How to Establish Schumann Brainwave REsonance

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated November 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter! All YouTube videos are of my production.

The Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic fields in the 7-45+ Hz frequency range, overlapping human brainwaves in frequency and photonic power. The magnetic field strength of the Schumann resonances and brainwaves is the same at around 1-10 pT.

The human brain produces Schumann resonances though thoughts and cognition. Neurons of the hippocampi in particular, the part of the brain (located on both sides) responsible for memory, learning, focus, and new brain cells, pulse at an approximate 8 Hz frequency. Under unique circumstances, the brain can pulse in widespread electric synchronicity, enabling energy and information transfer between all parts of the brain simultaneously, reorganizing consciousness in the process. High-frequency widespread brainwave synchronicity is like a symphony, it requires a conductor, and the metronome the body uses is the heartbeat and the 7.8 Hz Schumann resonance.

Energy and information is stored in electromagnetic waves, and both energy and information are valuable to life. A sudden idea gives you great success! Physical and mental energy enables you to accomplish your desired objectives every day.

The Earth environment creates electromagnetic waves at Schumann frequencies (7.8, 14, 20, 25-26, 33, 39, 45 Hz) due to lightning strikes (all frequencies), earthquakes and seismic stress (10-30 Hz), and solar interactions with the ionosphere (all frequencies). The magnetic field of the Schumann resonances is carried easily through the atmosphere without much attenuation, whereas the electric field of the Schumann resonances is carried easily through the Earth’s surface as telluric currents without much attenuation. To best connect with the Schumann resonances are need to interact with the electric field component and the magnetic field component.

Human biology enables connection to the Earth’s magnetic field component of the Schumann resonances.

Air isn’t a great conductor of electricity so you won’t receive an energy boost from synchronizing your brainwaves to the Schumann resonances, but the magnetic field is well equipped to facilitate information transfer. Ferromagnetic cellular organelles in the brain known as magnetosomes have high magnetic orientation capabilities, and by vibrating with the frequency of the Schumann resonances, endogenous electric currents in the brain are stimulated via Faraday’s Law. These eddy currents may be of a low intensity, but when then synchronize to the Earth’s electric field of the Schumann resonances via earthing, it provides a strong enough timing signal free of charge that the brain can then devote its energy to endogenously creating the higher frequency waves of the Schumann resonances.

If the process can be repeated through skill most easily acquired through deep meditation, then those higher frequency signals can begin to trigger in the brain through the exogenous input and the brain can again step up the frequency of its endogenous energy consuming brainwaves. The higher the final frequencies achieved, the more information can be transfered and reorganized across the entire brain and nervous system

Faraday’s Law: An electric field is produced by a changing magnetic field

This is the base science of how the human brain and Earth’s Schumann resonances can enter into deep electromagnetic synchronicity with each other, opening up the Human-Gaia connection, a vast source of life wisdom. The fill in your understanding of this theory, watch my video below:

Now if you have the time and want to begin developing this skill of establish brainwave resonance with the Earth, I have a five minute wellness experiment for you as well as tools and resources below.

First, tune into your breath…observe it. How do you feel? Take note of your current mood.

Keep your focus on your breath and simply observe your existence. If you wish you can take notes of your experiences.

If you’re not already, find a quiet location free from electrosmog, like a park. Find your breath and slowly settle the mind down. Lie down or sit in lotus and listen to 7.83Hz Schumann Resonance binaural beats on low, just at the edge of audio detection. For best results use a pair of headphones. Binaural beats create brainwaves in the auditory nerve at the chosen beat frequency, and are useful in priming brainwave synchronicity at frequencies of your choosing, in this case the foundational and most power mode of the Schumann resonances.


When you achieve a deep meditative state and your imaginative centers are alight, you may find yourself having breakthroughs, insights, and epiphanies. Likewise, whatever you think or visualize now is broadcast into the Schumann resonances and vibrates around the world at the speed of light, circumnavigating the globe about 8 times per second. In connection to the Earth’s natural energy fields, you can begin to explore your energetic connections with others, places, and yourself. With a very slow heart rhythm, you can connect to the sub 1 Hz frequencies of the planet and be closer to the experience of the implicate order, the place beyond space and time where all possibilities exist. To learn more there research David Bohm and the holographic theory of consciousness.


What are the Schumann Resonances?

The Schumann resonances are ultra-low frequency 7.83Hz electromagnetic wave produced naturally by the Earth's electrical discharges in the atmosphere and by seismic stress. Because of their ultra-low frequency and long wavelength, it is able to pass through almost all materials, including the hard rock geology of the Earth, and exists worldwide.

Y Axis = Amplitude, X Axis = Frequency. Notice the high-amplitude spike at 50Hz; this is due to 50Hz electric power lines.

Electromagnetic Power Density Plot of an undisclosed location. Y Axis = Amplitude, X Axis = Frequency.

Notice the high-amplitude spike at 50Hz; this is due to a 50Hz power grid.


All evolution on our planet which includes human evolution has occurred in the electromagnetic interference pattern of the Schumann resonances at 7.8 Hz, 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 25-26 Hz, 33 Hz, 39 Hz, and 45Hz. The video below is my beginner’s guide to the Schumann resonances.


Theta and Alpha Brainwaves

The frequency of the strongest (foundational) Schumann Resonance is 7.83Hz, which is the same frequency of theta and alpha brainwaves we produce being at the junction. Theta brainwaves are observed when in a relaxed, creative state of mind and also during lucid dreaming. Alpha brainwaves are observed when in a more alert and calm focused creative state of mind (1).

Brain Wavelengths-c.jpg

Brainwaves are very much a chicken and the egg scenario. The activities someone is doing, and the mood they are in, will determine what brainwaves are predominantly being generated. On the flip side, the mental state of mind and mood can be altered by selecting for certain brainwaves. One way to exert some control over this process is with binaural beats.


What are Binaural Beats?

A binaural beat consists of two waveforms at different frequencies that when propagating together combine into a lower frequency and high amplitude waveform. This is also known as a beat frequency and displays simples concepts of physics (i.e stacking waveforms) in action.

Binaural beats have the capability of entraining brainwaves (2), which makes them an excellent tool to use if desiring a enter into a certain brainwave pattern. 7.83Hz binaural beats played under parasympathetic conditions will promote relaxation, calm, reduce stress, enhance creativity, and improve general mood and well-being.

Binaural beats are most effective with headphones or a large speaker, but can also be played from a laptop, phone, or tablet effectively.

Learn the science of how binaural beats work with the following video: Binaural Beats - How They Work


Binaural Beats, Brainwaves, and the Schumann Resonance

The Schumann Resonance is electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of the sound waves from the video above are the same 7.83Hz, but they are not electromagnetic radiation. What the Schumann 7.83Hz binaural beats do though is entrain the brain to naturally begin producing Theta/Alpha brainwaves around or at the frequency of 7.83 Hz.

Modern electromagnetic manipulation from the electrical grid, radio stations, cell towers, WiFi routers, and other technologies have polluted the natural EMF spectrum which has lowered the signal-to-noise ration of the Schumann Resonances. In the context of health and wellness and the human bioelectrical system a noisier and less stable electromagnetic radiation background is disadvantageous.

Electromagnetic resonance between the human body and the world at large is not fantasy but scientific fact due to the physics of electromagnetism. Electromagnetic background radiation can be responsible for common health ailments like high blood pressure and anxiety (3,4).

Okay here’s where we end the experiment!

First, tune into your breath. Just observe it, don’t change its rhythm.

Now take note of how you feel, your mood, and your recent thoughts.

How does it compare to the start of the experiment?

There can be many different outcomes from this small experiment, so please share your observations in the comments below in order to create a larger dataset. Include any relevant details that help others understand your experience better.


To continue the “experiment” of observing how you feel and your mental changes during Schumann Resonance binaural beats, combine the effect with a nature immersion guided meditation with the video above. Schumann Resonance mode two 14Hz binaural beats are combined with the pleasing white noise of different waterfalls from Oregon, USA for a calming and empowering meditation all in less than five minutes!


Naturally Produce the Schumann Resonance

Binaural beats at a frequency of 7.83Hz are a tool you can use to best position yourself to naturally produce brainwaves at a frequency of 7.83Hz. Since the Schumann Resonance is a relatively strong electromagnetic wave that exists nearly everywhere, 7.83Hz binaural beats will help you to enter into electromagnetic resonance with the Earth-generated Schumann Resonance, promoting clarity and calm while creating a stronger spiritual connection with Mother Earth. For a more complete explanation as to what the Schumann Resonance, watch The Schumann Resonance | what is it? video or scroll up to where it’s embedded at the top.

For a long-term holistic effect that will improve your well-being and assist you with your spiritual growth, I suggest you leave the 7.83Hz binaural beat video quietly on loop on a dedicated device tucked away in the corner of your house somewhere.

To make reaching the Schumann Resonance brainwave state of mind easier, I suggest drinking green tea, which naturally helps to increase Alpha brainwaves. A cup of green tea in the morning creates a far more joyful and productive day than a cup of coffee, plus your gut health improves with it and you’ll lose body fat. That’s too good of a combination not to try.

For a greater understanding of this topic, both scientifically and spiritually, I highly recommend you read the books:

Disclosure: The links above are Affiliate links which do not affect your purchase price. The referral I receive helps to support the creation of new conscious media through my YouTube channel and my website Wild Free Organic. These two books have transformed my life, I highly recommend you read them thoroughly and prepare to have your world shaken in the best of ways!


  1. Raymond J, Varney C, Parkinson LA, Gruzelier JH. The effects of alpha/theta neurofeedback on personality and mood. Cognitive Brain Research. 2005;23(2-3):287-292.

  2. Huang TL, Charyton C. A comprehensive review of the psychological effects of brainwave entrainment. Altern Ther Health Med. 2008;14(5):38-50.

  3. Mitsutake G, Otsuka K, Hayakawa M, Sekiguchi M, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Does Schumann resonance affect our blood pressure? Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2005;59:S10-S14.

  4. Ray R. Isochronic Tones in the Schumann Resonance Frequency for the Treatment of Anxiety: A Descriptive Exploratory Study. Saybrook University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2017. 10618726.


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