How to choose Cannabis
Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!
With reality warping chemicals, it is very important to consider the energetics and how they affect the experience. Cannabis is one of the most popular psychedelics people use worldwide to raise their level of consciousness.
Cannabis is a gentle quick-growing plant which produces cannabinoids like THC and CBD. Cannabis plants can grow to 2 meters tall or greater, and have good root systems which are electrically coupled with the Earth. Cannabis flowers into buds, which is where the majority of the cannabinoids are concentrated. Cannabinoids interface with the endocannabinoid system in the human body. The endocannabinoid system runs parallel to the nervous system, and it is through this shared overlapping footprint that THC, CBD, THCV, and other cannabinoids have their time dilation and psychedelic effects on the human experience.
When choosing a cannabis flower to use, either through an edible or dry vaporized, you must then consider the energetics the plant experienced during its growth. Was the cannabis grown indoors or outdoors? With pesticides or without pesticides. Were fertilizers used? Was the plant told it was loved?
With these considerations in mind, biodynamic cannabis is the best choice for all reasons. Biodynamic farming methods are based outdoors, use zero pesticides, and use natural land-derived fertilizers like compost. The people growing the cannabis on the biodynamic farm are also more likely to be spiritually evolved and freer of stress. The closer the alignment of the cannabis growers to source-energy, the better the users cannabis experience will be. When using cannabis at a noticeable dose, reality will warp in the direction of the energetic imprint the overall environment imparted on the cannabis plant during it’s growth. Plants remember and have behavior. Chemicals and changes in the physical environment also imprint the cannabis plant with information.
The consciousness of the grower and the environment in that location will be the consciousness experienced by the user. Cannabis flower being grown biodynamically from a highly evolved spiritual person could lead to a spiritual awakening when used. On the other end of the spectrum, cannabis grown in darkness with heavy chemicals attended to by stressed and/or fearful workers will confer upon the user a radically different experience. More broadly, the energetics of an environment will affect the consciousness of everything in that environment.
With laws around the world changing as they are, cannabis is increasingly becoming available. If unable to grow cannabis yourself in your own energetic environment, then the user must be fully conscious when choosing which cannabis they purchase. Using bud grown in a low frequency environment will lead to a lower frequency vibrational state being experienced, with higher frequency being desirable. The benefit of outdoor growing is that the energetic imprint of mother Earth’s consciousness can have the biggest effect on the energetics of the cannabis. The Earth is superconscious compared to a human being, and the more wild yet abundant in resources (water, light, nutrients, etc) a growing environment has, the bigger the imprint Earth will have on the growth of the cannabis. In fact this is true for any organism.
2021 Cannabis Crop (1 male 3 females) about 1 month before harvest
This is my best result growing cannabis thus far. I created a mini hügelkultur in the bottom of this large pot, starting with a layer of decomposed stump in the very bottom, then dandelion leaves, native mushrooms found in the nearby creek environment, then wood chips and topped with a composted 100% natural potting soil. This cannabis is being grown 100% biodynamically, with no fertilizers or pesticides being used. This was an extremely low maintenance grow, as I was away for the summer, and I was impressed by how well they all did considering all they were given were water. Using the hügelkultur methods and preloading the containers with natural resources was a big help in creating a self-sufficient ecosystem for the cannabis and other organisms to thrive in.
This guide can be applied to food, water, air, and other resources we all depend on. When stuck in a stagnant low energetic state, examine the environment, food, water, air, and people you surround yourself with to better understand what factors are dragging you down and then strategize how to change the energetics you consume and surround yourself with.