How to Balance Sympathetic and Parasympathetic States

The sympathetic “fight and flight” nervous system and parasympathetic “rest and digest” nervous systems are part of the autonomic nervous system which controls the bodies mostly unconscious actions like heart rate, respiration, digestion, and more. Maintaining balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is incredibly important for health. Learn how with this guide.

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Posture, Stretching, and Muscle "Jumping"

Have you ever experienced an internal clicking or jumping of your joints or muscles? If you have that's a sign of postural imbalances which left unaddressed can eventually lead to dysfunction and pain. Postural imbalances can be remedied fairly easily with stretching, strength training, and some spinal alignment practices such as seated meditation. Learn how

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Repair and Regrow Joint Cartilage

Cartilage and connective tissues once damaged can be hard to heal and can cause chronic pain. Luckily, it is possible to heal connective tissues and cartilage of the joints and spine using physical therapy techniques, heat therapy, and natural supplementation. Reclaim your mobility and free yourself from pain by repairing and regrowing your cartilage and connective tissues!

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Incorporate Strength Training into a Running Routine

Strength and power are not usually associated with running, yet they are fundamental to running performance and injury prevention. Strength Training builds muscle, burns body fat, ramps up your metabolism, and strengthens your skeleton, tendons/ligaments, and fascia. Whether you’re an beginner or advanced runner, get stronger and run faster by incorporating resistance training.

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Cannabis Yoga

Cannabis yoga is the pairing of yoga with cannabis, typically put into practice through the physical aspects of yoga. Cannabis can help calm the mind, expand consciousness, and better connect the body to the nervous, endocannabinoid, and bioelectrical systems. These properties of cannabis make cannabis yoga a synergistic practice in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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The Science of Why Hydrolyzed Whey Protein is BEST

Hydrolyzed whey protein is one of the best muscle-building proteins known to exist, and it all has to do with its pre-digested nature. While other proteins come in long chains which require longer lengths of time to break down during digestion, whey hydrolysate is already mostly amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides, increasing its speed of absorption, meaning more muscular gains for you.

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