
Body + Mind + Energy + Emotion

When the elements of life are in balance, wellness happens naturally. It is normal to have an affinity towards some but not all of the elements of wellness. Wild Free Organic is here to guide you on your journey towards a balanced healthy lifestyle and provide new paths of exploration.



Break Sugar Addiction by Avoid Added Sugars

Look at the ingredients label for most foods and you'll see that sugar was added. Sugar is cheap to produce and has addictive properties, therefore processed food manufacturers love adding it as it helps their bottom line and keep customers coming back. Healing a sugar addiction by avoiding added sugars is one of the first steps to reclaiming your health.

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated December 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

Being healthy and free from sickness, pain, and disease is as simple as consistently following and adhering to a collection of small healthy habits. Depending on your current state of health, becoming well can seem impossibly daunting, for one, where do you start? If you keep a lifestyle unchanged, but add one healthy habit, then wellness has been improved. To create a healthy habit, you must first be hyper-conscious of your actions until they become second nature, becoming a habit you do unconsciously. The hard part of being healthy isn’t following wellness habits, but rather forming the habits one at a time, and performing them long enough that they become second nature.

One of the most impactful wellness habits you develop is to kick a sugar addiction (1). Like other addictive chemicals, sugar is toxic (2), creates widespread inflammation in the body (3) when consumed in excess, shifts the microbiome to a less diversified pathogenic state (4), and desensitizes dopamine receptors (5). The average American consumes 10 times more sugar than 100 years ago; in 2017 this totaled 90.7 grams of added-sugar everyday (6).

For reference, Canada clocked in about 1/3 lower than the USA in 2017 at 58.5 grams per day (7), and the average per-capita added-sugar consumption for rural China in 2017 was only 3.75 grams. In India, Israel, and Russia, people on average consume 5.1, 14.5, and 20 grams of additional sugar per day respectively (8).

For most countries in the world, the processed food industry is driving the ever increasing consumption of sugar, and the health complications are piling up. Over-consumption of sugars together with other factors contributes to the current obesity epidemic

A healthy habit to form which would transform your life would be to kick a sugar addiction. Some sugar in a diet from natural foods and sugars is fine, but a strong effort should be made to avoid heavily processed added-sugars if true health and wellness is the goal.


Symptoms and Complications of Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction has many of the same symptoms of other common addictions like tobacco or opioids. When sugars are consumed, natural endogenous opioids get released. Outside the context of a healthy balanced diet, substantial parallels between sugar and drugs of abuse can be observed in behavior and brain neurochemistry.

Animal studies have shown sugar to be addictive than cocaine (9). You might be a sugar addict if you display any of the following behaviors:

Free yourself from the toxic behavioral influences of sugar

Free yourself from the toxic behavioral influences of sugar

  • You make excuses to consume more sugar.

  • You make special trips to buy more sugar laden products

  • You drink sugar sweetened beverages.

  • You eat sugar dominant foods to breakfast.

  • You reward yourself with a sweet for motivation or as a reward.

  • You have a secret stash that you binge from when alone.

  • You previously tried to stop eating sugar, and couldn’t.


Beyond these behavioral patterns, there are two types of symptoms when it comes to sugar addiction. There are symptoms present when actively feeding the sugar cycle, and there are the symptoms of sugar withdrawal.


Symptoms of Sugar Addiction

  • Persistent brain fog

  • Volatile swings in energy

  • Intense cravings disguised as hunger

  • Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Racing thoughts

  • Strong sexual urges

  • Regular foods like fruit and vegetables taste bland and dull

  • Vehement denial of a sugar addition when questioned

  • Being overweight or obese

Symptoms of Sugar Withdrawal

  • Intense cravings

  • Depression

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Nausea

  • Irritability

  • Altered sleep patterns

  • Cognitive issues, brain fog

  • Low blood sugar, dizziness

  • Other symptoms associated with drug withdrawal


These symptoms themselves can cause serious complications towards everyday life, but there are more insidious long term health complications from being addicted to sugar.

When naturally occurring sugars are paired with a healthy dose of fiber, like with fruit and vegetables, overall the known negative health effects of sugar appear to be negligible. The issue with sugar is when it is consumed without fiber. When sugar is consumed in excess and without fiber, inflammation in the body rises dramatically. Inflammation is not the root cause of disease, but it is a complicating factor in 100+ diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental health disease, and more. More sugar also means more cavities, so oral health and hygiene is also affected (10).

Chronic levels of inflammation keep the body in a state of fight-or-flight, with the now dominant sympathetic nervous system being out of balance with the rest-and-relax parasympathetic nervous system. This over activity places stress on all the major systems of the body such as the immune system, liver, digestive system, circulatory system, and more.

Besides being predisposed to 100’s of different chronic health ailments, chronic inflammation increases body fat storage and can lead to obesity. Obesity itself is another complicating health factor, and now what was one health issue became two.

We are what we eat, and sugar is toxic. We know excess sugar consumption leads to inflammation, obesity, and disease, but what is the step that sits in-between sugar consumption and chronic inflammation?


Sugar and the Digestive System

After sugar is consumed, before it can supply energy to the body through the mechanisms of insulin transport, it needs to be digested. Different sugars have different chemical structures and therefore different rates of digestion and absorption. Sugar is a general term used for sweet-tasting soluble carbohydrates. There are simple sugars which composed of a single sugar molecule, or compound sugars, where two sugar compounds are connected together. Whether sugars are consumed as simplex, compound, or as a starch (a chain of many sugar compounds), the digestive system will break apart and hydrolyze carbohydrates into simple sugars for transport into the blood stream. Let’s examine the most commonly consumed simple sugars:



  • Fructose - Fruit Sugar

  • Glucose - The basic form of sugar used by the body

  • Galactose - Present in milk


  • Sucrose - One fructose and Glucose sugar combined

  • Lactose - One glucose and galactose sugar combined

  • Maltose - Two glucose molecules combined


There are also alcohol sugars, polysaccharides (which are larger chains of sugars), artificial sugars, and many more. The chemistry of sugars is complex, but what is clear is that excess sugar consumption is dangerous, and it all starts with the gut.

The microbiome is the collection of symbiotic (helpful), commensal (indifferent), and pathogenic (bad) microorganisms that inhabit your gut. Your gut is technically “outside” of your body, and it contains 10x more organisms than cells in your body, over 100 trillion! When the microbiome is well diversified and balanced (containing primarily symbiotic organisms) food will digest best and qualitative health markers are improved across the board.

The villi connect the digestive, immune, and circulatory systems.

The villi connect the digestive, immune, and circulatory systems.

We know the body only transports simple sugars into the circulatory system by passive and active transport through the cell membranes of the finger-like villi structures of the gut. Fats, proteins, and carbs which are still too large for transport need to be broken down. This is where the microbiome plays a critical role in digestion. The chemical and mechanical processes of the digestive system help break down food into smaller pieces, and the microbiome performs the finishing touches breaking apart food into sufficiently small compounds.


When excess simple sugars are consumed, it becomes much easier for the microbiome to access the energy of the sugar first for their own survival needs rather than needing to break chemical bonds first. Over time, this can shift the balance of the microbiome, creating sugar craving microbes with a mind of their own. In order to keep their over-sized populations stable, an unbalanced microbiome will directly interact with the body and brain through the release of chemicals and neurotransmitters. The gut is the second brain of the body, and for many people it’s not under their control. This will manifest as the affectionately known “sweet tooth”.

With an unbalanced microbiome, issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or more serious complications like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), irritable bowel disease (IBD), and Crohn’s disease can arise. Considering the gut is the boundary between the barbarian (microbes) and gate keepers (epithelial cells), the immune system is most active at the gut. A compromised digestive system with failing tight junctions which lets microbes and undigested molecules slip into the bloodstream is the source of inflammation that sugar causes. Sugar without fiber or not existing in long polysaccharide chains is too easily accessed and used by the microbiome, shifting the balance towards pathogenic microbes. It is this easy access to cheap resources with no nutritional value beyond calories that compromises the integrity of the entire digestive system, leading to chronic inflammation, and therefore obesity and disease.

And there are other complicating factors. Where did the sugar come from? Depending on the plant a sugar ultimately derives from is very important. Modern agricultural practices use heavy amounts of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides which contaminant everything they are sprayed on. These compounds have can take decades to break down. A GMO cane sugar will be genetically modified to survive when exposed to greater amounts of dangerous herbicides like glyphosate. Glyphosate is an effective herbicide because it interferes with the The shikimate pathway, an ancient seven-step metabolic pathway used by bacteria, archaea, fungi, algae, some protozoans, and plants for the biosynthesis of folates and some amino acids.

While the shikimate is not found innately in humans, it is found and utilized for the survival of our microbiome. Unless sugar is label organic, and even that can have its flaws, it is mostly likely contaminated with glyphosate and other compounds which interfere with the shikimate pathway and other similar metabolic processes. Consumption of this sugar will disrupt the growth of symbiotic microorganisms which might be content munching on fiber all day, and simultaneously fuel the growth of short-lived commensal and pathogenic microbes. Natural sources of sugar like honey are best because they are free or much less contaminated by these dangerous herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.


When the food source is taken away from these overgrown and unbalanced microbiomes, microbes will release chemicals and neurotransmitters in an effort to acquire more resources (aka you need to eat some sugar NOW) while simultaneously having their population die-off in the wait for more resources. This die-off reaction can release built-up toxic compounds, stressing your gut and liver while you simultaneously experience volatile swings in energy as you’ve become insulin resistant and blood sugar levels have dropped dangerously low.

It’s a terrible health predicament that can be frightening to experience, but feeding the microbiome with more sugar will only make breaking the addiction harder or inevitably lead to the genesis of a deadly disease down the line.

Does your microbiome work for you, or against you?

Does your microbiome work for you, or against you?


There is no one living without a microbiome, a healthy microbiome is a critical component to living a healthy disease-free life. If conscious awareness isn’t given to the microbiome through a healthy, organic, unprocessed diet, the microbiome will make itself known to you, either physically, chemically, or behaviorally, demanding nutrients. Understanding the 100 trillion microorganisms that make up your microbiome is the the key to unlocking your health, and the first step towards breaking a sugar addiction.


Now that we’ve laid everything out, lets formulate a strategy that best increases your chances to kick sugar while also reducing the negative health effects that will be experienced during the healing process.

How to Kick a Sugar Addiction

To kick a sugar addition, you need to be aware of what drives a sugar addicition, and how you can break the cycle. Below is a simplified version of the vicious cycle that can form when consuming excess sugar. To break an addition, there isn’t any one strategy that will work, you must first have the innate desire to be free of addiction, have the willpower and discipline to see it through, devote time, and have strategies developed for each step of the cycle. Relapse can occur at any of the stages, so preparation is required for each stage.


In preparation for the following sugar reset, your environment must be made to be conductive to change. Follow the steps below first:

  1. Eliminate all sugar from the household. This means throwing out all sweets, treats, desserts, sources of simple carbohydrates, etc.

  2. Make a list of your favorite sugar pit stops (convenience markets, coffee shops) and blacklist them, vowing to not visit them again.

  3. Practice saying no. Other people might offer you sugar-rich or other unhealthy foods during this reset, rehearse your line and practice saying no in order to avoid temptation, such as: “No thank you John, I am currently working to break my addiction to sugar”. The more truthful and to the point your words are, the less others will try to convince you that taking a bite or having one small treat isn’t a big deal.

  4. Identify your trigger foods. Tracking your diet, mood, and energy in a journal for a week before starting the reset will help you identify your trigger foods that must be completely avoided during the reset.

  5. Develop a plan for how you will drink 1 gallon of filtered water a day. Tap water containing fluoride kills microbes, so for the microbiome to survive more sugar is required, and they will release neurotransmitters for this. Filtered or spring water is pure and free of chemicals.

Once the steps above have been taking, find a 7 day chuck of time in your schedule which is expected to be lower stress. Breaking a sugar addiction takes longer than seven days, but the first week accomplished 80% of the work. Stress triggers sugar cravings, so to increase the chance of success this should be scheduled around a time period of low stress.

The fastest and most painless way to get the ball rolling is to start this week long period with a 24 hour fast, that is no eating from dinner on day to dinner the next. Unless you’re in a state of serious health complications, a 24 hour is safe and achievable by anyone to do. A 48 hour fast is even better as it takes you right to the edge of ketosis (fat only metabolism), but this can be trickier for those really dependent on sugar for their energy levels.


Fasting simultaneously does the following:

  • Improves blood sugar levels

  • Sensitizes insulin

  • Kills off an overactive microbiome

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Heals the digestive system

  • Burns body fat

Fasting promotes health in the exact opposite ways sugar addiction promotes disease. Fasting is a powerful wellness methodology. Fasting also removes many of the questions “like what should I eat instead” and removes analysis paralysis; there are only two objects, don’t eat and drink water! If you carry significant levels of body fat, an every other day strategy for fasting has been shown to be highly effective in breaking the sugar cycle, improving microbiome diversity, and lowering body fat.


An every other day 24 hour fasting schedule would look like this:

  • Day 1 fasting, drinking only water (1 gallon recommended)

  • Day 2 refeed with organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, minimally processed grains, animal protein

  • Day 3 fasting

  • Day 4 refeed

  • Repeat

If you do this, expect body fat to melt off as it is used to cover your energy needs throughout the week. Blood sugar, lipid, and insulin markers will improve, energy levels will stabilize, mood will brighten, and sleep will improve. Fasting is the “rip the band-aid” off approach. It’s the most effective and ultimately causes less pain and suffering in the long run, but can be nerve racking to start.

If you think you’ll be more comfortable with a gradual approach, then the first step is to cut out the main offenders. This means cutting out sugar and all sweetened beverages, desserts like cookies and ice cream, and bread products, anything that contains almost exclusively sugar.

Even if you just stop drinking soda, that has a huge impact over time! According to the CDC, 5 out of 10 adults and 6 out of 10 youth drink a sugar sweetened beverage at least once a day. This equates to on average an extra 145 calories for both adults and youth consumed everyday, with one 12 oz soda containing 39 grams of sugar, double than the upper limit we recommend of 20 grams.

If you’re overweight and carry an unhealthy amount of body fat, then either replacing 1 soda a day with water over the course of a month reduce your caloric consumption by 4200 calories, or 1.2 lbs of fat. Over the course of a year of no soda, that equals 14.4 lbs of fat gone.

Once the main sugar offenders have been removed from your diet, you’ll want to replace them when the cravings hit with healthy fats and fiber rich foods.


Foods Containing Healthy Fats

  • Avocado

  • Nuts - walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans,


  • Seeds - pumpkin, sunflower, chia, flax, etc

  • Animal Fats (grass-fed) - butter, ghee, cream, cheese

  • Eggs (pasture raised) - chicken, quail

  • Cacao (fair trade) - Dark Chocolate 70% +

  • Oils (cold pressed) - olive oil, coconut oil, red palm oil, avocado oil

Foods the contain both healthy fats and fiber:

  • avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, coconut, and cacao

Foods Containing Fiber

  • Squash - butternut, winter, zucchini

  • Seeds - pumpkin, sunflower, chia, flax, cacao

  • Nuts - almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, pistachios

  • Legumes - beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, peanuts

  • Fruits - such as avocado, pear, jackfruit, berries, mango, banana, papaya, coconut, guava, kiwi, etc

  • Vegetables - carrots, eggplant, jalepeno, tomato, artichoke, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, sweet potato, radish, etc

  • Dark Leafy Greens - spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, mustard, etc

  • Grains - quinoa, popcorn, oats, black/brown/red rice,


As you can see, there are plenty of delicious foods which contain fiber and fats, excellent additions to any diet. All of the foods above are also micronutrient dense, and a sugar based diet is lacking in critical vitamins and minerals, the deficit of which can have massive health implications.


Homemade Raw Trail Mix

  • 1/4 cup Almonds

  • 1/2 cup Cashews

  • 1/4 cup Walnuts

  • 1/4 cup Pecans

  • 1/2 cup Pumpkin Seeds

  • 1/2 cup 70% Mini Dark Chocolate Chips

In your purse, bag, or on your person, keep a bag of raw trail mix with you. When a sugar craving hits, unless you’re in the middle of a fast, a few handfuls of trail mix is a nice healthy treat that will keep you satiated and content. Right now do not be concerned about calories.

Make sure to buy nuts and seeds which are raw. Raw foods are those that aren’t heated for pasteurization, and eating raw foods helps diversify your microbiome. Raw foods also contain higher levels of vitamins and minerals since the heat didn’t break them down.



Building your Fat Metabolism

A sugar dependent diet is skewed heavily towards carbohydrate metabolism for energy. Carbohydrate metabolism isn’t necessarily bad in and of itself, but often the carbohydrate metabolic cycle will be overdeveloped and out of balance with fat metabolism. The metabolism of fat for energy, either from food or body fat, provides longer lasting and more sustainable energy levels. Having a well-functioning fat metabolism fills in energy dips that are experienced when eating carbs. By stabilizing your energy levels, fats will help keep you calm and emotionally stable, reducing your chance of giving into temptation and reaching for that sugary treat when your sugar starved microbiome and low blood sugar levels are saying you need it most.

Fatty acid metabolism can be improved by eating a diet higher in fats for an extended period of time, or more quickly through a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet is a very low carb diet where the body has to produce ketones for use by the brain. The brain exclusively runs on simple sugars or ketones for energy. Since a ketogenic diet is <5% carbs and 70% of greater fat macronutrient wise, it will very quickly improve your ability to metabolize fatty acids. Be aware that you might initially experience what is known as keto flu. Keto flu is a set of flu like symptoms that people first transistioning to a ketogenic diet might experience. The same smptoms can be expereinced during longer duration fasts too as the body as enters ketosis 36-48 hours after fasting has begun.

The digestive system is the seat of power for the immune system, and there is a removal of sugar & nutrients, a die off reaction will occur and many diseased microbes will die. Now these microbes are diseased waste that need to be expelled by the body, causing immune symptoms until this occurs. If tight junctions of the intestines are compromised, then some of these dead microbes will filter into the blood stream and cause an immune response, hence flu-like symptoms can be experienced. If you wish to avoid these flu-like symptoms during the start of fasting or ketogenic diet, then it is important that the tight junctions of the body are healed and have no gaps that undigested food or microbes can exploit to enter into the blood stream. It’s also been shown that glyphosate damages tight junctions, so be mindful of that information. I wrote a guide on how to heal tight junctions naturally with four methods. Luckily the digestive system regenerates very quickly, so even just following those recommended steps for one or two weeks before kicking your sugar addiciton will greatly reduce your risk of experiencing flu-like symptoms when resetting your microbiome and metabolic systems.


Quit Sugar Quick Start Guide

Putting everything discussed into practice, below is a quick start guide with actionable steps you can follow to kick your sugar addiction, balance your microbiome, heal your digestive system, and build your fat metabolism.

  1. Week 1 - Keep a food and mood journey for 1 week. This will help you identify your trigger foods which need to be blacklisted

  2. Clean your Environment - Remove all junk food, sugar, and treats from your home, work, and car.

  3. Practice Saying No - Be honest, and formulate a game plan for your first 7-14 days sugar free.

  4. Prepare - Stock up and buy the healthy organic foods you require to be healthy and successful with this important health endeavor. Figure out your plan on how to drink 1 gallon of water daily (24 oz wakeup, 84 oz day, 24 oz bedtime)

  5. Week 2 - Commit to one of the two dietary strategies listed above. Either do a 24 hour fast every other day, or keep a baggie of raw trail mix with you at all times for those moments when cravings strike.

  6. Week 3 - The hardest part is over, continue with your wellness schedule. If fasting, you can ease up from the every other schedule and do two 24 hour fast every week instead. Keep eating whole unprocessed organic foods!

  7. Week 4 and Beyond - It takes four weeks to create a habit, congratulations! Kicking a sugar addiction is a major accomplishment and over time your body will heal from the damage created by the consumption of added sugars. Now is not the time to relapse, stay disciplined!

If you’ve made it 30 days without added sugars, congratulations! At this point you might be tempted to experiment with “moderation” and have a bite of your favorite treat again, do not do this! Physiological addictions can be broken in a few weeks, but psychological addictions can take months or years to erase. The mind is a powerful thing, and overtime you’ll discover your old definition of moderation was not in fact moderation. By this point your taste buds will have changed, and sugary treats you once found delicious might now be revolting. Trust your instincts and give yourself the time needed to heal from that traumatic period of your life. Ask yourself, what was feeding my sugar addiction? Examine your emotions and look inwards. Food is often the cover for emotional turmoil, and true healing won’t occur until emotional healing can take place.


  1. Dinicolantonio JJ, O'keefe JH, Wilson WL. Sugar addiction: is it real? A narrative review. Br J Sports Med. 2018;52(14):910-913.

  2. Lustig RH, Mulligan K, Noworolski SM, et al. Isocaloric fructose restriction and metabolic improvement in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016;24(2):453-60.

  3. Aeberli I, Gerber PA, Hochuli M, et al. Low to moderate sugar-sweetened beverage consumption impairs glucose and lipid metabolism and promotes inflammation in healthy young men: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011;94(2):479-85.

  4. Di rienzi SC, Britton RA. Adaptation of the Gut Microbiota to Modern Dietary Sugars and Sweeteners. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(3):616-629.

  5. Gene-Jack Wang, Et al. High sugar intake linked to low dopamine release in insulin resistant patients. Stony Brook University

  6. Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook Tables. USDA.

  7. Consumption of Sugars in Canada. Canadian Sugar Institute.

  8. Roberto A. Ferdman. Where people around the world eat the most sugar and fat. The Washinton Post

  9. Shah SGS. A Commentary on "Ensuring safe surgical care across resource settings via surgical outcomes data & quality improvement initiatives" (Int J Surg 2019 Aug 5. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.ijsu.2019.07.036). Int J Surg. 2019;72:14-15.

  10. Moynihan PJ, Kelly SA. Effect on caries of restricting sugars intake: systematic review to inform WHO guidelines. J Dent Res. 2014;93(1):8-18.

Read More

The Science of Why Hydrolyzed Whey Protein is BEST

Hydrolyzed whey protein is one of the best muscle-building proteins known to exist, and it all has to do with its pre-digested nature. While other proteins come in long chains which require longer lengths of time to break down during digestion, whey hydrolysate is already mostly amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides, increasing its speed of absorption, meaning more muscular gains for you.

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated May 2022. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

After finishing a workout, the standard recommendation is consume some protein to help build lean body mass. The faster the post-workout protein is absorbed the better, and as long as you have a healthy digestive system, this is true.

One of the latest advancements in the protein supplement industry is whey hydrolysate. Whey hydrolysate is absorbed by the body very rapidly because its whey protein peptides have been broken down into smaller chunks via hydrolysis.

Whey hydrolysate is rapidly absorbed by the body and it has been shown to improve the growth of muscle after a training stimulus as compared to other types of protein drinks.


What is Whey Protein?

Whey is a type of protein found in dairy milk, found to be highly bioavailable (1), and with cows milk 22% of the protein is whey. Casein protein makes up the remaining 78% of protein found in cows milk. It is almost exclusively cows milk that whey protein supplements are derived from.

Depending on the level of the extraction process, manufacturers make three different types of whey protein: whey concentrate, whey isolate, and whey hydrolysate.


Whey concentrate supplements are the least processed, still containing some fat, cholesterol, and lactose, with most modern whey concentrate supplements being 80-89% whey protein by weight. Whey isolate supplements are more processed, containing 90-99+% whey protein, being effectively lactose, carbohydrate, fat, and cholesterol free.

Whey hydrolysate is whey isolate that has been further processed to improve absorption by breaking down the whey protein chains into smaller pieces via enzymatic reactions. Whey isolate and whey hydrolysate are the same except whey hydrolysate has been predigested so it absorbs faster by the body.

For those looking to improve their health, have more energy, build muscle, and burn fat, what are the advantages to using hydrolyzed whey protein compared to a whey isolate or whey concentrate? Is hydrolyzed whey more anabolic than non-hydrolyzed whey protein?

To properly answer these questions, let’s examine more closely what whey hydrolysate is.


How is Whey Protein Hydrolyzed?

Whey hydrolysate is whey protein isolate which has been subjected to hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is a reaction involving the breaking of a bond in a molecule using water. In regards to protein, hydrolysis is the process of breaking down a protein into smaller peptides*. Protein hydrolysis typically occurs in the gastrointestinal tract after protein consumption (i.e. stomach and small intestine) through the use of acid and enzymes, but enzymatic protein hydrolysis can also be performed in the lab. Enzymatic protein hydrolysis, where food-grade enzymes are introduced to whey protein, is how whey protein hydrolysates are produced for the supplement industry.


In order to be absorbed by the body, all dietary protein is hydrolyzed during digestive enzymes to either free form amino acids or di- and tripeptides*.

*Note - Peptides are short chains of amino acid monomers (small molecules) linked by peptide bonds. A dipeptide is composed of two amino acids linked by peptide bonds, and likewise a tripeptide is composed of three amino acids linked together. A free form amino acid is a single amino acid molecule.

Any protein can be hydrolyzed, but typically only whey isolate is hydrolyzed to make whey hydrolysate supplements for economic reasons. There are three objective measures which can be used to determine the quality of a whey hydrolysate: percentage of hydrolysis, degree of hydrolysis, and average molecular weight.

Percentage of Hydrolysis

The percentage of hydrolysis is simply the amount of the protein which has been subjected to the hydrolysis process. A protein powder which is 50% hydrolyzed means that 50% of the protein has undergone some degree of hydrolysis, and the other 50% of the protein hasn't been hydrolyzed at all. Most whey hydrolysates which are sold are 100% whey hydrolysate, as they hydrolyze the whole batch of whey isolate at once.

Degree of Hydrolysis (DH)

Considering most whey hydrolysate supplements are 100% whey hydrolysate, the main determining factor in whether a whey hydrolysate is good or not is the degree of hydrolysis (DH). The degree of hydrolysis is the amount of hydrolysis that the protein has undergone, and this can range from no hydrolysis (DH0) to complete hydrolysis (DH100). A whey protein isolate which has a degree of hydrolysis of 10 (DH10), means that 10% of the whey protein has been successfully hydrolyzed (i.e. peptide bonds broken) to smaller di- and tripeptides and free form amino acids, and the other 90% of the whey protein isolate peptides are still tetrapeptides or larger. The higher the DH value of a hydrolyzed protein, the faster the whey protein is absorbed by the body.

Average Molecular Weight (AMW)

Related to the DH is the average molecular weight (AMW) of hydrolyzed whey. Molecular weights are measure in daltons (Da) and kilodaltons (kDa). Just as a whey hydrolysate with a high DH will have more di- and tripeptides and free form amino acids than a whey hydrolysate with a low DH, a more completely hydrolyzed protein will how a lower average molecular weight for the protein chains. This is important, because even if all the protein chains haven’t been completely hydrolyzed, any amount they have broken down is an improvement and will allow them to absorb faster.

Free form amino acids and di- and tripeptides have lower molecular weights than intact proteins, so the lower the average molecular weight of a whey hydrolysate, the faster it can be digested and absorbed into the blood stream. It is necessary to analyze the AMW of hydrolyzed protein supplements (if possible) because free form amino acids which have the lowest molecular weights are not as anabolic as di- and tri-peptides as they are directly absorbed by the gut at a greater rate and regulated by the liver to a much greater degree (2). Di- and tripeptides have a much easier time passing directly into the bloodstream than free form amino acids due to how they are transported (3). A low average molecular weight and a low free form amino acid percentage ensures that a hydrolyzed protein product is high in di- and tripeptides and not cheaper free-form amino acids.

To sum up, a DH30 whey hydrolysate will have a lower average MW than a DH10 whey hydrolysate.

As the DH increases, the protein which is being hydrolyzed becomes more and more bitter, and the broken protein molecules are reduced in molecular weight. A DH100 whey hydrolysate would be nearly impossible to manufacture. A typical 100% whey hydrolysate has a DH value ranging from 1-9%. A DH10 or greater is considered a high DH value, and the best protein hydrolysate supplements max out at ~DH30. If you are curious as to the degree of hydrolysis of a specific whey hydrolysate supplement, request a product specification sheet from the producer, as this information is usually not advertised.


Whey Hydrolysate Digestion

When it comes to the muscle building effects of any protein, four specific qualities must be analyzed to determine the protein’s impact on anabolism. These qualities are:

  • Rate of gastric Emptying

  • Gastrointestinal Absorption

  • Amino Acid Profile - Muscle Protein Synthesis

  • Insulin Response

The faster protein is able to exit the stomach into the small intestine for absorption, the better it is in acutely increasing circulating free form amino acids and di- and tripeptides in the bloodstream. More efficient gastrointestinal absorption also allows more protein fractions to enter into the bloodstream, creating a more anabolic environment. The level of muscle protein synthesis which is stimulated by a protein is important, and the ability of a protein to increase insulin secretion upon consumption also is important in creating an anabolic muscle building environment.

Hydrolyzed Whey has a Faster Rate of Gastric Emptying

Whey hydrolysate solutions empty with a half-time rate of 17 ± 6 minutes (4). The half-time rate is the time required by the stomach to empty 50% of the ingested meal. For reference, a standard glucose solution, which has a very fast rate of gastric emptying, has a half-time rate of 9.5 ± 1 minute and milk protein, which has a slow rate of gastric emptying, has a half-time rate of 26.5 ± 10.0 minutes (4). When it comes to quickly creating an anabolic state by delivering whey protein peptides into the blood stream, the faster the rate of gastric emptying, the better.


Hydrolyzed Whey is More Efficiently Absorbed

Whey hydrolysate is able to be absorbed by the body more rapidly than intact proteins, such as whey protein concentrate and isolate, thus quickening nutrient delivery to muscle tissues. Dipeptides and tripeptides, and less-so free form amino acids, are absorbed extremely rapidly since they are already broken down and can pass through the intestinal wall passively or via transporters. Peptides larger than tripeptides, such as tetrapeptides, cannot be directly absorbed by the body unless they undergo further digestion into smaller peptides or free form amino acids.

Studies (5, 6, 7) strongly suggest that ingestion of a protein hydrolysate results in a less efficient uptake by the splanchnic bed. The splanchnic bed is comprised of the tissues of the liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen, and they have their own nutrient requirements. For the purpose of building muscle, the more proteins can avoid being absorbed by the splanchnic bed and flow into the blood stream, the better. With whey hydrolysate the acute increase of amino acids entering into the blood stream is greater than with protein isolate or concentrate, which should help with triggering muscle protein synthesis higher and build more muscle.

Amino Acid Profile - Muscle Protein Synthesis

Increasing muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is the main reason protein powder supplements are popular, as it leads to greater muscular gains, and compared to other protein sources such as casein and soy, whey protein is the best at acutely increasing MPS (8). The amino acid profile of whey protein compared to other proteins such as soy and casein is responsible for its greater ability to increase MPS, and the 2:1:1 ratio of branched chained amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine found in whey protein is responsible for this (9).

Whey Hydrolysate has a Stronger Insulin Response

Whey protein has been shown to greatly stimulate insulin release once the various di- and tripeptides and free form amino acids enter the bloodstream (10), and insulin is a major contributor to muscle anabolism* under certain conditions. The one-two punch of increased muscle protein synthesis from whey protein and increased insulin levels makes whey protein a very anabolic supplement, and considering whey hydrolysate is the quickest and most efficiently absorbed whey protein available, whey hydrolysate will stimulate insulin release to a greater degree than whey isolate or concentrate.

Compared to other versions of whey protein and casein hydrolysate, whey hydrolysate increases skeletal muscle glycogen levels to a greater degree over a similar time period (11, 12). Higher muscle glycogen stores and fast absorption make whey hydrolysate a great ingredient to use in a intra-workout drink.

*Note - Insulin allows nutrients in the bloodstream, such as whey protein fractions and glucose, to enter into a muscle cell. Insulin also stimulates muscle protein synthesis and increases blood flow to muscles.


Should you Buy Whey Hydrolysate?

Whey protein hydrolysate is more effective than whey protein isolate and concentrate, but since whey protein concentrate and isolate are already highly bio-available, the increased ability of whey protein hydrolysate to be absorbed into the blood stream, increase muscle protein synthesis, and build muscle might be overplayed.

A whey hydrolysate supplement with a degree of hydrolysis of 3, which is typical for the industry, only offers a small competitive advantage over regular whey protein isolate, but the current science shows that a DH10+ whey hydrolysate definitely confers significant anabolic advantages over regular whey protein isolate or concentrate.

Whether the increased price of whey protein hydrolysate is worth the extra premium is up to you the buyer. I personally like to afford myself every advantage I can, and whey hydrolysates are not that much more expensive than standard whey isolate.

To answer the question of whether consumption of a hydrolyzed whey protein produces a more anabolic environment compared to a non-hydrolyzed whey protein, the answer is yes (13). Consumption of a high DH, low AMW whey hydrolysate supplement has significant benefits over traditional whey isolate and concentrate supplements.


Is Whey Hydrolysate Right for You?

If you are already buying a whey protein supplement for pre, peri, or post workout nutrition, I would recommend you buy whey hydrolysate instead of whey isolate or concentrate as long as the degree or hydrolysis value of the hydrolysate is 10+.

When buying a protein powder for general health reasons, such as getting sufficient protein in the diet or to have an easy meal replacement on hand, I would stick with a less allergenic plant based protein, which also adds fiber to your diet.

Lower DH (<10) whey hydrolysates still offer unique advantages over typical whey protein supplements, but the higher price per pound doesn't make low DH whey hydrolysates worth the extra cost compared to whey isolate in my opinion.

If you are mildly lactose intolerant but whey isolate consumption causes no health issues, whey hydrolysate is a great choice. Whey hydrolysate is virtually free of lactose, fat, and cholesterol, and it shouldn't cause any adverse effects. Caution is always recommended though, and if you are unsure if you can consume whey protein safely with no gastrointestinal issues please consult with your doctor or wellness practitioner.


Whey Hydrolysate Buying Recommendations

Overall, I would give whey hydrolysate a big BUY recommendation considering you buy the right type (aka DH10+, AMW & ~10,000 Da). Below I have two brands I recommend and have tried, and there are other supplement companies which sell comparable products. Armed with the knowledge provided in this article, it should now be easy to determine whether any whey hydrolysate supplement you run across is high quality and legit or a marketing gimmick.

The high DH whey hydrolysate I recommend can be purchased from True Nutrition. True Nutrition sells dozens of different types of supplement powders and pills, rigorously third party tests them, and then retails them at competitive prices. You can even create your own custom protein blend, which is basically a combination of whichever bulk powders you want in your desired ratios. They charge extra for flavors, the bags used to hold the protein, and shipping, but even after all of that you still come out ahead.

The Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Ultra Grade sold by True Nutrition is approximately the same price as Optimum Nutrition’s Platinum HydroWhey, but it’s degree of hydrolysis is clearly listed at 13%, which is exceptional, and True Nutrition’s Hydrolyzed Whey isn’t spiked with lower quality BCAA’s like Optimum Nutrition’s HydroWhey. Optimum’s brand also uses artificial sugars which disrupt gut health.

True Nutrition powders can also be blended in the factory with other protein, carbohydrate, or fat powders for a customized shake blend, and you can customize the flavoring too, which is pretty great. Create your own peri-workout drink, meal replacement, protein shake, or more!

If you don’t care about hydrolysis, then Isopure’s Unflavored Whey Isolate is a great whey protein. I give it my highest recommendation because it is easy to digest, isn’t loaded up with any junk artificial sugars or chemicals, and comes at a reasonable price. Hydrolyzed protein can give you an extra edge, but for 99% of the populace, a whey isolate is a better choice of protein and will be just as effective in building muscle and increasing strength.


Boost Testosterone and Build Muscle with Cistanche

Whey protein confers quite an advantage in maintaining and building lean body mass compared to other proteins, and if you want to make sure every gram of protein goes to proper use and to really give yourself an extra edge with strength training, I recommend trying a Cistanche and Cholesterol Protocol.

Combining the testosterone boosting herb cistanche with high cholesterol sources of food like eggs primes the body for muscular growth by providing it everything it needs to increase steroidogenesis. Combining cistanche and eggs together caused me to increase my free testosterone levels by 53% in just 30 days. You can purchase cistanche from Nootropics Depot.


  1. Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Protein - Which is Best?. J Sports Sci Med. 2004;3(3):118-30.

  2. Matthews, David M. et al. Peptide Absorption. Gastroenterology, Volume 71, Issue 1, 151 - 161

  3. Frenhani PB, Burini RC. [Mechanisms of absorption of amino acids and oligopeptides. Control and implications in human diet therapy]. Arq Gastroenterol. 1999;36(4):227-37.

  4. Calbet JA, Holst JJ. Gastric emptying, gastric secretion and enterogastrone response after administration of milk proteins or their peptide hydrolysates in humans. Eur J Nutr. 2004;43(3):127-39.

  5. Manninen AH. Protein hydrolysates in sports nutrition. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2009;6:38.

  6. Kim W, Egan JM. The role of incretins in glucose homeostasis and diabetes treatment. Pharmacol Rev. 2008;60(4):470-512.

  7. Paddon-jones D, Sheffield-moore M, Aarsland A, Wolfe RR, Ferrando AA. Exogenous amino acids stimulate human muscle anabolism without interfering with the response to mixed meal ingestion. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005;288(4):E761-7.

  8. Tang JE, Moore DR, Kujbida GW, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein, or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men. J Appl Physiol. 2009;107(3):987-92.

  9. Hulmi JJ, Lockwood CM, Stout JR. Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A case for whey protein. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010;7:51.

  10. Frid AH, Nilsson M, Holst JJ, Björck IM. Effect of whey on blood glucose and insulin responses to composite breakfast and lunch meals in type 2 diabetic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82(1):69-75.

  11. Morifuji M, Kanda A, Koga J, Kawanaka K, Higuchi M. Post-exercise carbohydrate plus whey protein hydrolysates supplementation increases skeletal muscle glycogen level in rats. Amino Acids. 2010;38(4):1109-15.

  12. Kanda A, Morifuji M, Fukasawa T, et al. Dietary whey protein hydrolysates increase skeletal muscle glycogen levels via activation of glycogen synthase in mice. J Agric Food Chem. 2012;60(45):11403-8.

  13. Manninen AH. Hyperinsulinaemia, hyperaminoacidaemia and post-exercise muscle anabolism: the search for the optimal recovery drink. Br J Sports Med. 2006;40(11):900-5.

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Health Benefits of Heat Therapy

Heat therapy, a common pain relief method, both feels good and improves overall health. Saunas have been used for thousands of years for full body heat therapy, and science has proven using saunas can help you live longer, lose weight, improve heart heath, scavenge free radicals, repair damaged proteins, and more. Consistent sauna usage has shown the greatest results.

Article by Stefan Burns - Updated December 2021. Join the Wild Free Organic email newsletter!

Everyone knows the huge health benefits that come from exercising daily, eating vegetables, and sleeping eight hours every night. Other wellness practices that offer tremendous health benefits, like heat therapy, are lesser known. Enjoying the heat of a sauna, steam room, or hot bath has wide ranging health benefits such as reducing inflammation, cardiovascular improvements, and pain reduction.

Woman in Sauna

A sauna is a room designed to stay at a high temperature in order to cause physiological effects. Regular saunas operate using a central heat source and usually range in temperature from 167–212 °F (75-100 °C), and have nearly zero humidity in order to not scald the skin. Steam rooms on the other hand have a humidity nearly at 100%, but are kept cooler at 104 °F (40 °C) in order to not scald the skin from the water vapor. Infrared saunas use infrared light to heat up the body from the inside out. While in a sauna, steam room, or infrared sauna, your body temperature will rise to 100 °F (38 °C) and you’ll begin to perspire in order to stabilize your body temperature from rising any further.

Saunas previously could only be found at spas or high-end health facilities but are now a common component of many gyms. Saunas are also available for purchase commercially though they are fairly expensive. Accessing and using a sauna has never been easier, and below are five incredible reasons why you should use a sauna regularly.


Heat Therapy Increases Longevity

Consistent sauna usage has been shown to increase longevity and improve subjective measures of well-being.

When you place your body into a sufficiently heated environment, heat shock proteins (HSP) throughout the body are activated.

  • In the presence of heat stress, these heat shock proteins (HSP) help protect the body by scavenging free radicals (unstable atoms that can damage cells) and also by supporting cellular antioxidant capacity.

  • HSPs also repair damaged proteins, helping them return to their proper structure and function. Structurally intact proteins are critical for maintaining normal functioning cellular mechanisms.

Using a sauna consistently assists the body to function smoothly on a cellular level. The stresses of daily life create cellular clutter, and heat therapy is one easy way to help clean it all up.

  • Brief heat exposure for yeast, flies, and worms increases their lifespan by up to 15% (1, 2, 3, 4). The triggering of the HSPs was directly shown to be responsibly for a 15% lifespan increase in these simple organisms.

To track longevity increases in humans who consistently use the sauna is more difficult than it is for simple organisms, but a few human studies have been done that have made some incredible findings:

  • A 20+ year study followed 2315 men from Finland 40-60 years old and found that sauna usage 4-7 times a week for sessions >20 mins on average experienced a 40% reduction in all cause mortality, aka death from anything (5). Factor out freak-accidents like car crashes and that 40% value is actually higher!

  • Additionally, the same study also found that sauna usage 4-7 times a week for sessions >20 minutes had a 48% lower risk of heart attack or fatal heart disease over those that used the sauna just once a week (already a healthy habit) (5).

The research on heat therapy is compelling, and it’s also backed up by thousands of years of anecdotal wisdom linking sauna usage and increased longevity.


Heat Therapy Improves Well-Being

Using the sauna will temporarily improve your well-being, and consistent use will semi-permanently improve your everyday well-being. These well-being improvements come from improved sleep and beneficial neurological changes.

Sauna usage has been shown to reliability increase sleep among people that use them regularly. One study had police officers, a very high stress job, use the sauna for four weeks. After one month, the officers boosted their sleep from 5.8 hours per night to 7.6 hours per night post-intervention (6). That’s a 30% increase in sleep quantity! Depending on your body, experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults. The secret to increasing your beneficial sleep comes from the release of endorphins.

After using the sauna, the body releases a steady stream of endorphins that lasts for several hours (7, 8, 9). Endorphins are opioids produced endogenously by the body, well known for their ability to ease pain, promote relaxation, and induce sleep. During the day, pursuing activities that release endorphins (exercise, sauna, meditation, sex) is a great way to prime yourself to fall asleep quickly and to experience improved sleep quality.

Sauna usage can also help manage depression. In a study with cancer patients, the patients who experienced whole body heat therapy (from a radiant heater) were markedly less depressed, angry, and tense for 72 hours post-treatment compared to pre-treatment (10).

Using the sauna is an acutely stressful event for the body, so as the heat stress builds up the body releases dynorphin, an opioid which gives you feelings of dysphoria, the opposite of euphoria. To counter the short term release of dynorphin, the body rewards the sauna user by increasing the production and sensitivity of beta-endorphin receptors, changes which are semi-permanent. Having a greater quantity of more sensitive beta-endorphin receptors means activities that do release endorphins become even more pleasurable.


Heat Therapy Increases Metabolism

With calorie over-consumption and obesity a major health epidemic worldwide, any wellness endeavor that can burn calories and kill fat cells is something worth experimenting with. And heat therapy does exactly that. Using Sauna usage results in the decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as arterial stiffness. Meanwhile, sauna usage will increase heart rate to a level similar to mild cardiovascular exercise (11). Over a period of 30 minutes using the sauna can burn anywhere from 100 to 200 calories depending on your height, weight, and temperature. And unlike cardio, you won’t be tempted to replenish yourself by reaching for food anytime soon; using a sauna isn’t a hunger promoting activity.

Compared to control, 38 obese patients using heat therapy consistently over two weeks saw a significant drop in body-weight with both groups eating 1800 calories per day (12). But it gets even better. Burn fat, and keep it off! When exposed to heat stress, fat cells are injured and undergo cellular apoptosis (cellular death), while other nearby tissues are like the skin and muscle are more resilient (13).

While fat cells can increase or decrease in volume in response to changing levels of calorie consumption, it is very difficult to reduce the number of fat cells. The more fat cells you have, the more fat storage potential you have, which in normal context isn’t desirable. Reducing your number of fat cells through sauna usage is a great way to lose body fat and keep it off, permanently.

Also important for proper weight control and nutrient partitioning is insulin sensitivity. Sauna usage has been shown to decrease blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity over a short time frame (14), and with consistent usage these results become semi-permanent improvements. With improved insulin sensitivity you gain greater lifestyle and caloric flexibility.


Heat Therapy Improves Cognition

For those who use the sauna 4+ times a week, it has been shown that they have a 65% reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease or other forms of dementia (5). When proteins unravel, they tend to clump together, forming protein plaques. It is the protein beta-amyloid which disassembles and clumps in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s disease. Heat shock proteins (HSPs), the very proteins released during heat stress help to repair damaged proteins. By using the sauna consistently, you’re releasing streams of HSPs which flood your bodily tissues and repair damaged proteins they encounter.

Another important factor for brain health is the hormone BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF is important in the formation of long term memories through its influence on brain plasticity. BDNF has been shown to reliably increase during running, understood partly to be an effect from the increased body temperature (15) that is generated from the cardiovascular activity. Similar effects are expected with sauna usage.


Memory formation and recall is of the utmost importance for retaining a sharp mind, and there are many neurotransmitters which are responsible for memory creation. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is released during stressful moments, helping to focus, strengthen, and store new memories through its effect on brain plasticity (16). Sauna usage can increase norepinephrine levels 310% over baseline (17)! Heat exposure is an acute stressor, so the release of norepinephrine during and after sauna usage makes sense. Have something you particularly need to study or remember? Be sure to use the sauna to relax afterwards!


Heat Therapy Builds Muscle

Building muscle, a desirable goal for many, ultimately boils down to the interplay of muscle protein synthesis (building muscle) and muscle degradation (losing muscle). If your muscle protein synthesis is higher than muscle degradation, then you’ll build muscle. If muscle degradation is higher than muscle protein synthesis, no matter their relative levels, then muscle will be lost. When the two are in balance then muscle is maintained.

Sauna usage has been shown to have beneficial effects for building muscle, boosting muscle protein synthesis and decreasing muscle degradation.

Sauna usage increases muscle protein synthesis

One of the most fascinating effects of the sauna is the tremendous surge of growth hormone (GH) that it causes (18). Growth hormone is a vital bodily hormone responsible for maintaining healthy tissues, joints, skin, and hair. Downstream of GH is IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which is synthesized in response to growth hormone. IGF-1 is thought to be the main driver behind many of the anabolic effects of GH. IGF-1 activates the mTOR (a type of protein enzyme) pathway, which triggers muscle protein synthesis, and IGF-1 inhibits activation of FOXO proteins, consequently inhibiting protein degradation (19). Beneficial GH releases of 500% over baseline has been observed with normal sauna usage (17), such as two 15-minute dry sauna sessions at 212°F (100°C)! And this scales, with longer more frequent sauna sessions increasing growth hormone levels 1000+% over baseline (20).

And as mentioned earlier, improved insulin sensitivity brought on by sauna usage improves nutrient partitioning, shuttling nutrient towards muscular tissue instead of fat mass.

Sauna usage helps with recovery and reduces muscle degradation

Heat shock proteins (HSPs), due to their cellular cleanup roles, also help to prevent or mitigate oxidative stress by maintaining optimal glutathione levels (a naturally produced anti-oxidant) and through the scavenging of free radicals. When HSPs repair damaged proteins, this applies to damaged proteins found in damaged muscle fibers after injury or exercise.

When not in use, a muscle atrophies, and heat therapy using animals at 105.8°F (41°C) was shown to be dose dependent in reducing hindlimb muscle atrophy, with the 60 minute group stopping muscular atrophy by 32% compared to 20% for the 20 minute group (21). After atrophy occurs, muscle regrowth must occur to return to optimal health. If starting to exercise for the first time again in a while, this muscular reloading phase is particularly stressful and is responsible for a lot of oxidative stress throughout the body. The powerful abilities of heat shock proteins again come to the rescue, with heat therapy increasing muscle regrowth compared to control during a muscular reloading phase (22).


Heat Therapy is Great for Health

The sauna is a powerful wellness powerful that can be used to dramatically improve health, well-being, physiology, and more. These beneficial increases in longevity, increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, improved mental clarity, and improved well-being are mainly due to the release of heat shock proteins from the heat stress and the release of restorative growth hormone afterwards. Acute stressors such as exercise and heat therapy lead to improved health outcomes, whereas chronic stressors lead to disease. Heat therapy, being a wholly unique form of acute stressor, pairs synergistically with exercise in promoting abundant wellness.

Sauna usage is inherently different than exercise though because it is a very low energy activity. During the sauna you can stretch to improve your flexibility, practice breathing exercises, or meditate. One of the most important aspects is to practice mindfulness while using the sauna. Leave the cell phone outside and use the sauna with focus and intention.

As more research is done on sauna usage, I expect the popularity of heat therapy to increase. Maybe sauna usage will be just as popular as exercise one day!


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