Biofield Tuning - Electromagnetic Sound Healing

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated January 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

When examining health and wellness from a holistic perspective, we must see beyond just diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors. The energetic state of the body and mind have a wide ranging and powerful effect on an individual’s health and wellness. Energetic state influences how much energy someone has at their disposal for physical or mental endeavors, their state of mind and brainwave patterns, and whether the possibility for disease exists. Linked to the energetic field of the body are consciousness and emotions (1,2). Present emotional status and past emotional history have a strong effect on the mind and body.

What we believe manifests into reality at different strengths depending on the conviction of the belief, and this principle holds true for beliefs incorporated into oneself in the past. The further back in time a belief is stored, usually the more unconsciously the associated behaviors will manifest.  Beliefs can be positive or negative, and everyone’s unique combination of beliefs makes them who they are. It is through their interactions with belief systems that many alternative healing methods work, be it plant medicine ceremonies, meditation, yoga, or sound healing.


Biofield tuning is a very powerful type of sound healing interacts with the human electromagnetic field in order to discover and heal deep unconscious emotional trauma and limiting belief systems that would have been difficult for a seeker to discover on their own.


What is Biofield Tuning?

Biofield tuning is a type of sound healing that uses metallic tuning forks to interact with the electromagnetic field of the human body, otherwise known as the biofield. The human biofield extends on average 2 meters out from the center of the body and a biofield tuning specialist is able to feel and manipulate this electromagnetic field using tuning forks of different frequencies. According to biofield tuning theory, the magnetic field lines furthest away from the body are those associated with early life, and field lines closer to the body correspond to more recent history. As a result the biofield also can be read as a timeline of past experiences and emotions. Unresolved trauma will manifest in the biofield as discordant energy which a biofield tuning specialist can detect by the shift in vibrational and auditory frequency of the tuning forks.


Emotional trauma and limiting belief systems manifest themselves in the human biofield as “knots”, warped magnetic field lines that correspond to energy blockages in the body. An experienced biofield tuning specialist is able to interact with biofield knots, discover past emotional trauma, and with a clear mind, receive the information stored in the biofield to guide the seeker towards resolution.


The Power of Belief and Holographic Theory

To fully understand the power experienced emotions and belief has on one’s existence*, let’s take two individuals who experienced different upbringings, Jack and Joe. Jack was always told he was smart from a young age, and as Jack grew up layers of beliefs that he is smart were built. Jack’s internal deep set belief that he is smart manifested in reality as him actually being very intelligent.

On the other side of the spectrum, if Joe was told from a young age he was dumb, Joe will have built up a belief system that he is dumb which then will manifest itself into reality as his stupidity.

Until Joe dismantles his old belief systems that he is stupid, he will not be able to unlock his full potential. Specific deep set beliefs can be very hard to change as these beliefs actually manifest into reality in such a way as to impede the identification and healing of that belief system. Most everyone has beliefs that do not serve them hidden in blind spots, and this is where bringing in a coach or healer to identify these self-limiting areas of belief is so valuable. Repairing and changing belief structures that do not serve the individual or collective is a requisite step required for complete health and wellness to be achieved. Until all self-sabotaging, limiting, and deleterious beliefs are replaced by beliefs that serve to grow an individual consciously, emotional baggage can manifest as limitations, injury, and disease.

*Holographic theory explains this phenomenon, and for more information on holographic theory I suggest you read the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.


My Experience with BioField Tuning

Being a geophysicist who has an understanding of how biofield tuning works from a physics perspective, and also being a holistic wellness practitioner, having the opportunity to have my biofield tuned was very exciting. Experiencing the physics of biofield tuning to discover self-limiting blind spots and past emotional blockages was a unique synthesis between self wellness and the physics of our universe that I live to better understand and educate others on.

Biofield tuning specialist Angie Bahm of Sound Healings Edmonds was the first person to examine my biofield. I went into the session with an open mind once the session started I found it easy to maintain a deep state of meditation throughout. Through my grounding and meditation practices, my earth star and soul star chakras were identified as being well balanced. By examining my biofield timeline, Angie was able to find unresolved childhood emotional trauma that I had held onto since the age of five, which is when my parents divorced. I have very few memories from this time in my life and everything that I experienced during that turbulent time was stored in my unconscious. By realigning my magnetic field corresponding to that time, Angie was able to offer insight into the emotions I experienced and provided me closure on self-limiting beliefs that I had developed.

To learn more about biofield tuning and to watch my biofield tuning session live, you can watch the video at the top of the article. You can also read the book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy written by Eileen Day McKusick, the founder of biofield sound healing therapy.

I wish all of you the best in resolving any past emotional blockages and limiting belief systems you may possess. The wellness journey is never-ending as there is always room for expansion, every step forward takes one closer to their true purpose.


  1. Murphy T. Solving the “Hard Problem”: Consciousness as an Intrinsic Property of Magnetic Fields. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. 2019;10(8):646-659.

  2. Beck R. Mood Modification with ELF Magnetic Fields: A Preliminary Exploration. Published online 1986.

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