Reprograming your DNA

An important aspect of being human and overall health is electromagnetic. What that means is that humans interact with electric and magnetic fields bioelectrically. The resonant vibration of DNA to the strongest electromagnetic field frequencies is a key determiner of DNA signaling. By changing the electromagnetic environment of the body DNA expression can be optimized towards health.

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Earthing - Connect to the Earth and Heal

Are you electron deficient? Getting into contact with the Earth by "earthing" allows the human body to equalize in charge to the Earth's surface electric potential and is radically transformative for overall health and wellness. With the right know-how and tools, earthing is easy to reincorporate into one's lifestyle, improving cardiovascular, digestive, and cognitive health.

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Rewire the Brain with Meditation

Meditation, the act of focusing inwardly and finding calm, is a powerful wellness practice that has dramatically improved the life and well-being of the millions who practice it. Deep meditation is able to create strong continuous gamma wavelengths in the brain, a rare phenomenon which has powerful effects in changing the activation and structure of the brain via neural plasticity.

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