumann Resonances
I lay this out because I want to impress upon you some of the amazing complexities of human bioelectricity, and how if the bioelectrical system is functioning properly, how optimizing its functioning can help us achieve amazing accomplishments. It’s the status of the bioelectrical system that determines whether one can perform incredible feats of athleticism or transcend to higher states of consciousness.
Without regularly grounding to the Earth the human bioelectrical system can never operate to its greatest potential, and some metaphysical evidence for this is that grounding can increase lucid dreaming and ESP abilities.
The Heart is the Core of the Bioelectrical System
Every heartbeat is a contraction of the heart muscle generated by an intrinsically produced electrical signal from specialized cardiac cells. This signal is measurable via an electrocardiogram (ECG) and each heartbeat also produces an nanotesla strength (nT) magnetic field that’s measurable with specialized magnetometers.
What’s recently been scientifically discovered is that the heart functions much better when grounded to the Earth. Most people know of a “ground” as a conductive object (typically an iron rod) that is driven into the earth in order to absorb or dissipate electrical charge, allowing what ever is connected to the ground to remain at the same electrical potential as the Earth. Put another way, anytime two conductive objects make contact, electrons flow from where they are abundant to where they aren't abundant, which equalizes both objects to each other. In a nutshell that's earthing, it’s simply an electric equalization to the Earth.
The heart, just like any modern electrical appliance, likewise also benefits from being grounded to the relatively stable electrical potential of the Earth. How the body operates from DNA expression all the way to each heartbeat and your brainwaves is strongly influenced by the internal bioelectrical environment of the body, and when the Earth’s stabilizing electrical reference point is present, the bioelectrical system operates better with less problems.
One way earthing has been qualitatively measured to improve the functioning of the heart is by how it improves heart rate variability.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV): The variation in the amount of time between heartbeats.
Depending on a variety of factors, most notably your breathing, the time in-between heartbeats increases and decreases over time. HRV is the most accurate predictor of sudden death and is a very good measure of stress. When the time variation between heartbeats is low, then the cardiac system is performing poorly as compared to when HRV is high.
In addition to earthing, your mental and emotional status influences HRV.
CC - McCraty R. The Energetic Heart. HeartMath Institute; 2003
By taking your rubber/plastic insulating shoes off and walking barefoot on a natural surface like a grass lawn, dirt, or rock, or by going for a swim in a body of water (the saltier the better), the entire body grounds to the electric potential of the earth due to the movement of free electrons in the body. With the body neutralized of erroneous charges, the heart is able to function better and heartbeats become coherent and regular in their pattern like shown in the graphic above.
Earthing Improves Energy Circulation
Most people live highly insulated from the Earth’s natural conductive environment. They wear insulating plastic and rubber shoes, they live and work in buildings elevated from the earth often made with insulating materials like wood and plastic, and they sleep in comfy beds with big fluffy sheets. Most people are disconnected and “Earth starved”.
More evidence for this comes in the fact that the sole of the foot contains about 1300 nerve endings per inch, one of the highest nerve densities anywhere on the entire human body. Our feet are big conductive electrical paddles meant to regularly be in contact with the conductive surface of the Earth as we go about our day, and this used to be the case up till the advent of modern human society.
Connecting to the Earth often reduces electrical imbalances in the body and improves energy circulation. Anytime you are grounded you don’t carry a built-up charge, and it’s electrical charges in the body that determine a lot of things such as inflammation, the activity of the nervous system, pain and much more. Built-up charges in parts of the body inhibit the easy flow of bioelectric energy, which disrupts overall health and wellness.
Earthing Health Benefits
As a holistic health method earthing helps the body in the ways it needs and isn't necessarily directable. That said earthing commonly helps with a wide variety of conditions and can be employed daily to help with symptom management and also to heal the underlying causal problems.
The human bioelectrical system is the base layer that influences and controls nearly every every aspect of health, and earthing are we evolved to do stabilizes the bioelectric system to the Earth’s surface electric field. As part of our evolutionary heritage, earthing has notable cardiovascular, cognitive, nervous system, digestive, hormonal, and physical health benefits.
Earthing Cardiovascular Benefits
Earthing improves circulation by reducing blood viscosity to its normal level. Red blood cells carry a negative surface charge so they are repelled from one another and don’t clump. The greater the positive charge that builds in the body by staying insulated from the Earth’s negative potential, the weaker the negative surface charge of red blood cells, known as zeta potential. How earthing improves zeta potential is one of its biggest effects.
To preventing clumping of red blood cells, blood viscosity is reduced and the heart has an easier job pumping blood throughout the body and into the small blood vessels and very narrow capillaries. By improving blood electrodynamics, earthing reduces high blood pressure and reduces inflammation. Earthing has also been shown to reduce coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, and diabetes. And as discussed already Earthing improves HRV, a very important measure of overall health.
Earthing Nervous System Benefits
The nervous system runs on electrochemical impulses, and by neutralizing any imbalanced charges throughout the body via the stream of free electrons that earthing moves through the body, the nervous system is stabilized in its functioning.
In order for electrical impulses anywhere in the body to be detected and then acted upon, the strength of the signal must stand out significantly from background bioelectrical noise. When ungrounded the bioelectrical noise of the body is higher and therefore bioelectrical signals must be stronger to be actionable, which requires more energy and resources, or certain functions are simply given up as being too costly and are not possible to do, which manifests as a limitation of potential (aka nervous system disorder or simply a reduction in physical/mental ability).
By stabilizing the nervous system and reducing bioelectric noise, earthing helps with disorders of the nervous system like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Earthing activates the “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system instantly. Stress of any kind whether physical, mental, or emotional activates the “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system, increasing cortisol and adrenaline secretion, and by shifting the body back towards a more balanced ratio between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, grounding reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes a deeper more restful sleep. Sleep is when the body undergoes its daily tune-up, repairing and regenerating whatever needs to be fixed, and these natural rejuvenating processes work best when the body is a quiet calm state of nervous system activity.
The body is highly interlinked and it’s these nervous system benefits that are partly responsible for the cardiovascular, cognitive, and digestive benefits that earthing offers.
Note - If you’re really struggling from nervous system dysfunctions then alongside earthing use a natural herbal like reishi mushroom. Reishi mushroom can be used to help treat stress, anxiety, and chronic fatigue, learn more.
Earthing Cognitive Benefits
The bioelectrical neurology of the brain is incredibly sensitive, and by stabilizing the bodies bioelectrical system and reducing excess bioelectrical noise, earthing improves the functioning of the brain. Earthing helps with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other mental health disturbances, and earthing also improves brainwave activity.
Earthing helps with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other neurocognitive diseases, and in general earthing improves cognitive abilities and performance. Earthing has been linked to an increase in lucid dreaming and precognition.
Another big benefit of earthing is that it shields you from power grid, WiFi, and cellular electropollution. The body did not evolve in the presence of high frequency microwaves which cycle millions to billions of times per second, and these rapid electromagnetic oscillations disturb the brain via interactions with magnetosomes.
If you ever get into that tired but wired state, where the mind is racing but the body wants to rest and you’re unable to relax/sleep, then the best thing you can do is to ground yourself and neutralize your bioelectrical system back to the Earth’s normal electric potential.
Note - Watch my video to learn more about how electrosmog impacts the brain (YouTube link).
Earthing Gut Health Benefits
Wild Free Organic has a lot of articles on gut health, and we’re also the home of the Holistic Gut Health Guide eBook, and I mention this because if you have gut health problems then know that earthing is another wellness practice that greatly benefits gut health because of how it normalizes nervous system activity. By increasing parasympathetic “rest and digest” activity, earthing normalizes gut motility and helps the body maintain consistent and regular waves of smooth muscle activity that move food through the digestive system. In this way earthing helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), reduces constipation, and helps with acid reflux.
Note - If you’re really struggling with IBS, peppermint has proven useful for IBS and can be used alongside earthing to enact noticeable improvements.
Earthing Hormonal Benefits
Earthing benefits the endocrine system greatly for both men and women, mainly because it helps to reduce the release of over-stimulated hormones (in modern society) like cortisol while increasing the secretion of under-stimulated hormones like melatonin. Earthing smooths out hormonal imbalances for both men and women.
Earthing is overall helpful for periods, reducing PMS, cramps, and sometimes even period duration. For women who are perimenopausal or in menopause, earthing helps reduce hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and irritability.
For men earthing can help with erectile dysfunction because of how it improves blood flow, and in general is beneficial for the male hormone system*.
Earthing has also been shown to improve blood glucose through its interactions with the pancreas and insulin secretion.
*Note - If you’re a man and want to boost your testosterone and functioning down under while also improving your overall health and wellness then check out the natural herb cistanche. Average testosterone levels have been declining for decades now and cistanche boosts testosterone effectively.
Earthing Physical Benefits
Earthing has many benefits for the tissue and muscular systems of the body. Whether you’re an athlete or someone wanting to move and feel better, earthing can improve your physical fitness. Earthing improves sleep quality which aids in rest and recovery, it reduces pain, speeds up wound healing, decreases muscle protein breakdown, and has even been shown to improve flexibility.
If you have any sort of physical impairment, wound, injury, or are striving to optimize your athletic abilities to the max*, then earthing consistently everyday is an absolute must.
*Note - The endocannabinoid system is one component of the bioelectric system, and cannabinoids benefit athletes if used appropriately and responsibly.
Other Earthing Benefits
It should be clear by now that earthing has a tremendously beneficial impact on health because it targets an aspect of human biology that is at the foundation of our existence, human bioelectricity. As such it should be no surprise then that there exist even more heath benefits to earthing that haven’t already been discussed. For example:
Earthing improves renal (kidney) function
Earthing helps with glaucoma
Earthing relieves acute and chronic pain
Earthing speeds up wound healing
Earthing reduces bacterial growth
And I’ll say it once more, GROUNDING REDUCES INFLAMMATION (the main driver of 80+ diseases)
Geophysics of Earthing
You’ve now been primed on earthing, bioelectricity, and the health benefits of being grounded, but you may be asking why this is even a thing in the first place?
Well the reason why earthing is something we evolved to do naturally is because the Earth is a 6 sextillion metric ton battery continually replenished with energy from solar radiation and internal radioactivity. This energy keeps the Earth’s geologic processes going which generates a magnetic field deep within its core. From this internal electromagnetism all the other electromagnetic forces of the Earth like the Schumann resonances, telluric currents, and the global electric circuit derive from.
The Global Electric Circuit
About 100 kilometers above the surface of the Earth radiation from the Sun strips electrons from the gas molecules of the atmosphere and breaks their chemical bonds, creating highly charged ions. This atmospheric layer is known as the ionosphere, and its electric potential ranges from 250-500,000 volts. The electric potential of the Earth’s surface is about zero, so as you move up in the atmosphere towards the ionosphere the electric potential increases*. While air is a poor conductor of electricity, it can build up a static charge due to thermal heat convection and the movement of water. As this happens weather storms develop and the built-up atmospheric charge will discharge eventually either via rainfall or lightning strikes. Across the globe lightning strikes 50-150 times a second, and with each lightning bolt being a massive surge of electrons, the Earth’s surface is continuously replenished with free electrons from the constant lightning activity.
Credit: NSF, Jeffrey Forbes - University of Colorado at Boulder
To explain how this works a bit more, as a storm system grows, a positive charge builds in the ground surface underneath, and once the electric potentials of the Earth’s surface and storm clouds reach a critical point, the resistance of the air is able to be overcome and the opposite electric charges of the two systems equalize via a lightning channel (see right side of graphic above). These massive surges of electrons create conductive ionized gas channels which they flow through, always moving along path of least resistance which is either in-between points within the storm system or downwards towards the ground.
*Note - At 1.5 meters up (about head level) the electric potential is around +350 volts, but since air is such a poor conductor of electricity you don’t get zapped from the voltage gradient that exists in-between your feet and head. Since the human body is conductive, if you’re grounded the near-zero electric potential of the Earth rises up to your head and creates a protective umbrella effect that shields you from EMFs and electropollution.
Variations in the Earth’s Surface Electric Potential
The earth’s surface electrical potential isn’t always the same, as discussed above it changes based on atmospheric activity and during storms, its primary rhythm though is that it increases during the day due to solar radiation and decreases at night as the Sun’s energetic influence is removed.
In this way grounding is one of the primary signals the body uses to stabilize its circadian rhythm, in addition to the diurnal fluctuations in visible light and temperature. Having a in-sync circadian rhythm is of course vital to good health and wellness.
When the Earth’s surface electrical potential changes rapidly, like during a powerful thunderstorm, bioelectrically sensitive people sometimes experience symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, headaches, and just overall instability. This can also happen during a full moon. Every 28 days the moon lines up with the Earth and Sun and is positioned inside Earth’s magnetotail, accumulating electrical potential from the Sun non-stop and also from plasma waves from within Earth’s magnetotail. At night on Earth this built-up lunar charge discharges down Earth’s magnetic field lines to our planet’s surface and has a measurable influence on the Earth’s surface electric potential causing it to become more volatile than usual.
I found this Earth-full moon electromagnetic interaction fascinating so I made a video on it which you can watch below to learn more!
The Science of How Full Moon Electromagnetism Affects your Body
How to Ground Yourself
The beautiful thing about grounding as a wellness practice is that it requires almost zero effort, just awareness of whether you’re grounded or not. Overtime grounding will become second nature to you and won’t require any special planning or willpower to accomplish. Below are the easiest ways to practice earthing.
Walk Barefoot
Our feet our loaded with nerve endings, we evolved to walk barefoot and remain in grounded contact with the Earth at all times, and walking barefoot is therefore one of the best ways to ground yourself. When at the park, beach, or in nature kick the shoes off and spend time with your feet in direct contact with the surface of the ground. Wet sand at the beach or wet grass are especially conductive and also simply feel wonderful.
This advice goes beyond just barefoot contact with the Earth. Laying down or meditating in lotus posture in a natural environment will also ground your body, though it may not be as quick in effect. Do some yoga in the park(!), the more time you spend grounded the better.
Go for a Swim
Water can be an excellent conductor of electricity depending on the amount dissolved ions. Ions from salts like NaCl assist in the transfer of electrons, so going for a swim in a salty body of water like the ocean washes you in free electrons and beneficial minerals. The nice thing about swimming is that the entire body is immersed and grounds simultaneously from the outside in. When standing barefoot a wave of free electrons will travel upwards from the feet, and it can take 30+ minutes for the entire body all the way up to the head to become grounded, whereas with swimming the effect is much quicker.
There’s a reason why going for a swim, laying out on the beach, and sunbathing feel so good…you’re earthing the entire time and while also charging your body with solar radiation!
Using a Grounding Mat or Blanket
When unable to spend time outside you can ground yourself using a grounding mat or blanket. Grounding mats and blankets are made of electrically conductive materials and are either connected to the ground port of a building’s electrical system or are connected directly to a ground rod placed outside. I personally only recommend using a grounding mat or blanket if you connect it to a grounding rod you yourself place some distance away from the building. The standard ground rod for a building is placed along its side and its wires run alongside the electrical wires, picking up the electrical field from the power system.
Find a spot of ground far removed from any electrical equipment, lines, transformers, etc and drive in a ground rod there. Connect your grounding mats and blankets to that ground rod using a shielded wire and check the connection occasionally to make sure it hasn’t been broken.
Sleeping grounded is one of the best things you can do for your health, so I recommend sleeping with a grounding sheet connected in this manner. If you want to go all out and purchase a grounding sheet for the bed, a grounding mat, a grounded pillowcase, and grounding patches (for localized pain relief), as well as learn more about Earthing, then you can purchase the Earthing Starter Kit from Earthing.
I want to be clear that grounding sheets and mats are not required to incorporate earthing into your life, but if an honest examination of your lifestyle reveals that you’re unlikely to spend as much time outside as would be needed for best effect, or you have a mental or physical disability which limits your ability to ground naturally, then earthing products are an excellent way to enjoy all the benefits of earthing from within your home or office. Because earthing is so foundational to health, any money spent on earthing products that actually gets you grounded daily will turn our to be one of if not the best health investments you’ve ever made (alongside the Holistic Gut Health Guide 😉).
Interact with an Electrically Conductive Object
Another way to ground yourself not discussed often is to interact with an electrically conductive object that has a neutral charge. This can be the metal railing outside a building, a metal water pipe, or even something as simple as a chunk of metal.
For example I have small sphere of pure copper than I’ll hold occasionally if I’m inside and on the computer for a longer period of time than normal. Since copper is so conductive, any excess electrical charge that I have built-up will flow to the copper sphere, and then when I put it down, it’ll slowly discharge back to neutral ready for the next time I use it. Something like this is great for localized pain relief, I personally use it most for hand or abdominal pain.
Don’t be Electron Deficient Any Longer
As you can see, earthing doesn’t have to be complicated. Once you have a good fundamental understanding of the biophysics and geophysics involved, which I hope this article provided you with, then you begin to see the simplicity of earthing and how staying grounded throughout the day only requires the slightest lifestyle adjustments.
Ober C, Sinatra S, Martin Z. Earthing. Second Edition. Basic Health Publications, Inc.; 2014.
Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Sokal K, Sokal P. Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the earth’s surface electrons. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2012;2012:1-8.
Chevalier, Gaétan et al. “The effect of earthing ( grounding ) on human physiology.” (2005).
Chevalier, Gaétan and Stephen T. Sinatra. “Emotional Stress, Heart Rate Variability, Grounding, and Improved Autonomic Tone: Clinical Applications.” (2011).
McCraty R. The Energetic Heart. HeartMath Institute; 2003
Bevington M. Lunar biological effects and the magnetosphere. Pathophysiology. 2015;22(4):211-222.
Medical Disclaimer: All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
Disclosure: Wild Free Organic is a member of various affiliate programs and if a purchase is made through one of our affiliate links a small commission is received. This does not affect your purchase price. Visit our disclosure page for more information.
Exploring Subtle Energies
Subtle energies just beyond our sensory perception pervade the universe at all scales, and one way of exploring the inner spiritual dimensions of life is to explore and observe the subtle energies. Having a greater perception and some understanding of subtle energies also benefits health and wellness, but more questions may be raised than answered. Learn how to feel subtle energies.
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated June 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
A star goes supernova and obliterates its solar system with a gamma ray burst, momentarily outshining its galaxy. An electron decays an energy level and releases electromagnetic radiation, breaking a DNA bond.
These two examples demonstrate that energy permeates the universe at all scales, and as highly sophisticated lifeforms humans are well suited to experiencing many of the energies of the universe.
Some energies are literally blindingly obvious (looking at you Sun!), while others are more subtle and pass unnoticed to the unobservant.
I was first drawn to the exploration of subtle energies as my research into geophysics and astrophysics began to branch at times into metaphysics. Here was a world of endless possibilities, questions at every turn, and few answers...I was mesmerized! I often found myself pondering metaphysics during my job while performing a seismic survey or while I was using a magnetometer to measure Earth’s magnetic field. I began to question how simple geophysics like sound waves and electric waves in the crust influence an individual:
“How does a 0.2 Hz seismic microtremor generated from ocean waves change how our bodies resonate in an environment compared to 20 Hz microtremors generated from a nearby highway?”
“How do Earth’s electromagnetic fields like the Schumann resonances interact with human biology”
Overtime the more I learned and the more questions I asked the more a cohesive view of energy developed in my mind. Energy is all things, from the stone along the side of the road, to the star 150 kilometers away from Earth, to you.
Naturally at some point in the quest to better understand energy one begins studying the “subtle energies” and the effects of subtle energies:
What causes how you feel during a full moon?
Why does some water feel more alive that other water?
Why do some people, places, and things just make you feel uncomfortable?
What are Subtle Energies?
Our ability to observe and identify subtle energies is thwarted by our limited scientific methods and instrumentation, and for that matter we’re also limited in the study of subtle energies by the limits of our biology. Subtle energies are inherently difficult to study because they will always be at the edge of our resolution, but it’s vitally important that we try our best at all times to better understand subtle energies because the impacts they have can be quite enormous.
For example, during the embryonic stage cellular voltage gradients across cells determine DNA expression and cellular function. Apply the brain’s cellular voltage gradient to a section of the tail of a frog embryo, a mini brain will develop in the tail (1). An electromagnetic field at the cellular scale is a textbook example of a subtle energy, too small to probably feel yet here we observe this subtle energy forever changing the course of that small frog’s life.
While it may be easier for subtle energies to affect our existence at earlier stages of life, the countess subtle energies that surround and permeate each and every one us at all times have a large impact on our body, mind, and spirit. Exploring and better understanding subtle energies and how they impact you is not solely for those who were born with increased sensitivity to subtle energies, but for all people. In many ways human evolution has led us towards the exploration of subtle energies, it’s a birthright that comes along with our big brains and advanced consciousness.
How to Feel Subtle Energies
There are a few methods that I use to better feel subtle energies in myself and of my environment. Everyone is different so they may not work for you, but I encourage you to try these methods and discover for yourself how well they work.
Quiet the Mind: Meditation is one of the best ways to feel subtle energies as its a way to quiet the activity of the body and the mind. Just as you can’t hear a pin drop in a loud room, with a busy internal bioelectrical environment subtle energies can pass and exert their effects undetected. The main route to the detection of subtle energies is through meditation, and the more you practice the more sensitive you become.
Increase Brainwaves: Better feeling subtle energies comes with the territory of greater consciousness. One proven way to increases consciousness is to increase brainwaves frequencies and amplitudes. Listening to binaural beats is one way to entrain brainwaves to the binaural beat frequency. Another way to stimulate brainwaves is with certain herbs like green tea and chamomile, both of which boost 8-12 Hz alpha brainwaves.
Explore with Psychedelics: Once the brain was fully matured around the age of 25 and if mentally stable, responsibly delving into the world of psychedelics with substances like cannabis (THC) and magic mushrooms (psilocybin) is a powerful way to interact and feel subtle energies. Psychedelics interact with subtle energies in ways modern science does not yet understand, and direct experience of the manipulation of reality as we perceive it is one way to better understand the complex nature of our existence.
Connect with the Earth: Spending time in nature, which itself is a mesh of subtle energies, is one way to develop a feeling of the unseen and unheard. Even better is to spend some time grounding while in nature, placing your feet, hands, and/or body in direct contact with the conductive ground surface of our planet. The Earth is a sea of subtle energies, waves of free electrons sweep across the surface of the planet every second. Meditating while grounding is an excellent way to explore certain subtle energies and how they affect your autonomic nervous system and beyond.
And for another example of a subtle energy, think about how reading this article made you feel.
For those who have felt and experienced subtle energies, which is most everyone at some point in life, please share your experiences in the comments below!
Pai VP, Lemire JM, Pare JF, Lin G, Chen Y, Levin M. Endogenous gradients of resting potential instructively pattern embryonic neural tissue via notch signaling and regulation of proliferation. Journal of Neuroscience. 2015;35(10):4366-4385.
Disclosure: Wild Free Organic is a member of various affiliate programs and if a purchase is made through one of our affiliate links a small commission is received. This does not affect your purchase price. Visit our disclosure page for more information.
Biofield Tuning - Electromagnetic Sound Healing
Humans are electrical beings whose electromagnetic biofields hold energy and information. Emotions and beliefs are stored in the biofield, and any discordant self-limiting pattern that exists can be identified and resolved using biofield tuning techniques. Biofield tuning is a type of sound healing which uses metal tuning forks to interact with the biofield to heal on the electromagnetic level.
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated January 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
When examining health and wellness from a holistic perspective, we must see beyond just diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors. The energetic state of the body and mind have a wide ranging and powerful effect on an individual’s health and wellness. Energetic state influences how much energy someone has at their disposal for physical or mental endeavors, their state of mind and brainwave patterns, and whether the possibility for disease exists. Linked to the energetic field of the body are consciousness and emotions (1,2). Present emotional status and past emotional history have a strong effect on the mind and body.
What we believe manifests into reality at different strengths depending on the conviction of the belief, and this principle holds true for beliefs incorporated into oneself in the past. The further back in time a belief is stored, usually the more unconsciously the associated behaviors will manifest. Beliefs can be positive or negative, and everyone’s unique combination of beliefs makes them who they are. It is through their interactions with belief systems that many alternative healing methods work, be it plant medicine ceremonies, meditation, yoga, or sound healing.
Biofield tuning is a very powerful type of sound healing interacts with the human electromagnetic field in order to discover and heal deep unconscious emotional trauma and limiting belief systems that would have been difficult for a seeker to discover on their own.
What is Biofield Tuning?
Biofield tuning is a type of sound healing that uses metallic tuning forks to interact with the electromagnetic field of the human body, otherwise known as the biofield. The human biofield extends on average 2 meters out from the center of the body and a biofield tuning specialist is able to feel and manipulate this electromagnetic field using tuning forks of different frequencies. According to biofield tuning theory, the magnetic field lines furthest away from the body are those associated with early life, and field lines closer to the body correspond to more recent history. As a result the biofield also can be read as a timeline of past experiences and emotions. Unresolved trauma will manifest in the biofield as discordant energy which a biofield tuning specialist can detect by the shift in vibrational and auditory frequency of the tuning forks.
Emotional trauma and limiting belief systems manifest themselves in the human biofield as “knots”, warped magnetic field lines that correspond to energy blockages in the body. An experienced biofield tuning specialist is able to interact with biofield knots, discover past emotional trauma, and with a clear mind, receive the information stored in the biofield to guide the seeker towards resolution.
The Power of Belief and Holographic Theory
To fully understand the power experienced emotions and belief has on one’s existence*, let’s take two individuals who experienced different upbringings, Jack and Joe. Jack was always told he was smart from a young age, and as Jack grew up layers of beliefs that he is smart were built. Jack’s internal deep set belief that he is smart manifested in reality as him actually being very intelligent.
On the other side of the spectrum, if Joe was told from a young age he was dumb, Joe will have built up a belief system that he is dumb which then will manifest itself into reality as his stupidity.
Until Joe dismantles his old belief systems that he is stupid, he will not be able to unlock his full potential. Specific deep set beliefs can be very hard to change as these beliefs actually manifest into reality in such a way as to impede the identification and healing of that belief system. Most everyone has beliefs that do not serve them hidden in blind spots, and this is where bringing in a coach or healer to identify these self-limiting areas of belief is so valuable. Repairing and changing belief structures that do not serve the individual or collective is a requisite step required for complete health and wellness to be achieved. Until all self-sabotaging, limiting, and deleterious beliefs are replaced by beliefs that serve to grow an individual consciously, emotional baggage can manifest as limitations, injury, and disease.
*Holographic theory explains this phenomenon, and for more information on holographic theory I suggest you read the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
My Experience with BioField Tuning
Being a geophysicist who has an understanding of how biofield tuning works from a physics perspective, and also being a holistic wellness practitioner, having the opportunity to have my biofield tuned was very exciting. Experiencing the physics of biofield tuning to discover self-limiting blind spots and past emotional blockages was a unique synthesis between self wellness and the physics of our universe that I live to better understand and educate others on.
Biofield tuning specialist Angie Bahm of Sound Healings Edmonds was the first person to examine my biofield. I went into the session with an open mind once the session started I found it easy to maintain a deep state of meditation throughout. Through my grounding and meditation practices, my earth star and soul star chakras were identified as being well balanced. By examining my biofield timeline, Angie was able to find unresolved childhood emotional trauma that I had held onto since the age of five, which is when my parents divorced. I have very few memories from this time in my life and everything that I experienced during that turbulent time was stored in my unconscious. By realigning my magnetic field corresponding to that time, Angie was able to offer insight into the emotions I experienced and provided me closure on self-limiting beliefs that I had developed.
To learn more about biofield tuning and to watch my biofield tuning session live, you can watch the video at the top of the article. You can also read the book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy written by Eileen Day McKusick, the founder of biofield sound healing therapy.
I wish all of you the best in resolving any past emotional blockages and limiting belief systems you may possess. The wellness journey is never-ending as there is always room for expansion, every step forward takes one closer to their true purpose.
Murphy T. Solving the “Hard Problem”: Consciousness as an Intrinsic Property of Magnetic Fields. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. 2019;10(8):646-659.
Beck R. Mood Modification with ELF Magnetic Fields: A Preliminary Exploration. Published online 1986.
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How to Establish Schumann Brainwave REsonance
The Schumann Resonance is an ultra-low frequency 7.83Hz electromagnetic wave produced naturally by the Earth's electrical discharges (lightning). 7.83Hz binaural beats can cause brain entrainment at 7.83Hz, creating physiological resonance with the electromagnetic Schumann Resonance. This improves wellness and subjective feelings of well-being.
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter! All YouTube videos are of my production.
The Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic fields in the 7-45+ Hz frequency range, overlapping human brainwaves in frequency and photonic power. The magnetic field strength of the Schumann resonances and brainwaves is the same at around 1-10 pT.
The human brain produces Schumann resonances though thoughts and cognition. Neurons of the hippocampi in particular, the part of the brain (located on both sides) responsible for memory, learning, focus, and new brain cells, pulse at an approximate 8 Hz frequency. Under unique circumstances, the brain can pulse in widespread electric synchronicity, enabling energy and information transfer between all parts of the brain simultaneously, reorganizing consciousness in the process. High-frequency widespread brainwave synchronicity is like a symphony, it requires a conductor, and the metronome the body uses is the heartbeat and the 7.8 Hz Schumann resonance.
Energy and information is stored in electromagnetic waves, and both energy and information are valuable to life. A sudden idea gives you great success! Physical and mental energy enables you to accomplish your desired objectives every day.
The Earth environment creates electromagnetic waves at Schumann frequencies (7.8, 14, 20, 25-26, 33, 39, 45 Hz) due to lightning strikes (all frequencies), earthquakes and seismic stress (10-30 Hz), and solar interactions with the ionosphere (all frequencies). The magnetic field of the Schumann resonances is carried easily through the atmosphere without much attenuation, whereas the electric field of the Schumann resonances is carried easily through the Earth’s surface as telluric currents without much attenuation. To best connect with the Schumann resonances are need to interact with the electric field component and the magnetic field component.
Human biology enables connection to the Earth’s magnetic field component of the Schumann resonances.
Air isn’t a great conductor of electricity so you won’t receive an energy boost from synchronizing your brainwaves to the Schumann resonances, but the magnetic field is well equipped to facilitate information transfer. Ferromagnetic cellular organelles in the brain known as magnetosomes have high magnetic orientation capabilities, and by vibrating with the frequency of the Schumann resonances, endogenous electric currents in the brain are stimulated via Faraday’s Law. These eddy currents may be of a low intensity, but when then synchronize to the Earth’s electric field of the Schumann resonances via earthing, it provides a strong enough timing signal free of charge that the brain can then devote its energy to endogenously creating the higher frequency waves of the Schumann resonances.
If the process can be repeated through skill most easily acquired through deep meditation, then those higher frequency signals can begin to trigger in the brain through the exogenous input and the brain can again step up the frequency of its endogenous energy consuming brainwaves. The higher the final frequencies achieved, the more information can be transfered and reorganized across the entire brain and nervous system
Faraday’s Law: An electric field is produced by a changing magnetic field
This is the base science of how the human brain and Earth’s Schumann resonances can enter into deep electromagnetic synchronicity with each other, opening up the Human-Gaia connection, a vast source of life wisdom. The fill in your understanding of this theory, watch my video below:
Now if you have the time and want to begin developing this skill of establish brainwave resonance with the Earth, I have a five minute wellness experiment for you as well as tools and resources below.
First, tune into your breath…observe it. How do you feel? Take note of your current mood.
Keep your focus on your breath and simply observe your existence. If you wish you can take notes of your experiences.
If you’re not already, find a quiet location free from electrosmog, like a park. Find your breath and slowly settle the mind down. Lie down or sit in lotus and listen to 7.83Hz Schumann Resonance binaural beats on low, just at the edge of audio detection. For best results use a pair of headphones. Binaural beats create brainwaves in the auditory nerve at the chosen beat frequency, and are useful in priming brainwave synchronicity at frequencies of your choosing, in this case the foundational and most power mode of the Schumann resonances.
When you achieve a deep meditative state and your imaginative centers are alight, you may find yourself having breakthroughs, insights, and epiphanies. Likewise, whatever you think or visualize now is broadcast into the Schumann resonances and vibrates around the world at the speed of light, circumnavigating the globe about 8 times per second. In connection to the Earth’s natural energy fields, you can begin to explore your energetic connections with others, places, and yourself. With a very slow heart rhythm, you can connect to the sub 1 Hz frequencies of the planet and be closer to the experience of the implicate order, the place beyond space and time where all possibilities exist. To learn more there research David Bohm and the holographic theory of consciousness.
What are the Schumann Resonances?
The Schumann resonances are ultra-low frequency 7.83Hz electromagnetic wave produced naturally by the Earth's electrical discharges in the atmosphere and by seismic stress. Because of their ultra-low frequency and long wavelength, it is able to pass through almost all materials, including the hard rock geology of the Earth, and exists worldwide.
Electromagnetic Power Density Plot of an undisclosed location. Y Axis = Amplitude, X Axis = Frequency.
Notice the high-amplitude spike at 50Hz; this is due to a 50Hz power grid.
All evolution on our planet which includes human evolution has occurred in the electromagnetic interference pattern of the Schumann resonances at 7.8 Hz, 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 25-26 Hz, 33 Hz, 39 Hz, and 45Hz. The video below is my beginner’s guide to the Schumann resonances.
Theta and Alpha Brainwaves
The frequency of the strongest (foundational) Schumann Resonance is 7.83Hz, which is the same frequency of theta and alpha brainwaves we produce being at the junction. Theta brainwaves are observed when in a relaxed, creative state of mind and also during lucid dreaming. Alpha brainwaves are observed when in a more alert and calm focused creative state of mind (1).
Brainwaves are very much a chicken and the egg scenario. The activities someone is doing, and the mood they are in, will determine what brainwaves are predominantly being generated. On the flip side, the mental state of mind and mood can be altered by selecting for certain brainwaves. One way to exert some control over this process is with binaural beats.
What are Binaural Beats?
A binaural beat consists of two waveforms at different frequencies that when propagating together combine into a lower frequency and high amplitude waveform. This is also known as a beat frequency and displays simples concepts of physics (i.e stacking waveforms) in action.
Binaural beats have the capability of entraining brainwaves (2), which makes them an excellent tool to use if desiring a enter into a certain brainwave pattern. 7.83Hz binaural beats played under parasympathetic conditions will promote relaxation, calm, reduce stress, enhance creativity, and improve general mood and well-being.
Binaural beats are most effective with headphones or a large speaker, but can also be played from a laptop, phone, or tablet effectively.
Learn the science of how binaural beats work with the following video: Binaural Beats - How They Work
Binaural Beats, Brainwaves, and the Schumann Resonance
The Schumann Resonance is electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of the sound waves from the video above are the same 7.83Hz, but they are not electromagnetic radiation. What the Schumann 7.83Hz binaural beats do though is entrain the brain to naturally begin producing Theta/Alpha brainwaves around or at the frequency of 7.83 Hz.
Modern electromagnetic manipulation from the electrical grid, radio stations, cell towers, WiFi routers, and other technologies have polluted the natural EMF spectrum which has lowered the signal-to-noise ration of the Schumann Resonances. In the context of health and wellness and the human bioelectrical system a noisier and less stable electromagnetic radiation background is disadvantageous.
Electromagnetic resonance between the human body and the world at large is not fantasy but scientific fact due to the physics of electromagnetism. Electromagnetic background radiation can be responsible for common health ailments like high blood pressure and anxiety (3,4).
Okay here’s where we end the experiment!
First, tune into your breath. Just observe it, don’t change its rhythm.
Now take note of how you feel, your mood, and your recent thoughts.
How does it compare to the start of the experiment?
There can be many different outcomes from this small experiment, so please share your observations in the comments below in order to create a larger dataset. Include any relevant details that help others understand your experience better.
To continue the “experiment” of observing how you feel and your mental changes during Schumann Resonance binaural beats, combine the effect with a nature immersion guided meditation with the video above. Schumann Resonance mode two 14Hz binaural beats are combined with the pleasing white noise of different waterfalls from Oregon, USA for a calming and empowering meditation all in less than five minutes!
Naturally Produce the Schumann Resonance
Binaural beats at a frequency of 7.83Hz are a tool you can use to best position yourself to naturally produce brainwaves at a frequency of 7.83Hz. Since the Schumann Resonance is a relatively strong electromagnetic wave that exists nearly everywhere, 7.83Hz binaural beats will help you to enter into electromagnetic resonance with the Earth-generated Schumann Resonance, promoting clarity and calm while creating a stronger spiritual connection with Mother Earth. For a more complete explanation as to what the Schumann Resonance, watch The Schumann Resonance | what is it? video or scroll up to where it’s embedded at the top.
For a long-term holistic effect that will improve your well-being and assist you with your spiritual growth, I suggest you leave the 7.83Hz binaural beat video quietly on loop on a dedicated device tucked away in the corner of your house somewhere.
To make reaching the Schumann Resonance brainwave state of mind easier, I suggest drinking green tea, which naturally helps to increase Alpha brainwaves. A cup of green tea in the morning creates a far more joyful and productive day than a cup of coffee, plus your gut health improves with it and you’ll lose body fat. That’s too good of a combination not to try.
For a greater understanding of this topic, both scientifically and spiritually, I highly recommend you read the books:
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov.
Disclosure: The links above are Affiliate links which do not affect your purchase price. The referral I receive helps to support the creation of new conscious media through my YouTube channel and my website Wild Free Organic. These two books have transformed my life, I highly recommend you read them thoroughly and prepare to have your world shaken in the best of ways!
Raymond J, Varney C, Parkinson LA, Gruzelier JH. The effects of alpha/theta neurofeedback on personality and mood. Cognitive Brain Research. 2005;23(2-3):287-292.
Huang TL, Charyton C. A comprehensive review of the psychological effects of brainwave entrainment. Altern Ther Health Med. 2008;14(5):38-50.
Mitsutake G, Otsuka K, Hayakawa M, Sekiguchi M, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Does Schumann resonance affect our blood pressure? Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2005;59:S10-S14.
Ray R. Isochronic Tones in the Schumann Resonance Frequency for the Treatment of Anxiety: A Descriptive Exploratory Study. Saybrook University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017. 10618726.
Bioelectric Field of the Heart and Resonant Electromagnetism
How does electromagnetic radiation influence the bioelectrical system of the body, the heart, and the cardiovascular system? Take a deep dive into the human body, physics, and electromagnetism, and learn why the foundation of the cardiovascular system is the bioelectrical system. Learn how to limit your EMF exposure.
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
Preface - To fully understand this science and logic of this article read the text and watch the videos embedded in order they are displayed. To best understand cardiovascular health the concepts explained below are fundamentally important. Bioelectricity is at the heart of how the heart works.
The heart through its iron-rich blood pumping action creates electrical currents in the body. Magnetic fields are generated from electrical currents, and resultingly the heart has a magnetic field, observable as shown with the magnetocardiogram below.
The heart sustains life, and if the heart is damaged then the body dies very rapidly, sometimes even instantly. What this tells us is that the electrical currents created by the heart are fundamentally important for life. Without an active bioelectrical field, energy stops flowing and death occurs.
We also know the physics of resonance. You can witness it when a singer shatters a crystal glass with their voice. Another easy example to understand resonance is when there are two tuning forks separated by an octave. One is struck and begins to create sound while the other an octave separate picks up the vibrational energy emitted from the first fork and begins to hum its own note in resonance. Billion dollar skyscrapers are built with with the utmost respect for the resonance frequency of the ground they rest on, and poor engineering can end in catastrophe.
So what about the heart, or larger the bioelectrical currents of the human body. Do they have resonance?
Frequency Resonance of the Heart
The answer is yes. The physics of waveforms and frequency is the same, whether it’s electromagnetic or sound. The magnetic field of the human body is always interacting with the magnetic fields of other objects. Closest to us and largest object is the Earth, which has a massive magnetic field. The Sun and other planets have magnetic fields of their own. So does the modern electrical grid.
Note - frequency of 1 Hz means one wavelength per second. 60 Hz would be sixty cycles per minute. 0.5 Hz is one cycle every half second.
The plot above shows magnetic field noise amplitude on the Y-axis and frequency on the X-axis. This plot was created by taking the data from a magnetometer and applying a Fourier transform to it, which split the signal into it’s constituent frequencies and relative amplitudes. The graph starts at 0.5 Hz and goes all the way to 500 Hz.
The highest amplitude signal with this plot is exactly at 60 Hz. Why? The electrical grid of the United States runs at 60 Hz. 60 Hz electromagnetic noise blankets nearly the entire county, it is ubiquitous. Only in remote unelectrified wilderness is high-amplitude 60 Hz noise not observed in the background electromagnetic radiation.
The heart generates energy with a heart beat. It contracts and relaxes, pumping blood and current throughout the body, driving all activities. When energy demands increase, heart rate increases correspondingly. The average resting heart rate is 60 beats per minute. Aha! The heart being a organ which can vary its frequency to match its energy demands, can also vary its frequency when at rest to match a strong resonant electromagnetic field. When in resonance, energy flows from one system to another, and in this way the heart can conserve energy.
Bioelectrical Resonance Frequency for Wellness and Longevity
Considering the above, we can begin to understand that resonant electromagnetism is incredibly important when considering cardiovascular health. Animals with faster heartrates die sooner.
The adult mouse has an average heartrate of 600 beats per minute (also in resonance with 60 Hz electromagnetic noise). The average mouse also only lives for 1-2 years, a short amount of time compared to a human who on average in the healthiest countries lives to 80+. On the lower frequency end of the spectrum, whales have a heartrate of 8-10 beats per minute and can live for centuries.
Fasting heartrates are linked to poor cardiovascular outcomes, and it is generally desirable to have a slower yet stronger heartrate. The issue here is resonance.
When 60 Hz noise from the electrical grid, or even higher frequency noise from other sources like cellular radiation is dominant in the background, the human bioelectrical field will resonant at those frequencies. Heartrates go up, as do health conditions.
In the preindustrial age, the dominant background electromagnetic frequency was the Schumann Resonance, which has a fundamental frequency of 7.83 Hz. Electromagnetic radiation still existed, but it came from natural phenomenon and generally would be low amplitude compared to the electromagnetic field of the Earth.
Back to our magnetic field noise plot, we see that 60 Hz noise circled in red is in fact the highest amplitude energy captured on that day at that particular location (just a normal day in the city). Even the Earth’s strong magnetic field noise we see from 0.5 to 10 Hz (the rising slope to the left) is drastically lower by orders of magnitude. If you live in an industrialized urban area, then you are exposing yourself at all times to 60 Hz electromagnetic noise and it’s harmonics (see as the many other spikes in the data).
Wellness and Longevity Takeaways
Without fully understanding the health implications of electromagnetic energy manipulation, humans have built civilizations on top of electrical technology. From backbone 60 Hz electricity to 5G cellular now in the GHz range (millimeter wavelengths), the background electromagnetic field is being manipulated without full conscious understanding by a few and without the agreement of the collective.
In the absence of fully understanding the effects EMFs have on health and wellness, it is best to be cautious. We need to consider the time spent each day near strong magnetic fields, and more broadly the total time spent in certain electromagnetic conditions. My recommendations are as follows:
Spend time grounded: Take your shoes and socks off at the beach or at the park and connect your bioelectrical field to the Earth. Purchase a grounded bedsheet and sleep grounded in resonance with the Earth for 8 hours every night. Doing this immediately places 1/3rd of your time everyday in resonance with the Earth, whose electromagnetic field we have coevolved with for millions of years. Grounding reduces inflammation in the body and
Limit your screen time: Using a laptop, TV, phone, or tablet increases your EMF exposure. New 5G devices rely on directional networking, which beam 600 MHz to 300 GHz high-energy EMFs directly to you.
Wear shungite: The mineral shungite minerals has radio shielding and radio absorbing properties to reduce the levels of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency 10–30 gHz and electric fields with a frequency of 50 Hz (1).
Limit microwave use: When in use microwaves emit strong EMFs.
Mosin, O. V., and Ignat Ignatov. "The structure and composition of natural carbonaceous fullerene containing mineral shungite." International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research 6.11-12 (2013): 9-21.
The Science of Grounding - Heal Using your Bioelectrical System
Grounding, also known as “Earthing”, is a wellness therapeutic technique which has been practiced multi-culturally for thousands of years. Through a better understanding of how the human bioelectrical system and geophysics combine to impact human health, grounding is beginning to be incorporated into western wellness practices.
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
Grounding, also known as “Earthing”, is a wellness therapeutic technique (1) which has been practiced multi-culturally for thousands of years and is now beginning to be take root in western wellness practices.
Grounding is the practice of connecting your physical body to the Earth, which can be as simple as standing barefoot on grass, or as intentional as grounded meditation and self healing. To explain it simply, when your exposed skin is in contact with the Earth, typically your feet or hands, your body and the Earth connect electrically, supporting the movement of electrons throughout your body, the surrounding earth, and in-between. The effects of grounding depend on the method and duration, and can result in simple easily quantifiable effects such as a sense of calm and well-being, to transformative but hard to quantify healing experiences.
It All Starts with The Earth
Grounding is the connection between the Earth and the physical body. In fact, you connect electrically to every object you interact with in some capacity. For this discussion, we start with the Earth because it is the largest and strongest electrical object that humans (and all other living organisms) can connect to currently.
How you connect electrically with any object depends on the size of the object, how it is in contact with you, the starting electrical state of both objects, and its inherent conductivity/resistivity.
The Earth is a massive object with a large potential to store, move, and transmit electricity.
The rough physical statistics for the Earth are:
Diameter - 7900 miles
Surface Area: 200 million sq miles
Volume: 2.6x10^11 cubic miles
Mass: 6.0x10^24 kg
Magnetic Field Strength at the Poles: 70,000 nT
Magnetic Field Strength at the Equator: 30,000 nT
To protect life from the relentless bombardment of solar rays from the Sun, the Earth needs a very strong magnetic field.
Magnetic fields have been known of for thousands of years, and it was in the 1600’s that scientist concluded that the Earth behaves like a magnet except on a solar system scale. But how are magnetic fields created?
Magnetic fields are created by moving charged particles. In the case of the Earth, the movement of the Earth’s metallic molten core (2) and magnetotelluric currents throughout the mantle and crust generate and shape the Earth’s magnetic field.
Magnetotelluric (3) currents are naturally varying electric currents that are continuously flowing through the Earth over a wide range of frequencies ranging from 10,000 Hz to 0.0001 Hz. Lower frequencies mean larger wavelengths. Geophysicists have been studying magnetotelluric currents since the early 1900’s, and it is well understood and accepted in the scientific community that magnetotelluric currents are created through the constant influx of charged particles from the sun in addition to the thousands of lightning strikes that discharge massive amounts of energy into the Earth every day.
These high and low frequency electrical currents exist deep within the Earth, from surface to core. Different Earth materials (rock, soil, water, etc) have an effect on the strength and propagation of electrical currents. For example, a nice grassy meadow after a rain would be an excellent conductor, but an electrically resistive geologic layer underneath the meadow would make the area overall more resistive to the Earth’s deeper magnetotelluric currents. Since geology varies across time and space, the electrical status of any area can vary. Areas with only minor geologic and hydrogeologic activity will electrically remain fairly constant. Areas with rapid geologic changes (landslides, earthquakes, floods) will vary electrically over time.
Magnetotelluric waves can be detected at the surface, but trees with deep extensive toor systems are able to bring lower frequency and stronger waves to the surface. Trees are incredible conductors of electrical energy, and it is through trees that most lightning strikes “deposit” their energy deep into the Earth.
Trees are very powerful grounders (4). I had a powerful grounding experience with this tree at the botanical gardens in Rio De Janerio, Brazil.
Geology and trees can affect how well the natural electrical currents of the Earth are present at the surface, and other factors can also influence how easy it is to ground to these currents.
Hydrocarbon based materials like asphalt, plastic, and foam are very resistive. In the modern world, many layers of resistivity are built up that separate humans from grounding to the Earth. Wearing socks, running shoes, and standing on asphalt separate you from grounding to the Earth by three layers of various resistivity and thickness.
“Until connected with nature you are highly insulated from Earth’s electrical life force”
We are Bioelectrical Beings
Electromagnetic fields have a profound effect on the human body and mind and to use an obvious example there’s a reason no one wants to be struck by lightening. 10-30% of those struck by lightening die, and 80% of those who survive sustain long-term injuries to their nervous, muscular, and cardiac systems. The fact that we can survive lightening strikes at all is incredible and worth thinking about (6). Our brains create subtle electromagnetic waves and our hearts have a strong consistent magnetic field 1000x stronger than the brain. I’ve measured mine directly before, and when your heat beats the magnetic field amplitude increases the same as a pulse wave. Blood pulse waves strongly generate lower frequency 8-12 Hz alpha brainwaves. The human body utilizes electromagnetic energy across a variety of scales, from very subtle strengths to easily measurable with a magnetometer from a few meters away. In a lightning strike, the electromagnetic fields are so strong that they will override any balance of electromagnetic energy someone has maintained.
If hit by lightning, a massive amount of electricity conducts down the nervous system from the highest part of the body, through the torso and trunk, into the legs, and then discharged out through the feet into whatever is being stood on.
It’s the central and peripheral nervous system that is largely the main system responsible for moving electrical currents through the body. Nerves transmit electrochemical signals from one part of the body to another, and the nervous system is the foundation of your bodies bioelectrical system (7), with other components of the bioelectrical system including the endocannabinoid system, muscle tissue, fascia, and even your blood.
With a lightning strike, in just milliseconds 5 gigajoules of energy travel through an individual, the same amount of energy as 36 gallons of gas. To survive 10-100 million volts from a lighting strike, the human bioelectrical systems must be incredibly well developed and capable of transmitting and grounding the huge amount of energy rapidly. Some people don’t have this ability, their hearts and minds fry, and they pass on. A lightning strike is very dangerous. If lightning is striking within 10 miles of your position head for shelter.
Lightning is an extreme example, but there are other electrical objects we connect with daily. When you hug someone you share electrons, and sometimes a handshake results in a spark! Driving your car or typing on your laptop places you in indirect contact with electronic circuitry. Most appliances are electrically grounded for safety reasons in order not to spark you. Not all electronics are directly grounded though, such as your cellphone, and with the average cellphone containing an energy dense lithium ion battery (8), during use it will ground and discharge some electrons to the most conductive object it is in contact with. Most often, that is you, specifically your hands, which are packed with conductive nerve endings.
Charged or Discharged
Throughout the day, you are in various electrical states. Early in the morning while still in bed, you’ll have had 8 hours to discharge electrons. Depending on your choice of bedding material (conductive natural fabrics vs resistive synthetic fabrics) you either fairly effectively grounded yourself or you remain some percentage charged up from your electrical exposure the day before. Daily grounding is an important part of getting a good nights sleep.
If your activities for the day are active and outdoors, say taking a swim or reading a book on a lawn, you would have grounded throughout the day and therefore would have discharged whatever human charge you had built up.
If your activities for the day instead included heavy cellphone and computer usage, surrounded by low levels of electromagnetic energy in the form of 4G, 5G, and WiFi networks, then you’ll have absorbed more of a charge than you have given off throughout the day, and you’ll be at a higher energy level.
Going to sleep in a charged state, you might find your thoughts scattered, your body restless, and your mind fatigued.
Going to sleep grounded, you’ll discharge the extra energy quickly, your mind will become calm, and you’ll reach a stable baseline charge in sync with the Earth. It’s the stability of the electrical charge that’s important for your wellness. Having a stable electrical balance allows the body to jump right into 8 hours of restorative healing (9), memory maintenance, and smooth digestion.
A grounding bed sheet, connected to the ground plug of an electrical outlet, can quickly rinse you clean of your charged load every night, allowing the body to rest in an electrical environment the same as we evolved with for millennia.
What’s so special about grounding is it allows us a way to discharge and reduce the impact on our mind and body from being in elevated electrical states. Just as modern technology has provided us with revolutionary technology such as the computer and phone, new technology allows people to ground to the Earth in the comfort of more human environments such as your office, living room, or bedroom.
Methods for Grounding
Grounding is one of the most easily accomplished, widely available, and free wellness initiatives you can start at any time. All that is required is a connection to the Earth’s surface, the more conductive the better. That can be problematic in the context of a modern lifestyle, which has made it increasingly difficult to accomplish this seemingly simple task.
For example, in public it’s expected and practical to wear footwear. When was the last time you saw someone walk around barefoot? Aside from the chunky foam of your sneakers, in an office or apartment building you’re at best indirectly connected to the Earth through the many floors of the building, the building’s foundation, carpeting, and more. At home while you lay asleep plastic bed sheets keep you insulated and the bed frame elevates you from the floor which itself is elevated from the ground.
To ground yourself consistently, there are a few lifestyle practices you can make habits of, and their are products you can buy to make the grounding process less conscious and something that just happens. The goal is to always make living a happy healthy life, and to stay grounded, the path of least resistance.
The best way to start grounding is to spend some time outdoors everyday, whether that’s at a park, the beach, hiking, in your backyard/communal living space, where ever. It’s well understood that time spent in nature is fantastic for your health and wellness, helping to boost energy levels, reduce stress, promote a sense of relaxation and calm, reduce risk of disease, and so much more (10). All of these beneficial health effects are synergistically linked with grounding, and thirty minutes a day spent grounding outside in these environments is likely to provide the most wellness benefits of all the methods listed here. Kicking off the shoes and spending time in nature is completely free. If you practice mindfulness during these moments, you’ll quickly experience that the wellness benefits of spending time in nature grounding outweigh the use of time. When connections like these are made, that’s when wellness practices become consistent lifestyle practices.
Another way you can incorporate grounding into your everyday life is to do your exercise grounded. Swimming is a great example of a completely grounded activity any sizable body of water is very well connected to the Earth’s natural electrical currents. Walking and/or running is another activity that can be done grounded, granted you wear the right shoes (or go barefoot). For this I recommend Earth Runners adventure sandals. Earth Runners sandals, made for walking or running, feature a conductive lacing which holds snug to your feet, and terminates at a copper grounding plug on the underside of the sandal. You can also transform your own footwear into grounding footwear with Earth Runners DIY Earthing Shoe kit. I personally have grounded my three favorite pairs of shoes this way (two from Vivobarefoot) and enjoy the fact that I’m efficiently grounded anytime I step outside now!
Vivobarefoot Borough (left), Vivobarefoot Primus Lite (middle), Outer (right). Copper Grounding plugs on each situated at the K1 meridian channel.
Another common way to incorporate grounding into your lifestyle is to add a grounding to a common activity you do daily.
If you go walking everyday, stop by the park and walk across it barefoot. If you meditate or exercise with yoga or calisthenics, then do these activities in direct contact with the ground barefoot.
Swimming in a creek, river, lake, or ocean is an excellent way to ground very rapidly to the Earth’s natural electromagnetic currents. Taking cold shower grounds you more effectively to the Earth than the grounding wire in a house.
Contrary to many, I do not typically recommend grounding mats or bedsheets. If you live in a rural area free from large industrial electrical infrastructure, and you drive you own iron ground in at least 50 feet away from your house, then using a grounding bedsheet in these conditions can be transformatively healing. If using a grounding sheet plugged into a modern house’s wall socket, then you are connecting to the same ground all the 50 or 60 Hz electronics in the house use. In an urban environment this ground is right next to the building and in close proximity to other electrical sources. Using a modern house’s grounding system exposes you directly via the earthing sheet to these electric fields, which may or may not be good. The best grounding is always done in direct contact with Earth free of manmade electromagnetic fields.
Using a grounding mat in a home or an office carries the same problems and is best avoided.
Quick Start Grounding Guide:
Spend ample time outdoors in conductive contact with the ground, either barefoot, with Earth Runners sandals, or your own grounded footwear.
Meditate grounded, and enjoy how clear your mind is during meditation and afterwards.
Exercise grounded, either by swimming or by running/walking/exercising barefoot or with grounded footwear.
Work, study, and relax grounded by installing a grounding mat in your office, at your desk, or your favorite lounging spot.
Get Ahead, Ground!
Depending on how nature oriented your lifestyle already is, the effectiveness of using grounding tools can vary. For those very disconnected from nature, incorporating earthing practices and tools into a daily routine can be transformative. For the tree huggers, the additional benefits of being grounded more often will be less obvious. The important thing with grounding and any wellness endeavor is to be consistent. If you forget to ground for a day or a week, don’t sweat it, simply pick up where you left off.
The wellness effects of grounding are not as quickly obvious as say with techniques like fasting or pain-relieving supplements like turmeric and curcumin since the beneficial health effects are much broader in scope. People more in-tune with their body will notice the effects of grounding very quickly, for others still developing electromagnetic awareness, it might take up to a month to really feel the effects of grounding and to understand how earthing is beneficially impacting them.
Use grounding to connect to your mind and body more than ever before.
Updated September 2021
Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Brown R. The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. J Inflamm Res. 2015;8:83-96.
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