Piperine Improves Digestion and Enhances bioavailability

Piperine is a phytochemical found in black pepper that has numerous health benefits and most notably enhances the bioavailability of other phytochemicals like curcumin (from turmeric). Piperine can be used as an anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, to increase the absorption of other supplements, and to help with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers. Learn how to supplement with piperine.

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Turmeric Curcumin Bioavailability and Supplement Guide

Curcumin is the main active chemical of turmeric root and it is well-known for its many beneficial health effects, from reducing inflammation and improving gut health to enhancing cognition and ameliorating mental health issues. Curcumin has limited bioavailability in its raw state and therefore many different bioavailability enhancement measures have been developed, each with their strengths.

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How to Cleanse the Microbiome

The microbiome is a collection of microorganisms that exist at the cellular level and are incredibly important to life. When the microbiome of a person or environment becomes out of balance and diseased, cleansing the microbiome restores health and proper symbiotic function. A one day microbiome cleanse is an efficient way to cleanse an internal and external microbiome all at once.

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Gut Health for Strength Training

Muscle can be built and strength gained when in a caloric surplus. If the digestive system processes food poorly, then restoring proper "zero-waste" digestive function ensures any food eaten contributes to the goal of continuous lean body mass growth and strength adaptations. This article describes how to have a healthy gut in a food surplus.

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Microbiome and Behavior

There is a bidirectional connection between the microbiome and food behaviors. An unhealthy pathogenic microbiome can feed itself through behavioral patterning of its host, and a healthy symbiotic microbome can likewise encourage beneficial feeding behaviors for itself and its host. The state of the microbiome determines whether you have crave healthy or junk foods. Fasting can reset this system.

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How to get Rid of Parasites

Parasites are creatures that feed off their host and can cause serious disease or even death. Parasites can range from microscopic amoeba to tapeworms 5x longer than you are tall. Parasites are transmitted typically through contaminated water, poorly cooked meat, or exposure to feces. More people have parasites than they realize, and removing them will have a huge positive impact on your health.

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Dangers of Pesticides

Herbicides are chemicals used to kill or affect plant growth, and they were first created in the 1940's for use in war. Now in the 21st century herbicides are the most commonly used pesticide, and residues from herbicides like glyphosate and chlorpropham can be found in most foods. 90% of Americans have pesticides or byproducts in their body, and this can cause serious and deadly health effects.

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