Boron supplementation

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated January 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

Boron is the fifth element of the periodic table, and trace amounts can be found in the Earth’s crust. Though boron is a trace element, it is critical for a variety of plant and animal metabolic processes. In fact, boron deficiency in plants is a major concern for farmers, being the second most common micronutrient deficiency (1). With boron micronutrient deficiency common in crops, it’s likely that most people are likewise deficient in boron, and that’s a cause for concern.

A quick summary of boron’s effects on health can be best described as Wolverine’s superpowers! Boron improves wound healing, builds stronger bones, balances hormone production, strengthens the immune system, and more.

Before we cover all of boron’s amazing health benefits, lets first understand the interactions of vitamin D, magnesium, and testosterone, and how boron has major positive effects on these three systems.


Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Testosterone

For the general populace, vitamin D and magnesium are the first and second most common micronutrient deficiencies. It has been estimated that as many as 1 billion people around the world are vitamin D deficient (2). A vitamin D deficiency has many negative effects on health such as a weakened immune system, poor energy metabolism and fatigue, increased chance of mental health issues like depression and anxiety, muscular pain, loss of bone mass and strength, dysfunctional hormone production, hair loss, and more.

Insufficient magnesium is the second most common micronutrient deficiency, and the possible symptoms are likewise unpleasant, ranging from high blood pressure and asthma to mental disorders and weak bones. Against this nutrient deficiency backdrop, testosterone levels have been decreasing in men for decades (3, 4) due to a variety of factors such as the use of plastics, overuse of antibiotics, and artificial hormones. Vitamin D and magnesium are micronutrients critical for proper hormone health for men and women. The altering of androgenic hormones like testosterone on a population level mean that large swathes of men are experiencing the side effects of low testosterone which include loss of muscle and bone mass, crippling fatigue, severe mood changes, a greatly diminished sex drive, and increased body fat (5).

It has been clearly demonstrated that when vitamin D, magnesium, and testosterone levels are out of balance serious health problems arise. Luckily it has been found that supplementing with mere milligrams of boron everyday greatly improves vitamin D and magnesium absorption.


Does Boron Increase Testosterone?

Because boron aids in the absorption of vitamin D and magnesium, both micronutrients being very important for the functions of the hormonal system.

For young healthy men, boron supplementation has conflicting results on its ability to raise testosterone levels. In one study with young male bodybuilders, though boron supplementation raised plasma boron values, no significant effect was observed on testosterone as compared to the boron-free control group (6). The group using boron did see their total testosterone level increase to a greater degree than the control group, but the increase wasn’t to significance, likely due to the small sample size. An interesting observation from this study is that by the end of the 7 week training protocol the bodybuilders went through for the study, the boron-free control group had significantly lower levels of boron in their plasma that they started with. Both the boron supplementation group and the control increased their lean body mass, total testosterone, and free testosterone, and it’s conceivable that the study duration was not long enough to observe the beneficial effects of boron on testosterone, and that the control group was able to achieve similar results as the boron supplemented group because they made use of the boron already in their body, depleting their reservoirs right as the study ended. If the study was lengthened, it’s possible that different results regarding boron supplementation for testosterone levels would have been observed.

With another study, eight healthy men who supplemented with 6 mg/day of boron for a week increased their free testosterone levels by 28% from 11.83 pg/mL to 15.18 pg/mL, and their estradiol (E2) decreased 61% from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL (7). In a different study on eight men, 10 mg of boron per day supplemented for four weeks increased E2 levels from 51.9 to 73.9 pmol/L, and total testosterone levels increased from 17.4 to 19.4 nmol/L (8). It is unclear why estradiol levels decreased overall in the subjects in one study and increased overall in the other.

One explanation for boron’s changing effects on hormones is that boron is a hormonal adaptogen, balancing hormone levels for optimal wellness. There are so many factors that influence the hormonal system, from stress to micronutrient levels throughout the body, that it is difficult to determine boron’s effect on testosterone levels in men even with a study designed to observe just that.

Considering the extremely low cost and ease of boron supplementation (details below), for anyone interested in boosting testosterone levels I recommend supplementing with 6-10 mg boron daily for 1-2 months while also taking careful observations of libido and general well-being. Basic testosterone tests can also be schedule at the beginning and end of the personal experiment for the most conclusive results. Individual results will vary, and it’s also individual results that matter. Beyond testosterone, having adequate boron levels has many other health benefits.


Boron Health Benefits

Summarized from the research paper Nothing Boring About Boron by Lara Pizzorno, boron has been proven to be an important trace mineral for the following known reasons (9):

Boron is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone

  • Boron was found to reduce calcium excretion in boron deficient post-menopausal women by 44%. Also at play was magnesium, and when magnesium levels were adequate, women lost 22 mg/day of calcium, while those low in magnesium lost 52 mg/day (10).

  • In vitamin-D deficient animals (chicks and rats), boron supplementation helped stimulate bone growth (11).

Boron greatly improves wound healing

  • One study found that when a 3% boric acid solution was applied to deep wounds, the time required in intensive care was reduced by two-thirds, 20 versus 55 days (12). For the 12 patients applied the boric acid solution, this collectively resulted in approximately $350,000 1990 USD in reduced medical expenses.

  • The mechanisms responsible for this dramatic improvement in wound healing was further investigated, and it was found that boron has direct actions on specific enzymes found in fibroblasts (13). Fibroblasts are the most common cells found in animal connective tissue, responsible for synthesizing the connective tissues extracellular matrix and collagen. If you have bad joints, boron supplementation can be paired with a connective tissue regrowth protocol to help speed up the healing process.

Boron beneficially improves hormone levels in post-menopausal women

  • In a study on post-menopausal women, boron supplementation of 3mg/day in the magnesium deficient group almost doubled serum estradiol levels, increasing E2 from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL, and testosterone nearly tripled, rising from an average of 0.31 ng/mL to 0.83 ng/mL. For the magnesium adequate group, E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL (10).

Boron greatly improves Vitamin D status, the most common micronutrient deficiency

  • In a clinical trial, five men and ten women were placed on a low-boron diet (regular western diet, also marginal in magnesium and copper) for 63 days. Afterwards, 3 mg of boron was supplemented per day for 49 days. Vitamin D levels increased from an average of 44.9 nM after boron deprivation to 62.4 nM after the 49 days of boron repletion, a 39% increase (14).

  • During the winter months, 13 middle-aged individuals predetermined to be extremely vitamin D deficient (serum vitamin D3 < 12 ng/mL), were given 6mg of boron per day for 60 days. The study took place beginning in October and concluded by January, a seasonal time period when vitamin-D status would be expected to worsen due to reduced daylight hours. After 60 days of boron supplementation, vitamin D3 levels rose by an average of 20% even during reducing sunlight conditions, which is phenomenal (15).

  • Boron increases vitamin D levels by suppressing the activity of 24-hydroxylase, the microsomal enzyme primarily responsible for the catabolism (breakdown) of vitamin D. The suppression of this enzyme increases the half-life of vitamin D in serum, therefore increasing vitamin D levels overall (15).

Boron is cancer protective and reduces the adverse effects of chemotherapy

  • On a broad scale, boron-rich diets (from regions where the soil and water are rich in boron) correlate with lower risks of several types of cancer, including breast, cervical, prostate, and lung cancers. Boron-containing compounds have a roll in a variety of fundamental cellular mechanisms, negatively effecting the reproduction and physiology of cancer cells (16).

  • In one study, men whose diets supplied more than 1.8 mg of boron per day lowered the risk of prostate cancer by 52% lower compared to men whose dietary boron intake was 0.9 mg per day or less (17).

  • In one ten year study on post-menopausal women, those who were not on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and had a boron intake of 0.77 mg or less per day had a 95% increased odds of developing lung cancer compared to women on HRT who had a dietary intake of 1.25 mg of boron per day (18).

  • One of boron’s main anti-cancer mechanistic effects is a result of how boron directly interacts with cancer cells. With a boron rich diet (3-10 mg), sugar-borate esters transport borate in greater quantities inside cells, increasing the intracellular concentration of borate. High intracellular borate concentrations keep cancerous growth in check and stimulate apoptosis (cellular death). In normal cells not yet ready to undergo apoptosis, the borate is easily exported. Cancer cells however commonly over-express sugar transporters as a way of fueling their growth, and are less effective at reducing intracellular levels of borate. As a result, a boron-rich diet exerts a protect anti-cancer effect, sparing healthy cells but killing cancer cells (19).

Adequate boron levels in the body contributes to stronger bones, faster wound healing, higher vitamin D and testosterone levels, and is cancer protective.

In addition to the more well known effects above, boron has also been shown to have the following beneficial effects:

  1. Boron reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)

  2. Boron raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase

  3. Boron protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity

  4. Boron improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory for elders


How to Supplement with Boron

On average most people ingest about 2 mg of Boron a day (20), which is under the 3 mg or greater ideal dietary intake. With a diet low in plant products such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts, someone’s dietary intake of boron could be much less than 3 mg per day. Following a plant-based diet will increase boron consumption.

To increase boron concentrations in the body, the simplest and most economical way to supplement is with borax, chemically known as sodium borate. With a similar LD50 as NaCl for rats (similar for humans), sodium borate is safe and as a salt it’s highly bioavailable. Many studies on boron use sodium borate, and borax is many times cheaper than the typical boron fructoborate supplement. A box of 20 Mule Team borax is highly refined and pure, simply set aside a small jar for personal use and use the rest for cleaning applications if you'd like!

Most studies on boron supplementation use a dose of 3 mg of elemental boron (again through a compound like borax).


To supplement with 10 mg of elemental boron via borax, ~88.5 mg of borax is required based on the chemical formula of Na2[B4O5(OH)4]·8H2O and elemental molecular weights. To estimate the volume of the scooper needed, we need to know the density of borax. Borax has a density of 1.73 g/cm³, so 88.5 mg of borax (10 mg boron) requires approximately a 0.05 ml scoop. I used to use this G82 Ultra Small Measuring Spoon (pictured) when dosing boron, but now I simply take a pinch of equivalent size and dissolve it into a drink.

With no taste and the ability to fully dissolve, supplementing with borax couldn't be easier. Add the scoop to a glass of water, a smoothie, or a post-workout drink, it won’t be noticed.

Another way to supplement with boron is with nettle. Stinging nettle contains high levels of boron in addition to other valuable nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K and minerals calcium, iron, and manganese. Brewing nettle leaves into a tea individually or as part of a blend is easy, and in addition to providing the body boron it acts as a diuretic and lowers blood sugar and blood pressure slightly. Purchase nettle leaf products from Mountain Rose Herbs.


Foods Highest in Boron

With it’s wide ranging health benefits, extreme safety, beyond cheap price, and unbelievable ease of supplementation, boron is a micronutrient everyone should make sure to get enough of. If you’d rather pass on the borax and stick to whole foods, then make sure to consume the following high boron foods from organic and biodynamic farmers who grow from healthy micronutrient rich soils.

Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are your best sources of boron. Dried fruits like raisins and apricots are loaded with boron. Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts are also packed with boron, and legumes such as peanuts and kidney beans also contain significant amounts of boron. Another high boron food is avocado which has many other beneficial micronutrients as well.

Make an effort to get more boron in your diet whether that’s by supplementation, diet, or a combination of both, and take note of how you feel. Boron can be supplemented with daily at doses of 3-10 mg, and care should be taken when dosing higher amounts for it’s possible testosterone boosting effects.


  1. Importance of Boron in Plant Growth - Crop Nutrition

  2. Sahota O. Understanding vitamin D deficiency. Age Ageing. 2014;43(5):589-91.

  3. Travison TG, Araujo AB, O'donnell AB, Kupelian V, Mckinlay JB. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(1):196-202.

  4. Andersson AM, Jensen TK, Juul A, Petersen JH, Jørgensen T, Skakkebaek NE. Secular decline in male testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin serum levels in Danish population surveys. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92(12):4696-705.

  5. Traish AM, Miner MM, Morgentaler A, Zitzmann M. Testosterone deficiency. The American Journal of Medicine. 2011;124(7):578-587.

  6. Ferrando AA, Green NR. The effect of boron supplementation on lean body mass, plasma testosterone levels, and strength in male bodybuilders. International Journal of Sport Nutrition. 1993;3(2):140-149.

  7. Naghii MR, Mofid M, Asgari AR, Hedayati M, Daneshpour MS. Comparative effects of daily and weekly boron supplementation on plasma steroid hormones and proinflammatory cytokines. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2011;25(1):54-8.

  8. Naghii MR, Samman S. The effect of boron supplementation on its urinary excretion and selected cardiovascular risk factors in healthy male subjects. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1997;56(3):273-86.

  9. Pizzorno L. Nothing Boring About Boron. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(4):35-48.

  10. Nielsen FH, Hunt CD, Mullen LM, Hunt JR. Effect of dietary boron on mineral, estrogen, and testosterone metabolism in postmenopausal women. FASEB J. 1987;1(5):394-7.

  11. Hunt CD. The biochemical effects of physiologic amounts of dietary boron in animal nutrition models. Environ Health Perspect. 1994;102 Suppl 7:35-43.

  12. Blech MF, Martin C, Borrelly J, Hartemann P. Treatment of deep wounds with loss of tissue. Value of a 3 percent boric acid solution. Presse Med. 1990;19(22):1050-2.

  13. Nzietchueng RM, Dousset B, Franck P, Benderdour M, Nabet P, Hess K. Mechanisms implicated in the effects of boron on wound healing. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2002;16(4):239-44.

  14. Nielsen, Forrest & Mullen, L.M. & Gallagher, S.K.. (1990). Effect of boron depletion and repletion on blood indicators of calcium status in humans fed a magnesium-low diet. Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. 3. 45-54.

  15. Miljkovic D, Miljkovic N, Mccarty MF. Up-regulatory impact of boron on vitamin D function -- does it reflect inhibition of 24-hydroxylase? Med Hypotheses. 2004;63(6):1054-6.

  16. Scorei RI, Popa R. Boron-containing compounds as preventive and chemotherapeutic agents for cancer. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2010;10(4):346-51.

  17. Cui Y, Winton MI, Zhang ZF, et al. Dietary boron intake and prostate cancer risk. Oncol Rep. 2004;11(4):887-92.

  18. Mahabir S, Spitz MR, Barrera SL, Dong YQ, Eastham C, Forman MR. Dietary boron and hormone replacement therapy as risk factors for lung cancer in women. Am J Epidemiol. 2008;167(9):1070-80.

  19. Scorei RI, Popa R. Sugar-borate esters--potential chemical agents in prostate cancer chemoprevention. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2013;13(6):901-9.

  20. Devirian T, Volpe S. The Physiological Effects of Dietary Boron. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2003;43(2):219–231

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